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+ add another resource


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+ add another resource


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                <div class="chat">
<!-- 	<div class="box_hd">
		<div class="title-wrapper">
			<h1 class="title">大屏手机就是小米Max群</h1>
	</div> -->
	<div class="box_bd scroll-wrapper">
		<div class="scroll-content J_scrollContent">
			<div class="chatContent" id="chatContent">
	<div class="box_ft close">
		<div class="input-wrapper">
			<p class="J_noticeInput">点击提问</p>
			<img src="" alt="">

		<div class="choice-wrapper J_choiceWrapper">
			<ul class="main-choice J_choice J_mainChoice" data-choice="0">
				<li class="J_liNext li-3" data-target-dialog="2" data-target-choice="2_1">
					<a href="javascript:void(0);">存储多大</a>
				<li class="J_liNext li-3" data-target-dialog="3">
					<a href="javascript:void(0);">电量多大</a>
				<li class="J_liNext li-3" data-target-dialog="8">
					<a href="javascript:void(0);">求红包</a>

			<ul class="J_choice" data-choice="2_1">
				<li class="J_liNext li-3 no-border bg-trsp" data-target-dialog="2_1">

					<a href="javascript:void(0);">
						<img src="" alt="30部奥斯卡最佳影片">
				<li class="J_liNext li-3 no-border bg-trsp" data-target-dialog="2_2">

					<a href="javascript:void(0);">
						<img src="" alt="80集美剧">
				<li class="J_liNext li-3 no-border bg-trsp" data-target-dialog="2_3">

					<a href="javascript:void(0);">
						<img src="" alt="700番海贼王">

<div style="display: none;" class="J_map">
	<div class="map-wrapper J_mapWrapper">
		<div class="map">
			<div class="map-pointer"></div>
		<p>驾驶总时长:<span class="J_tourtime">0</span> 小时</p>

<script id="messageTpl" type="text/x-dot-template">
		  	{{~it :message:index}}
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		  		{{? message.type == 'system'}}
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		  			<p class="message_system">
		  				<span class="content">{{=message.content}}</span>

		  		<div class="message {{? == 'me'}}me{{??}}others{{?}}">
		  			<div class="avatar" data-author-id="{{}}">
		  				<img src="{{}}" alt="{{}}">
		  			<div class="content">
		  				<p class="author_name">{{}}</p>
		  				{{? message.type == 'plain'}}
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		  							{{? message.extra == 'gallery'}}
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		  							<img class="J_img" src="{{=message.content}}" />
		  				{{?? message.type == 'video'}}
		  				<div class="bubble {{? == 'me'}} right{{??}} left{{?}} bubble_image">
		  					<div class="bubble_cont">
		  						<div class="{{=message.type}}">
		  							<img class="J_fpVideo" src="{{=message.content.poster}}" data-src="{{}}" alt="">
		  				{{?? message.type == 'animation'}}
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		  						<div class="{{=message.type}}">



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.message {
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	.content {
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	&.me {
		float: right;
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		clear: right;
		.avatar {
			float: right;
	&.others {
		float: left;
		text-align: left;
		clear: left;
		.avatar {
			float: left;

	animation: goup 0.5s;

	@keyframes goup {
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			transform: translate(0, 0);

.message_system {
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// 底部选项
.box_ft {
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.input-wrapper {
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	>p {
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				opacity: 1;

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		transition: transform 0.2s;

	&.opened {
		>img {
			transform: rotate(180deg);

.choice-wrapper {
	border-top: $borderWidth solid #ebebeb;
	background-color: #f0f0f0;
	max-height: 0;
	overflow: hidden;
	transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
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			cursor: pointer;

			p {
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				line-height: 2.5;
				white-space: nowrap;

			a {
				display: block;
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				height: 100%;
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				color: inherit;

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			&.li-3 {
				width: r(200);
				&:nth-of-type(3n) {
					margin-right: 0;

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			color: #fff;
			&:nth-of-type(1) {
				background-color: #e24e4e;
			&:nth-of-type(2) {
				background-color: #f2862f;
			&:nth-of-type(3) {
				background-color: #f1b40f;

// animation about map
.map-wrapper {
	.map {
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		height: r(650);
		background: url('#{$imgUrl}map.jpg') center center no-repeat;
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			position: absolute;
			width: r($radius*2);
			height: r($radius*2);
			background-color: #0099ff;
			border-radius: r($radius);
			left: r($initX - $radius);
			top: r($initY - $radius);

			&:before {
				content: '';
				position: absolute;
				top: r(-$radius);
				left: r(-$radius);
				width: r($radius*4);
				height: r($radius*4);
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				background-color: rgba(#0099ff, 0.3);

		@keyframes blink {
			0% {
				opacity: 1;

			100% {
				opacity: 0;

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			0% {
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			10% {
				transform: translate(r(326-$initX), r(114-$initY));
			25% {
				transform: translate(r(266-$initX), r(189-$initY));
			50% {
				transform: translate(r(286-$initX), r(356-$initY));
			75% {
				transform: translate(r(116-$initX), r(447-$initY));
			100% {
				transform: translate(r(232-$initX), r(589-$initY));

	p {
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		>span {
			display: inline-block;
			width: r(40);

	&.animate .map {
		.map-pointer {
			animation: animate-map-pointer 5s linear 1;
			animation-fill-mode: forwards;
			&:before {
				animation: blink 0.8s infinite reverse;



                var me = {
	id: 'me', // 写死的,不用改
	name: '' || '小米的朋友', // 用户昵称
	avatar: '' || '', // 用户头像图片 url
	userId: '', // 用户id
	registered: false // 用户是否已经预约
var _imgUrl = '';
var gif = {
	welcome: '<img src="' + _imgUrl + 'welcome.gif' + '">',
	lol: '<img src="' + _imgUrl + 'lol.gif' + '">',
	cry: '<img src="' + _imgUrl + 'cry.gif' + '">',
var _animation = {
	tour: $('.J_map').html(),
var _userName =;
var _dialog = {};
var _members = {};

function geneDialog(userName) {
	var defaultMembers = {
		lj: {
			id: 'lj',
			name: '雷军',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-lj.png',
		lwq: {
			id: 'lwq',
			name: '小米市场黎万强',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-lwq.png',
		lb: {
			id: 'lb',
			name: '小米网林斌',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-lb.png',
		zgp: {
			id: 'zgp',
			name: '手机研发周光平',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-zgp.png',
		wc: {
			id: 'wc',
			name: '小米电视王川',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-wc.png',
		ld: {
			id: 'ld',
			name: '生态链刘德',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-ld.png',
		hf: {
			id: 'hf',
			name: 'MIUI洪锋',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-hf.png',
		kk: {
			id: 'kk',
			name: '小米路由云KK',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-kk.png',
		st: {
			id: 'st',
			name: '沈腾',
			avatar: _imgUrl + 'a-st.png',
	_members = $.extend(_members, defaultMembers);

	// 引导对话
	_dialog.d0 = [{
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.lj,
		content: userName + ' 你好,are you ok?',
		pause: 2000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.lwq,
		content: '欢迎 ' + userName + gif.welcome + gif.welcome + gif.welcome,
		flag: 'emoji-welcome',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		content: '欢迎' + gif.welcome + gif.welcome + gif.welcome + gif.welcome + gif.welcome,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.zgp,
		content: '欢迎' + gif.welcome + gif.welcome + gif.welcome + gif.welcome,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.lj,
		content: '想了解啥尽管问吧:)',

	// 关于存储大小的对话
	_dialog.d2 = [{
		type: 'plain',
		content: '小米Max能存多少东西?好想放很多很多视频,路上慢慢看',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.lwq,
		content: '海内存知己,大内存天下啊!',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.zgp,
		content: '最高可通过3选2卡槽,扩展到256GB @王川 能装多少部剧呢?',
		pause: 3000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.wc,
		content: '我统计了一下,@' + userName + ' 给你三个选项,要不你来猜猜?',

	// 关于电量的对话
	_dialog.d3 = [{
		type: 'plain',
		content: '据说小米Max电量很大?',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.lj,
		content: '小米Max是小米有史以来电量最大的手机,容量达到4850mAh。',
		pause: 2000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.kk,
		content: '我们测试了,从北京出发,开车到包头,全程8小时手机导航,最后还能剩下33%的电量',
		//pause: 0,
	}, {
		type: 'animation',
		author: _members.kk,
		content: _animation.tour,
		flag: 'animate-tour',
		pause: 5000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.wc,
		content: '如果你是坐火车的话,下载一部《太阳的后裔》在小米Max里,最后只有两种情况',
		pause: 3000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.wc,
		content: '要么火车到了,要么剧看完了,但是小米Max还是妥妥得有电哦~',
		flag: 'animate-train',
		pause: 6000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.kk,
		content: '小米Max不仅续航惊人,其它方面也很赞',
	// 关于求红包的对话
	_dialog.d8 = [{
		type: 'plain',
		content: '我听了这么多,老板们发个红包呗',
	}, {
		type: 'system',
		content: '生态链刘德退出群聊',
		pause: 500,
	}, {
		type: 'system',
		content: '小米网林斌退出群聊',
		pause: 400,
	}, {
		type: 'system',
		content: 'MIUI洪锋退出群聊',
		pause: 700,
	}, {
		type: 'system',
		content: '小米电视王川退出群聊',
		pause: 400,
	}, {
		type: 'system',
		content: '小米路由云KK退出群聊',
		pause: 500,
	}, {
		type: 'system',
		content: '手机研发周光平退出群聊',
		pause: 1500,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.lwq,
		content: '哈哈,大家开个玩笑,微信公众号现在不允许H5发红包了哦..',
	// 关于 存储空间 - 30部奥斯卡 的对话
	_dialog.d2_1 = [{
		type: 'plain',
		content: '我觉得能放个30部影片已经很大了!',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.wc,
		content: '那你可就小看小米Max了,它最大可是能放下700集左右的海贼王的!',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		content: '果然是大容量啊!',

	// 关于 存储空间 - 80集美剧 的对话
	_dialog.d2_2 = [{
		type: 'plain',
		content: '我觉得能放个80集美剧已经很牛了!',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.wc,
		content: '那你可就小看小米Max了,它最大可是能放下700集左右的海贼王的!',
		pause: 3000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		content: '果然是大容量啊!',

	// 关于 存储空间 - 700番海贼王 的对话
	_dialog.d2_3 = [{
		type: 'plain',
		content: '既然容量这么大,应该能放一整部海贼王吧?',
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		author: _members.wc,
		content: '你太厉害了,小米Max通过扩展卡最大存储达到256GB,700集左右的《海贼王》存进去杠杠的!',
		pause: 3000,
	}, {
		type: 'plain',
		content: '果然是大容量啊!',

$.fn.scrollSmooth = function(scrollHeight, duration) {
	var $el = this;
	var el  = $el[0];
	var startPosition = el.scrollTop;
	var delta = scrollHeight  - startPosition;
	var startTime =;
	function scroll() {
		var fraction = Math.min(1, ( - startTime) / duration);
		el.scrollTop = delta * fraction + startPosition;
		if(fraction < 1) {
			setTimeout(scroll, 10);

$.fn.goSmooth = function(height, duration) {
	var $el = this;
	var startPosition = 1 * $el.css('margin-bottom').replace('px', '');
	var delta = height  - startPosition;
	var startTime =;
	function scroll() {
		var fraction = Math.min(1, ( - startTime) / duration);
		$el.css('margin-bottom', delta * fraction + startPosition);
		if(fraction < 1) {
			setTimeout(scroll, 10);

var $chat = $('#chatContent');

function Queue() {};
Queue.prototype = {
	add: function(el) {
		if (this._last) {
			this._last = this._last._next = { //_last是不断变的
				el: el,
				_next: null //设置_last属性表示最后一个元素,并且让新增元素成为它的一个属性值
		} else {
			this._last = this._first = { //我们要设置一个_first属性表示第一个元素
				el: el,
				_next: null
		return this;

function copyQueue(p) {
	var queue = new Queue;
	for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
	return queue;

function activeInput() {

function deactiveInput() {

	function showChoice(choice, delay) {

		if (delay === null) {
			delay = 100;
		if (!choice) {
			choice = '0';

		setTimeout(function() {
			var $choiceUl = $('.J_choiceWrapper').find('.J_choice').filter('[data-choice="' + choice + '"]');
			var cH = $choiceUl.addClass('choosen').show().height();
			var ftH = $('.box_ft').height();
			var sOH = $('#chatContent').height();

			$('.box_bd').goSmooth(cH, 100);
			$('.J_scrollContent').scrollSmooth(ftH + sOH, 300);

		}, delay);

	function hideChoice() {
		$('.box_bd').goSmooth(0, 100);

	function playTour() {
		var i = 0;
		var interval = setInterval(function() {
			if (i >= 9) {
			} else {
		}, 5000/9);


function showDialog(dialog, cb) {
		// 显示对话的时候,菜单栏不可点

		var message = copyQueue(dialog)._first;
		var tpl = doT.template($('#messageTpl').html());

		function loop(delay) {
			// speed
			if (delay == undefined) {
				// random delay between messages
				delay = Math.random() * 1000 + 600;
				//delay = Math.random() * 50 + 50;

			var timeout = setTimeout(function() {
				if (message) {
					// 显示 message
					var messageHtml = tpl([message.el]);
					// 自动滚动
					var viewH = $('.J_scrollContent').height();
					var contentH = $chat.height();				
					if (contentH > viewH) {
						$('.J_scrollContent').scrollSmooth(contentH - viewH + 16, 300)
					// 执行附加效果
					if (message.el.flag) {
						var flag = message.el.flag;

						switch (flag) {
							case 'animate-tour':

					// 特别语句的特殊delay
					if(message.el.pause != undefined) {
					} else {

					// 指向下一句
					message = message._next;

				} else {
					cb && cb();
			}, delay);


$(document).ready(function() { = me;
	showDialog(_dialog['d0'], function() {
	// 不同选项点击触发不同的对话和下级选项
		$('.box_ft').on('click', '.J_choice .J_liNext', function(e) {
			var $choice = $(this);
			var dialogId = $choice.attr('data-target-dialog');
			var choiceId = $choice.attr('data-target-choice');
			var continueDialog = ($choice.attr('data-continue') !== 'false');

			// if ($choice.hasClass('disabled')) {
			// 	return;
			// }
			$('.J_mainChoice').find('.J_liNext[data-target-dialog="' + dialogId + '"]').addClass('disabled');

			if (!choiceId) {
				choiceId = '0';


			showDialog(_dialog['d' + dialogId], function() {
				if (continueDialog) {
					showChoice(choiceId, 500);
					// 用户若干秒没操作的话,提示文案
					window.waitUser = setTimeout(function() {
						var random = Math.floor( (Math.random() * 3) + 1);
						showDialog(_dialog['dr_' + random]);
					}, 30000);

			if ( !$('.J_mainChoice').find('.J_liNext').not('.disabled') ) {

		$(document).on('click', '.J_inputWrapper', function() {
			var choosen = $('.J_choice').filter('.choosen').attr('data-choice');
			if ($('.J_choiceWrapper').hasClass('opened')) {
			} else {
				showChoice(choosen, 0);

		// 对话里的图片点击时会全屏显示
		$(document).on('click', '.J_img', function(e){
			var $target = $(this);
			var imgUrl = $target.attr('src').replace(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)/, '-hd.$1');

			if (imgUrl) {
			// 全屏显示照片

