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<div id="main">
<div id="title"> Han</div>
<div id="last-name-title"> Seoul-Oh</div>
<div id="under-title">The man who we all thought died</div>
<div id="img-div">
<img id="image" class="img-border img-size img-center" src="" alt="han not smiling">
<div id="img-caption"><em> Han state of mind where nothing matters but whats on the road</em> </div>
<div id="tribute-info">
<h2 id="top-into">This is Han Seoul-Oh Story</h2>
<h3 id="sub-headline"> Introduction </h3>
<p id="words"> Han Lue or best known as Han Seoul-Oh is quite the character in the franchise Fast and Furious. He is represented as a street racer, chameleon, thief, and a loyal friend to Dominic Toreto because whenever Dom needs a trustworthy member on the team to able to camouflage with its surroundings he calls Han. Han is also the only character to appear in other movies in the fast and furious franchise after Tokyo Drift since technically speaking Tokyo Drift wasn't apart of the franchise when it initially came out, but the character Han got so much love and support from the fans that the director decided to bring him back for 4th film Fast and Furious. and this is the life of the character Han Lue. </p>
<h3 id="movie-title"> Better Luck Tommorrow</h3>
<p id="words">Better Luck Tomorrow was produced by the same director who directed Tokyo Drift. The director likes to consider this movie as a backstory to the Character Han Lue or best known as Han Seoul-Oh. This movie takes place in Orange County, California and Han is a high school teenager attending Sunny Hills High School. In this movie, Han is cousins with Virgil Hu and they are both brought in by Ben Manibag to do a small operation that involves taking a small fortune. They slowly start to do more criminal activities such as stealing computer-parts from their school and also at one point drugs. They also participate in things as illegal street racing which is where Han got introduced to the world of street racing. </p>
<h3 id="movie-title"> Los Bandoleros</h3>
<p id="words">This is short film and its supposed to be a prequel to Fast and Furious, you can see Han is arriving in the Dominican Republic and is getting picked up at the airport by Dom's two friends. While being in the Dominican Republic Han is seen passing time at a local club with the people that picked him at the airport, Cara and Malo, while at the bar Han is talking to Cara and confirms that he heard of Dom in the racing world and they finally got to meet Dom back in Mexico and they've been doing work ever since. </P>
<h3 id="movie-title"> Fast and Furious</h3>
<p id="words">In the intro of the movie, you can see the crew doing a fuel heist. You can see Han driving a 1967 Chevrolet C-Series. After successfully pulling off the heist, Han tells Dom that their garage back in Baracoa is being raided by the police and that they're under investigation. He tells Dom that they should all leave together as soon as possible, but he disagrees. Dom knows he already is under suspicion so he believes if his crew gets caught with him his crew will suffer a longer sentence in prison. This is where they part ways they toast to good heist and Han is not heard of throughout the rest of the movie.</p>
<h3 id="movie-title"> Fast Five</h3>
<p id="words"> In this movie, Dom asks Han to come back for yet another heist. In this movie when Dom is assembling the team he mentions to Mia and Brain that they need a chameleon and therefore brings Han into the heist. Han is someone Dom can trust to blend in and get useful intel. Also, he knows that Han may not be the toughest but when necessary will always do anything to get what he wants. While in this movie he starts to catch feelings for the character Giselle.
He falls for her because she's not an outgoing girl and likes to be all out there but because she is someone lowkey that likes to live her world in shadows; like him. The team is successful in pulling off the heist and stealing 100 million dollars and also lucky enough to have a 24-hour headstart before Luke Hobbs starts to pursue them for the crimes they have committed in Brazil. At the end of the movie, you can see Han driving in a Lexus Lfa while having Giselle on his lap and on their way to Berlin.</p>
<h3 id="movie-title">Fast & Furious 6</h3>
<p id="words"> Dom calls in the crew becuase it has come to his attention that his ex-wife in whom he pursumed dead is very much alive so he calls the crew to help him recover the love of life he gets killed in the of 6.</p>
<h3 id="movie-title">The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift</h3>
<p id="words"> Here han gets the movie screen time out of all the movies this is the first movie technically speaking that the character han gets introduced into the franchise</p>
<h3 id="movie-title"> Furious 7 </h3>
<p id="words"> In this movie, Dom finds out that the person who they took down in the last mission Owen Shaw has a brother named Deckard Shaw. You can see that at the end of the credits in Fast & Furious 6, Deckard Shaw kills Han in a car accident. You can see this same scene in Furious 7. Dom now knows Deckard Shaw was the reason behind Han's death because there was also a package at his house front porch from Tokyo with a bomb inside of it. After the explosion that was set off by the bomb at his house, Dom hosts a funeral for his dear friend Han and the whole crew is their mourning Hans death and a picture of Giselle is placed next to Han's picture. This is the only screen time Hans character gets, and everyone presumes Han is dead.</p>
<h3 id="movie-title">F9</h3>
<p id="words"> The full movie is not out yet but the trailer to F9 is. In the trailer you once again see Dom facing on a challenge. This time it's a family issue and it looks like his brother is out to get him. Dom reunites the crew once again and in one scene you can see Letty coming out of a tunnel with a couple of people. One of those people she brought with her was Han. Han is back like he never left, and you can see him eating a snack like always. Dom approaches Han and gives him a nice welcome hug. In another scene, you can see Han drifting a car with quite the resemblance to his infamous black and orange 1997 RX-7 he had back in Tokyo Drift. So you can say Han comes back from the dead once again. </P>
<div id="img-div">
<img id="image" class="img-border img-size img-center" src= alt="han not smiling">
<p id="footer">If you are interested on learning in even more detailed about Han go to his <a id="tribute-link" href="" target="_blank"> fandom Page</a>.</p>
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