<input id="decompose" class="decompose" type="checkbox" checked>
<label for="decompose"> decompose (r+g+b)</label>
<div class="result">
<div>rgb(<span class="value-r">255</span> <span class="value-g">255</span> <span class="value-b">255</span>)</div>
<div>#<span class="value-rhex">ff</span> <span class="value-ghex">ff</span> <span class="value-bhex">ff</span></div></div>
<div class="colors">
<span id="red" class="r color"></span>
<span id="green" class="g color"></span>
<span id="blue" class="b color"></span>
<div class="panel">
<label class="label-r">
<span>decimal: <span id="value-r" class="value value-r">255</span></span>
<span>hex: <span id="value-rhex" class="value value-rhex">ff</span></span>
<span><span id="value-rhex-16" class="i16">15</span> * 16 + <span id="value-rhex-1" class="i1">15</span></span>
<input id="r" data-target="r" type="range" step="1" min="0" max="255" value="255">
<label class="label-g">
<span>decimal: <span id="value-g" class="value value-g">255</span></span>
<span>hex: <span id="value-ghex" class="value value-ghex">ff</span> </span>
<span><span id="value-ghex-16" class="i16">15</span> * 16 + <span id="value-ghex-1" class="i1">15</span></span>
<input id="g" data-target="g" type="range" step="1" min="0" max="255" value="255">
<label class="label-b">
<span>decimal: <span id="value-b" class="value value-b">255</span></span>
<span>hex: <span id="value-bhex" class="value value-bhex">ff</span></span>
<span><span id="value-bhex-16" class="i16">15</span> * 16 + <span id="value-bhex-1" class="i1">15</span></span>
<input id="b" data-target="b" type="range" step="1" min="0" max="255" value="255">
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el.innerHTML = hexString.length === 1 ? '0'+hexString : hexString;
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sliders.forEach( element => {
element.addEventListener( 'input', () => {
updateColor( element );
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