Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <!-- React component container -->
<div id='device-cards'></div>



                @import "nib"

// Colors
$grey         = #69747e 
$grey-light   = #ecf0f1
$grey-medium  = #6c7a89
$grey-dark    = #22313F
$blue         = #3498db
$red          = #c0392b
$green        = #27ae60
$purple       = #9b59b6
$orange       = #f39c12

// Typography
@import url(',300,400,700')

// Globals
* {
  box-sizing border-box
  margin 0
  padding 0
html, body {
  background $grey-light
  font-family 'Lato', sans-serif
ul, ol, li {
  list-style-type none
a {
  text-decoration none
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  margin 0
  padding 0
  font-weight normal

// Variables & animations
$card-width      = 300px
$card-height     = 400px
$masthead-height = 220px
$easing          = cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)

@keyframes shake {
  0% {
    transform translateX(7px)
  15% {
    transform translateX(-7px)
  30% {
    transform translateX(5px)
  45% {
    transform translateX(-5px)
  60% {
    transform translateX(3px)
  75% {
    transform translateX(-3px)
  100% {
    transform translateX(0px)
.shake {
  animation-name shake
  animation-duration 450ms

// Component UI
.ui-card {
  width $card-width
  height $card-height
  background white
  border 2px solid darken($grey-light, 5%)
  position relative
  border-radius 8px
  overflow hidden
  // For codepen
  position absolute
  top 50%
  left 50%
  margin-top -($card-height / 2)
  margin-left -($card-width / 2) 
.ui-card .toggle {
  position absolute
  top 10px
  right 10px
.ui-card section {
  width 100%
  height 100%
  position absolute
  transition all 200ms ease-in-out
.ui-card .content {
  left 0

// Side bar toggle switch
.ui-card .toggle i {
  color white
  transition all 300ms $easing
.ui-card.sidebar-open .toggle i {
  color $grey-dark
  transform rotateZ(180deg)

// Sidebar styles
.ui-card .sidebar {
  left 100%
  background white
  box-shadow none
  transition all 300ms $easing
  overflow hidden

// Sidebar toggled animation
.ui-card.sidebar-open .content {
  left -10% 
.ui-card.sidebar-open .sidebar {
  left 10%
  box-shadow 0px 0px $card-width 100px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)

.ui-card nav {
  width 90% // this accounts for the 10% 'margin' on the right when shown
  padding-top 40px
.ui-card nav li {
  border-bottom 1px solid $grey-light
.ui-card nav li i {
  display inline-block
  width 30px
.ui-card nav li a {
  display block
  padding 20px
  padding-left 30px
  color $grey-medium
.ui-card nav li a:hover {
  border-left 4px solid $blue 
  padding-left 26px
  color $grey-dark
.ui-card .disconnect {
  line-height 117px
  left 0px
.ui-card .disconnect,
.ui-card .reauth {
  width 90%
  height 117px // Arbitrary height... should refactor this area to flex box
  text-align center
  position absolute
  bottom 0px
  transition all 300ms $easing
.ui-card .btn {
  font-size .8em
.ui-card .btn-disconnect {
  color $red
  padding 10px 30px
.ui-card .btn-disconnect:hover {
  color white
  background-color $red
  border-radius 6px // This would be in a global

// Re-auth area
.ui-card .reauth {
  padding-top 20px
  left 100%
.ui-card .reauth h3 {
  font-size 15px
  margin-bottom 7px
  color $red
.ui-card .reauth input {
  border-radius 4px
  border 1px solid lighten($grey-medium, 50%)
  padding 5px
  margin-bottom 7px
.ui-card .reauth input:focus {
  outline none
  border 2px solid $blue
  margin-top -1px
  margin-bottom 6px
.ui-card .btn-cancel {
  color darken($grey-light, 20%)

// Reauth toggled state
.ui-card .sidebar.reauth-toggled .disconnect {
  left -100%
.ui-card .sidebar.reauth-toggled .reauth {
  left 0px

// Card content area
.ui-card .masthead {
  width 100%
  height $masthead-height
  position relative
  background $grey-dark
.ui-card .masthead h1 {
  height $masthead-height
  color white
  line-height ($masthead-height - 20)
  text-align center
  font-weight 300
  font-size 28px
.ui-card .device-icon {
  background $blue
  width 90px
  height 90px
  border-radius 50%
  padding 4.5%
  position absolute
  left 50%
  margin-left -45px
  bottom -45px
  text-align center
.ui-card .device-info {
  width 100%
  position absolute
  top ($masthead-height + 30%)
.ui-card .device-icon i {
  color white
  font-size 66px
.ui-card .device-space {
  width 100%
  height 60px
  text-align center
.ui-card .device-space h3 {
  color $grey-medium
  font-size 17px
  margin-bottom 15px
.ui-card .available-space {
  background $grey-light
  width 80%
  margin 0 auto
  height 10px
  position relative
  border-radius 20px
  overflow hidden

// Hardcoded for prototype
.ui-card .used-space--photos,
.ui-card .used-space--videos {
  height 100%
  position absolute
  border-radius 20px
.ui-card .used-space--photos {
  width 70%
  background $green
.ui-card .used-space--videos {
  width 30%
  background $orange

.ui-card .device-legend {
  text-align center
  font-size 11px
.ui-card .device-legend li {
  display inline-block
  margin-right 20px
  color $grey-medium
.ui-card .device-legend li:last-child {
  margin-right 0px
.ui-card .device-legend i {
  display inline-block
  position relative
  top -1px
  font-size 9px
  margin-right 3px
.ui-card .device-legend {
  color $green
.ui-card .device-legend i.videos {
  color $orange


                /** @jsx React.DOM */

// Main device wrapper
// NOTE: Holding menu toggle state here (eventually)
var DeviceCard = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <div className='ui-card'>
        <Device_section__info data={} />
        <Device_section__sideBarMenu />
        <Device_action__toggleMenu />

// Device information section wrapper
var Device_section__info = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <section className='content'>
        <Device_section__mastHead data={} />
        <Device_section__freeSpace />

// Device side bar menu wrapper
var Device_section__sideBarMenu = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <section className='sidebar'>
          <Device_section__sideBarNav />
          <Device_section__sideBarRemoveConnection />

// Device side bar nav list
var Device_section__sideBarNav = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (

      // TODO: Each item here should be visible based on flags
      //       I.e No photos? Should we show edit photos? 
          <a href="#"><i className='fa fa-wifi'></i>Wireless Settings</a>
          <a href="#"><i className='fa fa-info-circle'></i>Device Information</a>
          <a href="#"><i className='fa fa-photo'></i>Edit Photos</a>
          <a href="#"><i className='fa fa-video-camera'></i>Edit Videos</a>

// Device side bar delete connection \ reauth 
var Device_section__sideBarRemoveConnection = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
        <div className='disconnect'>
          <a href='#' className='btn btn-disconnect'>Disconnect Device</a>
        <div className='reauth'>
          <h3>Re-enter your password</h3>
          <input type='password' />
            <a href="#" className='btn btn-cancel js-reAuth'>Cancel</a>

// Device actions toggle switch
var Device_action__toggleMenu = React.createClass({
  handleClick: function() {
    // TODO: Do this in the React way. 
  render: function() {
    return (
      <div className='toggle'>
        <a href='#' onClick={this.handleClick}><i className="fa fa-cog"></i></a>

// Masthead
var Device_section__mastHead = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <header className='masthead'>
        <div className='device-icon'>
          <i className='fa fa-mobile-phone'></i>

// Free space module
var Device_section__freeSpace = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (

      // This is all static for now
      // Todo: Populate this with data, and animate accordingly.
      //       Adding some actual values probably wouldn't hurt either. 
      <article className='device-info'>
        <div className='device-space'>
          <h3>Free Space</h3>
            <div className='available-space'>
            <div className="used-space--photos"></div>
            <div className="used-space--videos"></div>
        <ul className='device-legend'>
          <li><i className="fa fa-circle videos"></i> Videos</li>
          <li><i className="fa fa-circle photos"></i> Photos</li>
          <li><i className="fa fa-circle available"></i> Available</li>

// Fake and totally arbitrary data
var device_data = {
  deviceType       : 'iphone',
  deviceName       : 'iPhone 6',
  availableSpace   : 2048,  // megabytes
  photosTotalSpace : 768, // megabytes
  videosTotalSpace : 384  // megabytes

// Render this ish
  <DeviceCard data={device_data}/>,
