<div id="timeline-content">
<ul class="timeline">
<li class="event" data-date="65Million B.C.">
<h3>Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth</h3>
<p>RAWWWWWWRRR π’π¦</p>
<li class="event" data-date="2005">
<h3>Creative Component Launched</h3>
<p>"We can be all things to all people!" π£</p>
<li class="event" id="date" data-date="2009">
<h3>Squareflair was Born</h3>
<p></p> <p>"We can be all things to Squarespace users!" π£</p>
<li class="event" data-date="2021">
<h3>Squareflair Today</h3>
<p>"We design and build from scratch!" π£<p/> <p>When we say <em><strong>100% custom</strong></em> we mean itβ and we build all sites on the Squarespace Developer platform.<p/>
<p>Did you know that all of our pixels are hand-forged from the rarest of subpixels grown and harvested in the <em>Nerd Forest</em>? <br>π€π₯π€</p>
<p><strong>Our success can be measured by lives and brands enhanced by 9+ years of 100% Squarespace-focused service!</strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.squareflair.com">squareflair.com</a></p>
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/* Timeline */
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