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+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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<div id="app">
    A data-table example using it's props and @select handler
    @select="(items) => selected = items"

    This is just an example that you can do using
    VueDataTablee @select handler...
    <li class="label" :key="'label'">Selected users:</li>
      v-for="name in =>"
    >{{ name }}</li>

    another example using rows as slots
      { label: 'Index', sort: false },
      { label: 'Name', field: 'name' }
    <template slot="row" slot-scope="{ row, index }">
      <td class="data-tablee-cell">
        <span class="data-tablee-text">{{ index + 1 }}</span>
      <td class="data-tablee-cell">
        <span class="data-tablee-text">{{ }}</span>


                // Centralize stuff
  display flex
  flex-direction row
  justify-content space-around
  align-items center

  margin 0
  padding 0
    transition transform .5s ease,
               opacity .5s ease
    opacity 0
  > .label
    list-style: none
    text-align: center

  > .user
  > .label
    transition: all .5s ease
    font-family: sans-serif




const getTime = date => new Date(date).getTime()

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data() {
    return {
      selected: [],
      cols: [
          label: "Name",
          field: "name",
          width: 150
          label: "Birth Date",
          field: "birth_date",
          sort: (a, b) => getTime(a) - getTime(b)
          label: "Gender",
          field: "gender",
          sort: false
          label: "City",
          field: ""
      rows: getUsers()

function getUsers() {
  return [
      id: "daa3daeb-91c6-42f8-aaf4-4e80c297c000",
      name: "Darsie Tellett",
      email: "",
      gender: "Male",
      birth_date: "1990-07-12",
      address: {
        country: "United States",
        zip: "84130",
        province: "Utah",
        city: "Salt Lake City",
        street: "Schurz",
        number: "08529"
      id: "37742e75-6839-461a-8727-d00b4333176a",
      name: "Hilarius Jeaffreson",
      email: "",
      gender: "Male",
      birth_date: "1993-06-13",
      address: {
        country: "United States",
        zip: "34290",
        province: "Florida",
        city: "North Port",
        street: "Milwaukee",
        number: "0"
      id: "a6ebf9ee-3cc5-4384-b73c-594a79207774",
      name: "Lyman Haxley",
      email: "",
      gender: null,
      birth_date: "1972-12-29",
      address: {
        country: "United States",
        zip: "77260",
        province: "Texas",
        city: "Houston",
        street: "Scoville",
        number: "9514"
      id: "77b39998-188a-4967-a960-12372308345c",
      name: "Lock Kearney",
      email: "",
      gender: "Male",
      birth_date: "1983-01-17",
      address: {
        country: "United States",
        zip: "43215",
        province: "Ohio",
        city: "Columbus",
        street: "5th",
        number: "36"
      id: "df88b137-fc34-4bd4-b32a-595f79867906",
      name: "Ame Blachford",
      email: "",
      gender: "Female",
      birth_date: "1974-03-04",
      address: {
        country: "United States",
        zip: "32803",
        province: "Florida",
        city: "Orlando",
        street: "Hovde",
        number: "6251"
      id: "d18a89e9-a707-4bed-9b75-73a1e712714b",
      name: "Bobbye Seldon",
      email: "",
      gender: "Male",
      birth_date: "1993-07-23",
      address: {
        country: "United States",
        zip: "83757",
        province: "Idaho",
        city: "Boise",
        street: "Delaware",
        number: "9754"

