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            Minor Update
            <div class="timeline-date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> November 7, 2015</div>
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              <li><code>CSS</code> added line 205 to 207 for <i>timeline date</i></li>
              <li><code>CSS</code> changed line @ 269 from <i>1199px to 991px</i></li>
              <li><code>HTML</code> + <code>CSS</code> and many more ... </li>
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            <p>Eu pid nunc urna integer, sed, cras tortor scelerisque penatibus facilisis a pulvinar, rhoncus sagittis ut nunc elit! Sociis in et? Rhoncus, vel dignissim in scelerisque. Dolor lacus pulvinar adipiscing adipiscing montes! Elementum risus adipiscing non, cras scelerisque risus penatibus? Massa vut, habitasse, tincidunt!</p>
            <p>Eu pid nunc urna integer, sed, cras tortor scelerisque penatibus facilisis a pulvinar, rhoncus sagittis ut nunc elit! Sociis in et?</p>
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            <p><img class="img-responsive" src=""></p>
            <p>Rubber cheese say cheese bocconcini. Caerphilly cheese and biscuits squirty cheese airedale lancashire cheese and biscuits rubber cheese squirty cheese. Ricotta fromage frais port-salut danish fontina cream cheese queso edam ricotta. Gouda monterey jack blue castello stilton rubber cheese.</p>
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            <p>Eu pid nunc urna integer, sed, cras tortor scelerisque penatibus facilisis a pulvinar, rhoncus sagittis ut nunc elit! Sociis in et? Rhoncus, vel dignissim in scelerisque. Dolor lacus pulvinar adipiscing adipiscing montes! Elementum risus adipiscing non, cras scelerisque risus penatibus? Massa vut, habitasse, tincidunt!</p>
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            <p>Cottage cheese rubber cheese everyone loves. Cow monterey jack cheesy grin cauliflower cheese cheesy feet mozzarella emmental blue castello. Lancashire boursin blue castello taleggio babybel bocconcini fondue cheese triangles. Fromage frais cheese strings airedale boursin st. agur blue cheese squirty cheese pecorino.</p>
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            <p>Eu pid nunc urna integer, sed, cras tortor scelerisque penatibus facilisis a pulvinar, rhoncus sagittis ut nunc elit! Sociis in et? Rhoncus, vel dignissim in scelerisque. Dolor lacus pulvinar adipiscing adipiscing montes! Elementum risus adipiscing non, cras scelerisque risus penatibus? Massa vut, habitasse, tincidunt!</p>
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            <p>Eu pid nunc urna integer, sed, cras tortor scelerisque penatibus facilisis a pulvinar, rhoncus sagittis ut nunc elit! Sociis in et? Rhoncus, vel dignissim in scelerisque. Dolor lacus pulvinar adipiscing adipiscing montes! Elementum risus adipiscing non, cras scelerisque risus penatibus? Massa vut, habitasse, tincidunt!</p>
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              <h4>Become GongKia</h4>
              <p class="timeline-date">November 1, 2014</p>
              <p>Eu pid nunc urna integer, sed, cras tortor scelerisque penatibus facilisis a pulvinar, rhoncus sagittis ut nunc elit! Sociis in et? Rhoncus, vel dignissim in scelerisque. Dolor lacus pulvinar adipiscing adipiscing montes! Elementum risus adipiscing non, cras scelerisque risus penatibus? Massa vut, habitasse, tincidunt!</p>
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