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                morphSVG: 'M4.99997 3L8.99997 1.5C8.99997 1.5 10.6901 3 12 3C13.3098 3 15 1.5 15 1.5L19 3L22.5 8L19.5 10.5L19 9.5L17.1781 18.6093C17.062 19.1901 16.778 19.7249 16.3351 20.1181C15.4265 20.925 13.7133 22.3147 12 23C10.2868 22.3147 8.57355 20.925 7.66487 20.1181C7.22198 19.7249 6.93798 19.1901 6.82183 18.6093L4.99997 9.5L4.5 10.5L1.5 8L4.99997 3Z',
                duration: 0,
                delay: 1.25

