<!-- Designed by:  Mauricio Bucardo
Original image: https://dribbble.com/shots/6957353-Music-Player-Widget -->

<div id="root"></div>
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.icon-next:before {
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.icon-pause:before {
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  color: #fff;
.icon-play:before {
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  color: #fff;
.icon-playlist:before {
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  color: #fff;

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.loading {
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  width: 20.9375em;
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.slider {
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.slider.resize {
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  height: var(--music-player-height);
.slider::after {
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.slider.resize .slider__content {
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.slider__content .button {
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  width: var(--size);
  height: var(--size);
.slider__content i {
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  font-size: var(--size);
.music-player__playlist-button {
  top: 5.5%;
  left: 5.5%;
  transform: scale(0);
  transition: calc(var(--duration) / 2) transform;
.slider.resize .music-player__playlist-button {
  transform: scale(1);
  transition: 0.35s var(--duration) transform cubic-bezier(0, 0.85, 0.11, 1.64);
.music-player__broadcast-guarantor .icon-pause,
.music-player__broadcast-guarantor.click .icon-play {
  opacity: 0;
.music-player__broadcast-guarantor.click .icon-pause {
  opacity: 1;
.slider__imgs {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  filter: brightness(75%);
  transform: translate3d(calc(var(--index) * 100%), 0, 0);
  transition: var(--duration) transform var(--ease-slider);
.slider__imgs > img {
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.slider__controls {
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  /* Animation performance is better than transition */

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@keyframes down {
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@keyframes up {
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  100% {
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.slider__switch-button {
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  height: max-content;
.music-player__info {
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  padding: 0 0.0625em;
  white-space: nowrap;
.music-player__info > * {
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  pointer-events: none;
.music-player__singer-name {
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  width: max-content;
.music-player__subtitle {
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  color: var(--color-text-2);
.slider__controls .music-player__subtitle {
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.music-player__subtitle.animate {
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  animation: subtitle 12s 1.2s linear infinite;
@keyframes subtitle {
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.progress {
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.slider.resize .progress {
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.music-player__playlist {
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  padding: 1.28125em 1.09375em 0 var(--offset-cover);
.music-player__song {
  --gap: 0.75em;

  cursor: pointer;
  margin-bottom: var(--gap);
  padding-bottom: var(--gap);
  border-bottom: 1.938px solid #d8d8d859;
.music-player__song audio {
  display: none;
.music-player__song-img {
  width: var(--cover-size);
  height: var(--cover-size);
  border-radius: var(--border-radius);
.music-player__playlist-info {
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.music-player__song-duration {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 0.7875em;
  color: var(--color-text-2);

@media screen and (min-width: 1366px) {
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@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
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@media screen and (max-width: 280px) {
  .music-player {
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/** @jsx dom */

let indexSong = 0;
let isLocked = false;
let songsLength = null;
let selectedSong = null;
let loadingProgress = 0;
let songIsPlayed = false;
let progress_elmnt = null;
let songName_elmnt = null;
let sliderImgs_elmnt = null;
let singerName_elmnt = null;
let progressBar_elmnt = null;
let playlistSongs_elmnt = [];
let loadingProgress_elmnt = null;
let musicPlayerInfo_elmnt = null;
let progressBarIsUpdating = false;
let broadcastGuarantor_elmnt = null;
const root = querySelector("#root");

function App({ songs }) {
  function handleChangeMusic({ isPrev = false, playListIndex = null }) {
    if (isLocked || indexSong === playListIndex) return;

    if (playListIndex || playListIndex === 0) {
      indexSong = playListIndex;
    } else {
      indexSong = isPrev ? (indexSong -= 1) : (indexSong += 1);

    if (indexSong < 0) {
      indexSong = 0;
    } else if (indexSong > songsLength) {
      indexSong = songsLength;

    selectedSong.currentTime = 0;
    progressBarIsUpdating = false;
    selectedSong = playlistSongs_elmnt[indexSong];

    if (selectedSong.paused && songIsPlayed) selectedSong.play();
    else selectedSong.pause();

    setProperty(sliderImgs_elmnt, "--index", -indexSong);
    updateInfo(singerName_elmnt, songs[indexSong].artist);
    updateInfo(songName_elmnt, songs[indexSong].songName);


  return (
    <div class="music-player flex-column">
      <Slider slides={songs} handleChangeMusic={handleChangeMusic} />
      <Playlist list={songs} handleChangeMusic={handleChangeMusic} />

function Slider({ slides, handleChangeMusic }) {
  function handleResizeSlider({ target }) {
    if (isLocked) {
    } else if (target.classList.contains("music-player__info")) {
      setProperty(this, "--controls-animate", "down running");
    } else if (target.classList.contains("music-player__playlist-button")) {
      setProperty(this, "--controls-animate", "up running");
  function handlePlayMusic() {
    if (selectedSong.currentTime === selectedSong.duration) {

    songIsPlayed = !songIsPlayed;
    selectedSong.paused ? selectedSong.play() : selectedSong.pause();

  return (
    <div class="slider center" onClick={handleResizeSlider}>
      <div class="slider__content center">
        <button class="music-player__playlist-button center button">
          <i class="icon-playlist" />
          class="music-player__broadcast-guarantor center button"
          <i class="icon-play" />
          <i class="icon-pause" />
        <div class="slider__imgs flex-row">
          {slides.map(({ songName, files: { cover } }) => (
            <img src={cover} class="img" alt={songName} />
      <div class="slider__controls center">
          class="slider__switch-button flex-row button"
          onClick={() => handleChangeMusic({ isPrev: true })}
          <i class="icon-back" />
        <div class="music-player__info text_trsf-cap">
            <div class="music-player__singer-name">
            <div class="music-player__subtitle">
          class="slider__switch-button flex-row button"
          onClick={() => handleChangeMusic({ isPrev: false })}
          <i class="icon-next" />
          class="progress center"
          onPointerdown={(e) => {
            progressBarIsUpdating = true;
          <div class="progress__wrapper">
            <div class="progress__bar center" />

function Playlist({ list, handleChangeMusic }) {
  function loadedAudio() {
    const duration = this.duration;
    const target = this.parentElement.querySelector(

    let min = parseInt(duration / 60);
    if (min < 10) min = "0" + min;

    let sec = parseInt(duration % 60);
    if (sec < 10) sec = "0" + sec;


  function updateTheProgressBar() {
    const duration = this.duration;
    const currentTime = this.currentTime;

    const progressBarWidth = (currentTime / duration) * 100;
    setProperty(progressBar_elmnt, "--width", `${progressBarWidth}%`);

    if (songIsPlayed && currentTime === duration) {

    if (
      indexSong === songsLength &&
      this === selectedSong &&
      currentTime === duration
    ) {
      songIsPlayed = false;

  return (
    <ul class="music-player__playlist list">
      {list.map(({ songName, artist, files: { cover, song } }, index) => {
        return (
            onClick={() =>
              handleChangeMusic({ isPrev: false, playListIndex: index })
            <div class="flex-row _align_center">
              <img src={cover} class="img music-player__song-img" />
              <div class="music-player__playlist-info  text_trsf-cap">
                <b class="text_overflow">{songName}</b>
                <div class="flex-row _justify_space-btwn">
                  <span class="music-player__subtitle">{artist}</span>
                  <span class="music-player__song-duration"></span>

function Loading() {
  return (
    <div class="loading flex-row">
      <span class="loading__progress">0</span>

function dom(tag, props, ...children) {
  if (typeof tag === "function") return tag(props, ...children);

  function addChild(parent, child) {
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        child.nodeType ? child : document.createTextNode(child.toString())

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  children.forEach((child) => {
    addChild(element, child);

  return element;

  .then((respone) => respone)
  .then((data) => data.json())
  .then((result) => {
    const songs = result.songs;

    function downloadTheFiles(media, input) {
      return Promise.all(
        input.map((song) => {
          const promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
            const url = song.files[media];
            const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
            req.open("GET", url, true);
            req.responseType = "blob";
            req.onreadystatechange = () => {
              if (req.readyState === 4) {
                if (req.status === 200) {
                  const blob = req.response;
                  const file = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                  song.files[media] = file;

          promise.then(() => {
            const progress = Math.round(
              (loadingProgress / (songs.length * 2)) * 100
            loadingProgress_elmnt.innerHTML = progress;

          return promise;

    root.appendChild(<Loading />);
    loadingProgress_elmnt = querySelector(".loading__progress");

    downloadTheFiles("cover", songs).then((respone) => {
      downloadTheFiles("song", respone).then((data) => {
        root.appendChild(<App songs={data} />);

        songsLength = data.length - 1;
        progress_elmnt = querySelector(".progress");
        playlistSongs_elmnt = querySelectorAll("audio");
        sliderImgs_elmnt = querySelector(".slider__imgs");
        songName_elmnt = querySelector(".music-player__subtitle");
        musicPlayerInfo_elmnt = querySelector(".music-player__info");
        singerName_elmnt = querySelector(".music-player__singer-name");
        selectedSong = playlistSongs_elmnt[indexSong];
        progressBar_elmnt = querySelector(".progress__bar");
        broadcastGuarantor_elmnt = querySelector(

        controlSubtitleAnimation(musicPlayerInfo_elmnt, songName_elmnt);
        controlSubtitleAnimation(musicPlayerInfo_elmnt, singerName_elmnt);

function controlSubtitleAnimation(parent, child) {
  if (child.classList.contains("animate")) return;

  const element = child.firstChild;

  if (child.clientWidth > parent.clientWidth) {

  setProperty(child.parentElement, "width", `${element.clientWidth}px`);
function handleResize() {
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function querySelector(target) {
  return document.querySelector(target);
function querySelectorAll(target) {
  return document.querySelectorAll(target);
function setProperty(target, prop, value = "") {
  target.style.setProperty(prop, value);
function setBodyBg(color) {
  setProperty(document.body, "--body-bg", color);
function updateInfo(target, value) {
  while (target.firstChild) {

  const targetChild_elmnt = document.createElement("div");
  controlSubtitleAnimation(musicPlayerInfo_elmnt, target);
function handleScrub(e) {
  const progressOffsetLeft = progress_elmnt.getBoundingClientRect().left;
  const progressWidth = progress_elmnt.offsetWidth;
  const duration = selectedSong.duration;
  const currentTime = (e.clientX - progressOffsetLeft) / progressWidth;

  selectedSong.currentTime = currentTime * duration;


window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize);
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", handleResize);
window.addEventListener("transitionstart", ({ target }) => {
  if (target === sliderImgs_elmnt) {
    isLocked = true;
    setProperty(sliderImgs_elmnt, "will-change", "transform");
window.addEventListener("transitionend", ({ target, propertyName }) => {
  if (target === sliderImgs_elmnt) {
    isLocked = false;
    setProperty(sliderImgs_elmnt, "will-change", "auto");
  if (target.classList.contains("slider") && propertyName === "height") {
    controlSubtitleAnimation(musicPlayerInfo_elmnt, songName_elmnt);
    controlSubtitleAnimation(musicPlayerInfo_elmnt, singerName_elmnt);
window.addEventListener("pointerup", () => {
  if (progressBarIsUpdating) {
    selectedSong.muted = false;
    progressBarIsUpdating = false;
window.addEventListener("pointermove", (e) => {
  if (progressBarIsUpdating) {
    handleScrub(e, this);
    selectedSong.muted = true;
View Compiled

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.