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                <div id="container">
	<h1 class="with-pointer">This is a Title</h1>
	<h1 class="with-pointer pointer-top">This is a Different Pointer Title</h1>
	<h1>This is a Title Without a Pointer</h1>
	<h2 class="with-pointer">Yeah, you can use with (almost) any tag</h1>
	<div class="with-pointer">Of Course!</div>
	<h3 class="with-pointer">Another Title</h3>
	<h1 class="with-pointer">Also works with long titles without any problem</h3>
	<h1 class="with-pointer pointer-top">Also works with long titles with .pointer-top class</h3>
	<p class="with-pointer">Feel free to use/fork. But don't forget to thank <a href="" target="_blank">Dilara</a> for this idea.</p>


                html {
			font-size: 10px;
   		height: 100%;
body {
			font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif;
			margin: 0;
			color: #efefef;
			background: #232323;
			font-size: 1.33rem;
			display: flex;
			align-items: center;
   		justify-content: center;
   		height: 100%;
   		min-height: 40rem;
	h1 {
			text-transform: uppercase;
			font-size: 4rem;
	h2 {
			font-size: 3rem;
	h3 {
			font-size: 2rem;
	h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 {
			font-weight: normal;
	#container {
			width: 51rem;
			height: 35rem;
			overflow: auto;
			padding-left: 2rem;
			border-left: 1px solid white;
	.transition {
		    transition: .33s ease-out;
	.with-pointer > .pointer {
		    position: absolute;
		    border-radius: .8rem;
		    width: 1.5rem;
		    height: 1.5rem;
		    left: 0;
		    top: 0;
		    box-sizing: border-box;
		    border: .4rem solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .5);
		    background: #fff;
		    background-clip: padding-box;
		    transition-property: transform;
		    will-change: top, left;
	.pointer:hover {
		    transform: scale(1.33);
		    cursor: pointer;
	.pointer.init {
		    transform: scale(0);
	a:link, a:visited {
			font-weight: bold;
			text-decoration: none;
			font-size: 1.5rem
		/*	I really like to use rem values, don't I?	*/


                $(document).ready(function(e) {
    		var FS              = parseFloat($('html').css('font-size')),
    			container     	= $('#container'),
	    		withPointers	= $('.with-pointer'),
		        pointerTop 		= 0,
		        pointerLeft		= 0,
		        pointerBottom   = 0;

		    //	This updates the limit values for the pointers
		    function calculatePointerVariables() {
		        pointerTop    = container.offset().top;
		        pointerBottom = container.offset().top + container.outerHeight();
		        pointerLeft   = container.offset().left;

		        withPointers.each(function(i) {
		            handlePointerPosition($(this), true, i);

		    //	This moves a pointer (elm),
		    //	and removes .init if this is for the initial positioning (isInıt)
		    //	and uses pointer's index number (idx, not required)
		    function handlePointerPosition(elm, isInit, idx) {
		        var pointer = elm.children('.pointer'),
		            outerH  = pointer.get(0).offsetHeight,
		            outerW  = pointer.get(0).offsetWidth,
		            atTop   = elm.hasClass('pointer-top');

		        //	If there is no idx, find it for this elm pointer.
		        if(idx == undefined) idx = withPointers.index(elm);

		        //	Calculate maximum points and new top value (and if this has a .pointer-top move it up a little bit)
		        var thisMaxTop    = pointerTop + (idx * (outerH + FS / 3)),
		            thisMaxBottom = pointerBottom - ((withPointers.length - 1 - idx) * (outerH + FS / 3) + outerH),
		            newTop 		  = elm.offset().top + (!atTop ? elm.height() / 2 - outerH / 2 : outerH);
		        //	Clamp the new top value between max top/bottom values
		        newTop = Math.clamp(newTop, thisMaxTop, thisMaxBottom);

		        	'top': newTop,
		        	'left': pointerLeft - outerW/2

		        //	So, you say, all these calculations were for the initial position? OK, let me handle that, so you can see the pointers (with a little effect)
		        if(isInit) {
		            setTimeout(function() {
		            }, (idx * 67) + 10);

		    //	Yeah, the pointers will be updated on scrolling
		    container.on('scroll', function(e) {
		        withPointers.each(function() {handlePointerPosition($(this));});

		    //	Resize? No problemo! This'll take care of everything.
		    $(window).on('resize', function() {
		    	//	First, set pointers to theirs .init
		        //	Then, calculate new values
		        setTimeout(function() {calculatePointerVariables();}, 555);

		    //	Listen for a .pointer click to scroll to it's parent.
		    $(this).on('click', '.pointer', function() {
		        var t      = $(this),
		            parent = t.closest('.with-pointer');

		        	scrollTop: parent.position().top - container.position().top + container.scrollTop() + parseInt(parent.css('margin-top'))

		    //	Prepare .with-pointers' pointers
        	//	Just wait a little for the init
        	setTimeout(function(){calculatePointerVariables();}, 195);

    	//	This looks so cool!
    	$.fn.renderPointer = function() {
	        this.each(function() {
	            var t = $(this);

	            if(t.find('.pointer').length == 0) {
	                t.prepend('<div class="pointer transition init" title="' + t.text() + '"></div>');

			Clamping function
	    (function() {
            Math.clamp = function(a, b, c) {
                return Math.max(b, Math.min(c, a));
