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    <img src="" alt="Video from 2020 Tokyo Paralympics Twitter account with no captions."><br>
    <a href="">Video</a>.
    <span>Stylized X-ray of a human skull with a tiny brain floating loosely in the middle.</span>
    <img src="" alt="The same video but from WeThe15 for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics, this one with captions."><br>
    <a href="">Video with captions</a>.
    <span>A human head illustration, transparent and showing a brain littered with small glowing patches of light.</span>
    <img src="" alt="The same video also from WeThe15 for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics, but this has a sign language interpretor in addition to captions."><br>
    <a href="">Video with captions and signing</a>.
    <span>The same human head, but now the brain is glowing, bright in the middle and making the surface translucent.</span>
    <img src="" alt="Virtual meeting with legless avatars seated around a conference table and gesturing at one another, from Facebook Workrooms."><br>
    Directly into your mind<br>so you can never flee.
    <span>The brain is now glowing so brightly that it is projecting rays of light through and past the skull, little balls of light as nodes on the beams into the expanse.</span>


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