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                <!-- Margus Lillemägi |>

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                <text x="35" y="130" class="subline-txt black">designing for web</text>
                <text x="25" y="160" class="subline-txt black">Tallinn 20 Oct 2020</text>
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                            <text x="21" y="227" class="headline-txt blue">MIKE SMART</text>
                            <text x="75" y="257" class="subline-txt black">UX designer</text>
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                            <text x="23" y="227" class="headline-txt blue">JOHN SHARP</text>
                            <text x="75" y="257" class="subline-txt black">UI developer</text>
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                        <!--Slide3 text here:-->
                            <text x="23" y="227" class="headline-txt blue">Lisa Beauty</text>
                            <text x="80" y="257"class="subline-txt black">UI designer</text>
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                <rect width="260" height="60" x="20" y="510" class="blue" ry="30" rx="30" />
            <text x="61" y="550" class="subline-txt white">SIGN UP NOW</text>



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