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  <h1> 10 creative (legal) things you can do with duct tape(Adam Kott)</h1>
  <p> This page is a short example of all the various and strange uses that duct tape has</p>
  <h2> Duct tape boat</h2>
  <img src='' />
  <p> The first and most known random use for duct tape is making a working boat. the myth busters have done this as shown in my featured image from paper course.</p>
  <p>1) build a frame you can tape around in the shape of a boat</p>
  <p>2) buy a lot of duct tape</p>
  <p>3) put overlapping strips of duct tape on the inside of the  boat</p>
  <p>4) repeat step 3 on the out side of the boat</p>
  <p>5) enjoy your new water craft</p>
  <h3>Splinter Remover</h3>
  <p>Duct tape can also be used as a splinter remover.</p>
  <p>Removing a splinter is a very simple process, you can use household duct tape but i recommend the t-rex brand duct tape because it has the strongest stick.</p>
  <p>First locate the splinter, then take a towel and soak it in water and hold on splintered area for <b>Five minutes</b> to loosen up your skin. Then, make sure the area is good and dry and take a piece of duct tape and press it on to the splinter and leave for <b>1 to 2 minutes</b> then gently pull the duct tape off and see the splinter stuck to it.</p>
  <h4>Fly Catcher</h4>
  <p>The Fly Catcher with duct tape is very simple. you just tear like 6 inch strips of duct tape off and hang them on your front porch or in your house and over time flies will land on it and get stuck.</p>
<footer> Created by: Adam Kott




