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            d="m 215,-60.000188 c -8.31,0 -15,6.69 -15,15 v 15.099651 h 9.66016 c 3.64176,-2.490239 -4.17023,-8.214844 3.19726,-8.214844 7.36749,0 0.0901,5.316696 2.98828,8.214844 h 9.1543 v -8.988611 c 1.25268,-3.749198 7.57614,2.295041 7.57614,-3.964466 0,-6.259507 -5.70038,0.396838 -7.57614,-3.964466 v -13.182108 z" />
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  <div class="submit">Puzzle</div>

<div class="button">
       viewBox="0 0 600 180">
            d="M 214.75 60.25 C 206.44 60.25 199.75 66.94 199.75 75.25 L 199.75 85.25 L 224.75 60.25 L 214.75 60.25 z " />
            d="M 224.75 60.25 L 199.75 85.25 L 199.75 105.25 C 199.75 108.11697 200.56093 110.78156 201.94531 113.05469 L 254.75 60.25 L 224.75 60.25 z " />
            d="M 254.75 60.25 L 201.94531 113.05469 C 204.5736 117.37029 209.30697 120.25 214.75 120.25 L 224.75 120.25 L 284.75 60.25 L 254.75 60.25 z " />
            d="M 284.75 60.25 L 224.75 120.25 L 254.75 120.25 L 314.75 60.25 L 284.75 60.25 z " />
            d="M 314.75 60.25 L 254.75 120.25 L 284.75 120.25 L 344.75 60.25 L 314.75 60.25 z " />
            d="M 344.75 60.25 L 284.75 120.25 L 314.75 120.25 L 374.75 60.25 L 344.75 60.25 z " />
            d="M 374.75 60.25 L 314.75 120.25 L 344.75 120.25 L 397.55469 67.445312 C 394.9264 63.129713 390.19303 60.25 384.75 60.25 L 374.75 60.25 z " />
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            d="M 399.75 95.25 L 374.75 120.25 L 384.75 120.25 C 393.06 120.25 399.75 113.56 399.75 105.25 L 399.75 95.25 z " />
  <div class="submit">Blinds</div>

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       viewBox="0 0 600 180">
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            d="M 199.75 79.226562 L 199.75 101.17969 L 207.98242 90.203125 L 199.75 79.226562 z " />
            d="M 209.81641 61.091797 C 203.94809 63.125368 199.75 68.672569 199.75 75.25 L 199.75 79.226562 L 207.98242 90.203125 L 199.75 101.17969 L 199.75 105.25 C 199.75 111.86439 203.9939 117.44027 209.91406 119.44531 L 202.98242 110.20312 L 217.98242 90.203125 L 202.98242 70.203125 L 209.81641 61.091797 z " />
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            d="M 260.44727 60.25 L 252.98242 70.203125 L 267.98242 90.203125 L 252.98242 110.20312 L 260.51758 120.25 L 270.51758 120.25 L 262.98242 110.20312 L 277.98242 90.203125 L 262.98242 70.203125 L 270.44727 60.25 L 260.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 270.44727 60.25 L 262.98242 70.203125 L 277.98242 90.203125 L 262.98242 110.20312 L 270.51758 120.25 L 280.51758 120.25 L 272.98242 110.20312 L 287.98242 90.203125 L 272.98242 70.203125 L 280.44727 60.25 L 270.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 280.44727 60.25 L 272.98242 70.203125 L 287.98242 90.203125 L 272.98242 110.20312 L 280.51758 120.25 L 290.51758 120.25 L 282.98242 110.20312 L 297.98242 90.203125 L 282.98242 70.203125 L 290.44727 60.25 L 280.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 290.44727 60.25 L 282.98242 70.203125 L 297.98242 90.203125 L 282.98242 110.20312 L 290.51758 120.25 L 300.51758 120.25 L 292.98242 110.20312 L 307.98242 90.203125 L 292.98242 70.203125 L 300.44727 60.25 L 290.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 300.44727 60.25 L 292.98242 70.203125 L 307.98242 90.203125 L 292.98242 110.20312 L 300.51758 120.25 L 310.51758 120.25 L 302.98242 110.20312 L 317.98242 90.203125 L 302.98242 70.203125 L 310.44727 60.25 L 300.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 310.44727 60.25 L 302.98242 70.203125 L 317.98242 90.203125 L 302.98242 110.20312 L 310.51758 120.25 L 320.51758 120.25 L 312.98242 110.20312 L 327.98242 90.203125 L 312.98242 70.203125 L 320.44727 60.25 L 310.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 320.44727 60.25 L 312.98242 70.203125 L 327.98242 90.203125 L 312.98242 110.20312 L 320.51758 120.25 L 330.51758 120.25 L 322.98242 110.20312 L 337.98242 90.203125 L 322.98242 70.203125 L 330.44727 60.25 L 320.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 330.44727 60.25 L 322.98242 70.203125 L 337.98242 90.203125 L 322.98242 110.20312 L 330.51758 120.25 L 340.51758 120.25 L 332.98242 110.20312 L 347.98242 90.203125 L 332.98242 70.203125 L 340.44727 60.25 L 330.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 340.44727 60.25 L 332.98242 70.203125 L 347.98242 90.203125 L 332.98242 110.20312 L 340.51758 120.25 L 350.51758 120.25 L 342.98242 110.20312 L 357.98242 90.203125 L 342.98242 70.203125 L 350.44727 60.25 L 340.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 360.44727 60.25 L 352.98242 70.203125 L 367.98242 90.203125 L 352.98242 110.20312 L 360.51758 120.25 L 370.51758 120.25 L 362.98242 110.20312 L 377.98242 90.203125 L 362.98242 70.203125 L 370.44727 60.25 L 360.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 370.44727 60.25 L 362.98242 70.203125 L 377.98242 90.203125 L 362.98242 110.20312 L 370.51758 120.25 L 380.51758 120.25 L 372.98242 110.20312 L 387.98242 90.203125 L 372.98242 70.203125 L 380.44727 60.25 L 370.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 380.44727 60.25 L 372.98242 70.203125 L 387.98242 90.203125 L 372.98242 110.20312 L 380.51758 120.25 L 384.75 120.25 C 386.54266 120.25 388.25276 119.92333 389.84375 119.35156 L 382.98242 110.20312 L 397.98242 90.203125 L 382.98242 70.203125 L 389.78711 61.128906 C 388.21199 60.569994 386.52147 60.25 384.75 60.25 L 380.44727 60.25 z " />
            d="M 389.78711 61.128906 L 382.98242 70.203125 L 397.98242 90.203125 L 382.98242 110.20312 L 389.84375 119.35156 C 392.42764 118.42297 394.68316 116.82074 396.38281 114.73633 L 392.98242 110.20312 L 399.75 101.17969 L 399.75 79.226562 L 392.98242 70.203125 L 396.34766 65.716797 C 394.63998 63.639157 392.3759 62.047505 389.78711 61.128906 z " />
            d="M 396.34766 65.716797 L 392.98242 70.203125 L 399.75 79.226562 L 399.75 75.25 C 399.75 71.622968 398.47502 68.305041 396.34766 65.716797 z M 399.75 101.17969 L 392.98242 110.20312 L 396.38281 114.73633 C 398.48789 112.15472 399.75 108.8559 399.75 105.25 L 399.75 101.17969 z " />
  <div class="submit">Zig-zag</div>
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