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Babel includes JSX processing.

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    <meta charset="utf-8" />
      content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"

     ArcGIS API for JavaScript,
     For more information about the widgets-layerlist-actions sample,
     read the original sample description at
      LayerList widget with actions | Sample | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.24

      #viewDiv {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        overflow: hidden;

      #filterDiv {
        background: #fff;
        padding: 10px;

    <script src=""></script>

      ], (Map, MapView, GroupLayer, FeatureLayer, LayerList, Slider) => {
        const censusGroups = new FeatureLayer({
          url: "",
          title: "Census Block Group",
          minScale: 0,
          maxScale: 0,
            "STATE_FIPS = '06' OR STATE_FIPS = '04' OR STATE_FIPS = '32'"

        const counties = new FeatureLayer({
          url: "",
          title: "Detailed counties",
          minScale: 0,
          maxScale: 0,
            "STATE_FIPS = '06' OR STATE_FIPS = '04' OR STATE_FIPS = '32'"

        const states = new FeatureLayer({
          url: "",
          title: "Detailed states",
          minScale: 0,
          maxScale: 0

        const groupLayer0 = new GroupLayer({
          title: "US counties and states",
          visible: true,
          // visibilityMode: "exclusive",
          layers: [states, counties],
          opacity: 0.75

        const groupLayer1 = new GroupLayer({
          title: "US census block points and groups",
          visible: true,
          // visibilityMode: "exclusive",
          layers: [censusGroups],
          opacity: 0.75

        // Create a map and add the group layer to it
        const map = new Map({
          basemap: "gray-vector",
          layers: [groupLayer1, groupLayer0]

        // Add the map to a MapView
        const view = new MapView({
          center: [-118, 36],
          zoom: 5,
          container: "viewDiv",
          map: map

        view.ui.add("filterDiv", "top-left");

        document.getElementById("statesFIPS").addEventListener("change", () => {
          view.allLayerViews.forEach((lv) => {
            if (lv.layer.type === "feature") {
              lv.filter = {
                  "STATE_FIPS = '" +
                  document.getElementById("statesFIPS").value +

        // Creates actions in the LayerList.

        function defineActions(event) {
          const item = event.item;

          if (item.layer.type === "group") {
            item.actionsSections = [
                  title: "Go to full extent",
                  className: "esri-icon-zoom-out-fixed",
                  id: "full-extent"
                  title: "Layer information",
                  className: "esri-icon-description",
                  id: "information"
                  title: "Increase opacity",
                  className: "esri-icon-up",
                  id: "increase-opacity"
                  title: "Decrease opacity",
                  className: "esri-icon-down",
                  id: "decrease-opacity"

          // Adds a slider for updating a group layer's opacity
          console.log(item.children.length, item.parent)
          if (item.layer.type === "group") {
            // console.log("here")
            const slider = new Slider({
              min: 0,
              max: 1,
              precision: 2,
              values: [1],
              visibleElements: {
                labels: true,
                rangeLabels: true

            item.panel = {
              content: slider,
              className: "esri-icon-sliders-horizontal",
              title: "Change layer opacity"

            slider.on("thumb-drag", (event) => {
              const { value } = event;
              item.layer.opacity = value;

        view.when(() => {
          // Create the LayerList widget with the associated actions
          // and add it to the top-right corner of the view.

          const layerList = new LayerList({
            view: view,
            // executes for each ListItem in the LayerList
            listItemCreatedFunction: defineActions

          // Event listener that fires each time an action is triggered

          layerList.on("trigger-action", (event) => {
            //console.log(event, event.item.layer.fullExtent);
            // Capture the action id.
            const id =;

            if (id === "full-extent") {
                center: [-118, 36],
                zoom: 5
            } else if (id === "information") {
              // if the information action is triggered, then
              // open the item details page of the service layer
            } else if (id === "increase-opacity") {
              // if the increase-opacity action is triggered, then
              // increase the opacity of the GroupLayer by 0.25

              if (event.item.layer.opacity < 1) {
                event.item.layer.opacity += 0.25;
            } else if (id === "decrease-opacity") {
              // if the decrease-opacity action is triggered, then
              // decrease the opacity of the GroupLayer by 0.25

              if (event.item.layer.opacity > 0) {
                event.item.layer.opacity -= 0.25;

          // Add widget to the top right corner of the view
          view.ui.add(layerList, "top-right");

    <div id="viewDiv"></div>
    <div id="filterDiv" class="esri-widget">
      <p>Filter by state</p>
      <select id="statesFIPS" class="esri-widget">
        <option value="04" selected>Arizona</option>
        <option value="06">Calfornia</option>
        <option value="32">Nevada</option>
      <br />




