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<p class="p">Demo by Massimo Cassandro. <a href="">See article</a>.</p>


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                var regions=[
        "region_name": "Lombardia",
        "region_code": "lom",
        "population": 9794525
        "region_name": "Campania",
        "region_code": "cam",
        "population": 5769750
        "region_name": "Lazio",
        "region_code": "laz",
        "population": 5557276
        "region_name": "Sicilia",
        "region_code": "sic",
        "population": 4999932
        "region_name": "Veneto",
        "region_code": "ven",
        "population": 4881756
        "region_name": "Emilia-Romagna",
        "region_code": "emi",
        "population": 4377487
        "region_name": "Piemonte",
        "region_code": "pie",
        "population": 4374052
        "region_name": "Puglia",
        "region_code": "pug",
        "population": 4050803
        "region_name": "Toscana",
        "region_code": "tos",
        "population": 3692828
        "region_name": "Calabria",
        "region_code": "cal",
        "population": 1958238
        "region_name": "Sardegna",
        "region_code": "sar",
        "population": 1640379
        "region_name": "Liguria",
        "region_code": "lig",
        "population": 1565127
        "region_name": "Marche",
        "region_code": "mar",
        "population": 1545155
        "region_name": "Abruzzo",
        "region_code": "abr",
        "population": 1312507
        "region_name": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia",
        "region_code": "fri",
        "population": 1221860
        "region_name": "Trentino-Alto Adige",
        "region_code": "tre",
        "population": 1039934
        "region_name": "Umbria",
        "region_code": "umb",
        "population": 886239
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        "population": 576194
        "region_name": "Molise",
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        "population": 313341
        "region_name": "Val d'Aosta",
        "region_code": "vao",
        "population": 127844

var temp_array={
    return item.population;
var highest_value = Math.max.apply(Math, temp_array);

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