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                <svg viewBox="0 0 3000 2300" fill="none" xmlns="" id="container">
    <filter id='scribble'>
      <feturbulence basefrequency='0.05' id='turbulence' numoctaves='2' result='noise' seed='0'></feturbulence>
      <fedisplacementmap id='displacement' in2='noise' in='SourceGraphic' scale='3'></fedisplacementmap>

    <filter id='pencil-filter'>
      <feturbulence basefrequency='0.05' id='turbulence' numoctaves='2' result='noise' seed='0'></feturbulence>
      <feOffset result="offOut" in="SourceAlpha" dx="2" dy="5" />
      <feColorMatrix result="matrixOut" in="offOut" type="matrix" values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 0" />
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      <feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="blurOut" mode="normal" result="newGraphic" />
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      <path d="M2 158C2 134.5 36 11 38 4.5s8.5-4 10.5 0S92 148.5 92 158v371a24 24 0 0 1-24 24H26a24 24 0 0 1-24-24V158Z" fill="#fff" />
      <rect y="480" x="1.5" width="90" fill="#fff" rx="35" ry="20" height="950" />

    <g id="pencil-source" mask="url(#pencil-mask)">

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      <path d="M69.5 74C80.6 112.1 92 153 92 158v1a61 61 0 0 0-20-4c-5.4 0-9.5 2.8-14.3 6.1-6.8 4.7-15 10.4-30.2 10.4-10.7 0-18.3-7-25.5-15 .6-12.5 8-44.8 16-76.5 17.3 7.4 39 9.3 51.5-6Z" style="fill: var(--wood-color);" />
      <path opacity=".07" fill="#171D22" d="M0 25h28v1410H0z" />
      <path opacity=".16" fill="#171D22" d="M67 47h27v1388H67z" />
    <g id="space-scribble">
      <path id="space-scribble-path" d="m211 1496-95-2c-19 0-40-1-52-20 42-7 107-13 149-20-2-14-15-17-25-17l-178-3c-1-5 4-9 8-11 56-26 154-13 210-37-4-11-15-13-24-13l-181 1c59-10 152-21 211-31l-221-9c80-45 144-18 222-67-81-12-144 12-224-12l224-43-228-9 87-17c34-6 89-13 121-27l-194-1c32-22 89-21 124-27 29-5 57-15 85-24l-218-3c60-19 122-34 163-46 16-5 45-10 60-18-64-20-154 0-219 6 52-24 144-49 197-64-47 12-135 11-183 14 46-22 122-40 171-52-57 0-134-1-191-5 12-13 28-17 43-22 51-14 118-24 169-32H71c-18 0-37 0-54-7 65-18 151-13 212-48-57 2-130 1-187-3 44-17 126-31 171-42-55 5-146 5-201 4 66-19 151-39 217-58l-157-1c-15 0-31 0-46 5 63-26 145-52 210-60H60c-17 0-33 0-48 7 54-10 155-22 208-38-55-1-128-2-183 2 46-4 110-17 153-40 11-6 22-12 34-13-63 15-147-4-209 14 47-15 98-25 146-30 21-2 44-3 64-14-75-1-142-14-217-8 81-14 149-53 231-58-78 19-150-17-228 1 34-14 62-23 98-27 40-4 81-1 120-16-74 19-149-8-224-5 71-22 155-23 223-57-22 0-44 1-66-1l-63-7c-28-2-56 2-84 6 64-37 150-32 218-52-14-4-29-4-43-4l-172-1 165-33c15-3 29-6 43-14-16 4-32 4-48 4-50 0-115 0-165-2 9-6 20-6 30-6 57 0 129-9 185-27-65 3-144 5-207-11 65-18 146-31 212-39-61-5-151-4-212 3 10-9 22-13 33-17 23-8 59-11 82-16l91-22-210-5c53-30 145-36 203-44L12 97l206-37H33c51-21 114-17 165-35L116 6" style="stroke: var(--stroke-color);" stroke-width="6" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />

  <g class="spaces">
    <rect y="0" height="2300" fill="#000" class="space space-0" data-index="0" />
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  <g class="scribbles">
    <path d="M89.3 5c-20 .2-71 1.3-83.5 24.4C-6.8 53 128.5 56.1 129.5 59.7c2.8 9.7-65.1 40.3-71.5 45-19.3 14.2 2.8 14.4 16.3 16.7" />
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    <path d="M37.2 5C24.3 5-9.3 4 11.8 26.7 19.5 35 54.2 47.1 39 53.8c-48 21.3-6.7 76.9-28.2 112.7" />
    <path d="M22.7 19c-3.4.5-27.4 8.6-13.3 8.6 20 0 39.5-2.6 59.2-5.5 6.3-.9 16.3-4.5 6.8 1-10 6-20.6 11-31 16.3-8 4-18 7.7-23.6 14.8-6.2 7.9 39.3 7.8 44 7.8 4.3.1 2.4 1.2-.5 2.4-14.7 6-29.1 13-42 22.3-6 4.2-12.7 12.1-6.4 19.4 5.2 6.1 19.7 8 27 8.8 2.9.3 12.6-1.2 5.4 1-3.7 1.3-8.6 3.2-11.7 5.6-1 .7-.9-3.5-1-4.9-.5-11.1-2.2-22.2-2.7-33.3-1-19.5 0-38.6 2.4-58 .3-2.7.1-17 1-16.3A23.8 23.8 0 0 0 69 8.4c6.6-6-5-2.5-7.7-1.3a66.1 66.1 0 0 0-25.4 24c-11.7 16.6-6.2 33.6 8.6 46.4 4.3 3.7 12.2 7.5 14.8 13C61.6 95 42 104 40 105.8c-19.9 16-.9 23.7 16 28.6 10.7 3.2 21.8 5.3 32.7 7.6 3.3.7 11.5 0 9.6 2.8-.8 1.2-6.3.2-7.8.6-.6.2-3.7 1.2-1.8 1.2" />
    <path d="M12.5 5c2.7 16.7 11.3 35.8 11.3 51.7 0 14.2-5 25-8 38.4C11.5 114.5 5 131.2 5 151.4" />
    <path d="M47.8 5c-72.5 0-36.6 55.8-10 85.2 24.2 26.6-27.3 37.6-27.3 61.9" />
    <path d="M47.2 155.2C24.4 125.4 5 108.5 33.7 76.5c15.9-17.7 11-51.2 6-71.5m-30 7.5c-6.5 16.6-7.8 24.2 6.2 35.7C23.8 54.6 43 56.7 47.2 65" />
    <path d="M22.1 106.4c19.5-8.1 30-14 30-35.5 0-14.4-8.6-15-18.7-24.6-8-7.5-18.7-4.5-22.5-16.9C6.4 14.8-2.8 10.3 18.4 5" />
    <path d="M5 5c20.4 15.8 44.4 35.5 57.2 58.4C66.7 71.7 73.4 81 80 87.6m7.5-75C65 23.3 32.8 32.4 14.2 50c-9 8.5-5.4 26.4-5.4 37.5" />
    <path d="M5 86.9c15.6-17 32.8-31.4 45.7-50.7 6.6-9.9 13-19.9 20-29.5 6-8.2 7 15 7 19.9 0 11.1 3.2 22.2 3.2 33 0 3 .3 17.6-2 8.8-3-11.8-13.3-22.8-18.2-34-2.7-6.3-6.7-13.1-7.7-20-1.3-10.4 7.4 2.3 10.8 5C77.6 30 87 35 93.3 52c1.4 4 5.7 16.7 10.7 16.7" />
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  <g class="space-scribbles">
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    <use href="#space-scribble" class="space-scribble space-scribble-black" data-space-scribble="4" />
    <use href="#space-scribble" class="space-scribble space-scribble-red" data-space-scribble="5" />
    <use href="#space-scribble" class="space-scribble space-scribble-orange" data-space-scribble="6" />
    <use href="#space-scribble" class="space-scribble space-scribble-yellow" data-space-scribble="7" />
    <use href="#space-scribble" class="space-scribble space-scribble-green" data-space-scribble="8" />
    <use href="#space-scribble" class="space-scribble space-scribble-navy" data-space-scribble="9" />
    <use href="#space-scribble" class="space-scribble space-scribble-purple" data-space-scribble="10" />

  <g class="pencils">

    <g class="pencil" data-index="0">
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    <g class="pencil" data-index="1">
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    <g class="pencil" data-index="2">
      <use href="#pencil-source" class="pencil-instance" />
    <g class="pencil" data-index="3">
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    <g class="pencil" data-index="5">
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    <g class="pencil" data-index="6">
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    <g class="pencil" data-index="7">
      <use href="#pencil-source" class="pencil-instance" />
    <g class="pencil" data-index="8">
      <use href="#pencil-source" class="pencil-instance" />
    <g class="pencil" data-index="9">
      <use href="#pencil-source" class="pencil-instance" />
    <g class="pencil" data-index="10">
      <use href="#pencil-source" class="pencil-instance" />



                :root {
  --fill-color: #f7eae2;
  --wood-color: #dab28e;
  --start: 100;
  --space: 170;
  --white: #f7eae2;
  --pink: #f498c0;
  --lightblue: #7cc0ea;
  --brown: #603917;
  --black: #231f1f;
  --red: #ee3124;
  --orange: #f57f29;
  --yellow: #fff000;
  --green: #58b947;
  --navy: #0054a6;
  --purple: #9f248f;

$colors: white, pink, lightblue, brown, black, red, orange, yellow, green, navy,

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;
  background-color: #f5ebe2;
  background-image: url("");

svg {
  height: auto;
  max-width: 99vw;
  max-height: 99vh;
  opacity: 0;

.space {
  --width: calc(3000px / 11);
  width: var(--width);
  opacity: 0;

.pencil {
  x: 0;
  filter: url(#pencil-filter);

.space-scribbles {
  filter: url(#scribble);
  & path {
    transform-origin: bottom center;
    stroke: var(--fill-color, black);
    stroke-width: 9;
    stroke-linecap: round;

.space-scribble {
  stroke-dasharray: 12248;
  stroke-dashoffset: 12248;
  transition: all 2s;
} {
  stroke-dashoffset: 0;

@for $i from 0 through 10 {
  .space-#{$i} {
    x: calc(#{$i} * var(--width));
.mask-rect {
  height: 950;

@for $i from 1 through length($colors) {
  .pencil:nth-child(#{length($colors)}n + #{$i}) {
    background: nth($colors, $i);
    --fill-color: var(--#{nth($colors, $i)});
    --index: #{$i};

  .space-scribble:nth-child(#{length($colors)}n + #{$i}) {
    --stroke-color: var(--#{nth($colors, $i)});

  .scribbles > path:nth-child(#{length($colors)}n + #{$i}) {
    --fill-color: var(--#{nth($colors, $i)});
    --index: #{$i};



                const container = document.querySelector("#container");
const pencilContainer = document.querySelector(".pencils");
const pencilHeight = 1435;
const pencilWidth = 90;

const scribblePathLength = 12248;

const gridWidth = 3000;
const gridHeight = 2300;
const gridCount = 11;
const spaceWidth = gridWidth / gridCount;

function checkEndState() {
  const index =;
  const space = document.querySelector(`.space-${index}`);
  const spaceScribble = document.querySelector(
  if (this.hitTest(space)) {, {
      y: Math.round(gridHeight / 2 - pencilHeight / 2),
      x: index * spaceWidth + spaceWidth / 2 - pencilWidth / 2
  } else {

function init() {
  gsap.set(".pencil", {
    transformOrigin: "center",
    x: "random(0, 3000)",
    y: "random(0, 1000)"

  gsap.set(".pencil-instance", {
    rotate: "random(0, 360)",
    transformOrigin: "center"

  gsap.set(".scribbles > *", {
    x: (i) => i * spaceWidth + spaceWidth / 2 - 20,
    y: 250

  gsap.set(".space-scribble", {
    x: (i) => i * spaceWidth,
    y: 450,
    rotate: "180deg",
    transformOrigin: "center"
  });"#container", { opacity: 1 });

  Draggable.create(".pencil", {
    bounds: container,
    inertia: true,
    onDragStart: (e) => {, { rotate: 0, duration: 1.5, ease: "back.out(1.4)" });
    liveSnap: {
      radius: 1
    onDragEnd: checkEndState,
    onThrowComplete: checkEndState


