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    <span>The father sitting at his desk, angrily pointing away, shouting.</span>
      This is just a meme, the format of which is often dependent on visuals whose context relies on understanding imagery extant in pop culture
    <span>The son sitting in front of the desk, animatedly pointing down, leaning forward, and shouting.</span>
      But the reliance on imagery, by definition, excludes those who cannot see it from participating
    <span>The father leaning far forward in his chair, clearly shouting at the top of his lungs.</span>
      Not every gag on the internet needs to be made accessible to all possible users; that alone will stymy the creativity that defines memes
    <span>The son, standing, throwing a chair straight down into the ground while yelling.</span>
      You are wantonly depriving those who may enjoy it because of your concern over the effort to make it inclusive
    <span>The father standing in a doorway, pointing at his departing son, shouting.</span>
      Perhaps you should take your skills in this space and generate an accessible version of this meme


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