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                <!-- so yeh me and michells had a pint and then this happened: michelle did the animated grid and i added some sounds -->

<div class="grid">
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>
	<div class="item"></div>

<section id="controls">

		<button data-playing="null" class="controls__button">

		<section class="controls__credit">

				<p>Music by</p>

				<p class="credit--artist">
					<a href="" labelledby="artist">
						<span id="artist">2xaa</span>
						<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" viewBox="-537.4 426.7 840.8 229.4"><path class="st0" d="M-92,492.1l-0.2-0.2h-99.3l-25.1,33.1l99,130.8l0.2,0.2h50.7l-49.3-65.2h48.1l49.2,65l0.1,0.2h50.7L-92,492.1z
		 M-141.5,557.1l-23.9-31.6h48.1l23.9,31.6H-141.5z M154.9,426.9l-0.2-0.2h-543.6L-512.5,590l-24.9,32.9l25.1,33.1h346.9l-75.1-99.2
		h48.1l49.2,65l0.2,0.2h99.3l25.1-33.1L154.9,426.9z M56,557.1l-23.9-31.6h48.1l23.9,31.6H56z" /></svg>

			<section class="controls__credit">


				<p class="credit--platform">
					<a href="" labelledby="platform">
						<span id="platform">Soundcloud</span>
						<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M111.4 256.3l5.8 65-5.8 68.3c-.3 2.5-2.2 4.4-4.4 4.4s-4.2-1.9-4.2-4.4l-5.6-68.3 5.6-65c0-2.2 1.9-4.2 4.2-4.2 2.2 0 4.1 2 4.4 4.2zm21.4-45.6c-2.8 0-4.7 2.2-5 5l-5 105.6 5 68.3c.3 2.8 2.2 5 5 5 2.5 0 4.7-2.2 4.7-5l5.8-68.3-5.8-105.6c0-2.8-2.2-5-4.7-5zm25.5-24.1c-3.1 0-5.3 2.2-5.6 5.3l-4.4 130 4.4 67.8c.3 3.1 2.5 5.3 5.6 5.3 2.8 0 5.3-2.2 5.3-5.3l5.3-67.8-5.3-130c0-3.1-2.5-5.3-5.3-5.3zM7.2 283.2c-1.4 0-2.2 1.1-2.5 2.5L0 321.3l4.7 35c.3 1.4 1.1 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.2-1.1 2.5-2.5l5.6-35-5.6-35.6c-.3-1.4-1.1-2.5-2.5-2.5zm23.6-21.9c-1.4 0-2.5 1.1-2.5 2.5l-6.4 57.5 6.4 56.1c0 1.7 1.1 2.8 2.5 2.8s2.5-1.1 2.8-2.5l7.2-56.4-7.2-57.5c-.3-1.4-1.4-2.5-2.8-2.5zm25.3-11.4c-1.7 0-3.1 1.4-3.3 3.3L47 321.3l5.8 65.8c.3 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.3 3.1 1.7 0 3.1-1.4 3.1-3.1l6.9-65.8-6.9-68.1c0-1.9-1.4-3.3-3.1-3.3zm25.3-2.2c-1.9 0-3.6 1.4-3.6 3.6l-5.8 70 5.8 67.8c0 2.2 1.7 3.6 3.6 3.6s3.6-1.4 3.9-3.6l6.4-67.8-6.4-70c-.3-2.2-2-3.6-3.9-3.6zm241.4-110.9c-1.1-.8-2.8-1.4-4.2-1.4-2.2 0-4.2.8-5.6 1.9-1.9 1.7-3.1 4.2-3.3 6.7v.8l-3.3 176.7 1.7 32.5 1.7 31.7c.3 4.7 4.2 8.6 8.9 8.6s8.6-3.9 8.6-8.6l3.9-64.2-3.9-177.5c-.4-3-2-5.8-4.5-7.2zm-26.7 15.3c-1.4-.8-2.8-1.4-4.4-1.4s-3.1.6-4.4 1.4c-2.2 1.4-3.6 3.9-3.6 6.7l-.3 1.7-2.8 160.8s0 .3 3.1 65.6v.3c0 1.7.6 3.3 1.7 4.7 1.7 1.9 3.9 3.1 6.4 3.1 2.2 0 4.2-1.1 5.6-2.5 1.7-1.4 2.5-3.3 2.5-5.6l.3-6.7 3.1-58.6-3.3-162.8c-.3-2.8-1.7-5.3-3.9-6.7zm-111.4 22.5c-3.1 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 6.1l-4.4 140.6 4.4 67.2c.3 3.3 2.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.3 0 5.8-2.5 6.1-5.8l5-67.2-5-140.6c-.2-3.3-2.7-6.1-6.1-6.1zm376.7 62.8c-10.8 0-21.1 2.2-30.6 6.1-6.4-70.8-65.8-126.4-138.3-126.4-17.8 0-35 3.3-50.3 9.4-6.1 2.2-7.8 4.4-7.8 9.2v249.7c0 5 3.9 8.6 8.6 9.2h218.3c43.3 0 78.6-35 78.6-78.3.1-43.6-35.2-78.9-78.5-78.9zm-296.7-60.3c-4.2 0-7.5 3.3-7.8 7.8l-3.3 136.7 3.3 65.6c.3 4.2 3.6 7.5 7.8 7.5 4.2 0 7.5-3.3 7.5-7.5l3.9-65.6-3.9-136.7c-.3-4.5-3.3-7.8-7.5-7.8zm-53.6-7.8c-3.3 0-6.4 3.1-6.4 6.7l-3.9 145.3 3.9 66.9c.3 3.6 3.1 6.4 6.4 6.4 3.6 0 6.4-2.8 6.7-6.4l4.4-66.9-4.4-145.3c-.3-3.6-3.1-6.7-6.7-6.7zm26.7 3.4c-3.9 0-6.9 3.1-6.9 6.9L227 321.3l3.9 66.4c.3 3.9 3.1 6.9 6.9 6.9s6.9-3.1 6.9-6.9l4.2-66.4-4.2-141.7c0-3.9-3-6.9-6.9-6.9z"/></svg>



                :root {
	--beat: 50;
	--bright: 64;
	--padding: 8px;

* {
	box-sizing: border-box;

body {
	background-color: #23262d;

.grid {
	display: grid;
	grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
	grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
	max-width: 400px;
	height: 400px;
	gap: 20px;
	margin: 80px auto;
	animation: resize calc(var(--beat)*60ms) ease infinite both;

.item {
	--delay: 0ms;
	animation: colorChange 3000ms ease var(--delay) infinite both;
	&:nth-child(4n - 2) {
		--delay: 1000ms;
	&:nth-child(4n) {
		--delay: 2000ms;

@keyframes colorChange {
	0% {
		background-color: hsl(36, 100%, calc(64%));
	25% {
		background-color: hsl(76, 100%, calc(var(--bright)*1%));
	50% {
		background-color: hsl(206, 100%, calc(var(--bright)*1%));
	75% {
		background-color: hsl(305, 100%, calc(var(--bright)*1%));
	100% {
		background-color: hsl(36, 100%, calc(var(--bright)*1%));

@keyframes resize {
	0% {
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		grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
	25% {
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		grid-template-rows: 1fr 2fr 3fr;
	50% {
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		grid-template-rows: 1fr 5fr 1fr;
	75% {
		grid-template-columns: 3fr 2fr 1fr;
		grid-template-rows: 3fr 2fr 1fr;
	100% {
		grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
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#controls {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	width: 12vw; min-width: 200px;
	position: absolute; bottom: 5vh; right: 16vw;
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		padding: var(--padding);
		background: black url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M424.4 214.7L72.4 6.6C43.8-10.3 0 6.1 0 47.9V464c0 37.5 40.7 60.1 72.4 41.3l352-208c31.4-18.5 31.5-64.1 0-82.6z" fill="white" /></svg>') no-repeat center center;
		background-size: 40% 40%;
		border: 2px solid white; border-right-width: 0px;
		cursor: pointer;
		.controls__button:hover {
			background: white url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M424.4 214.7L72.4 6.6C43.8-10.3 0 6.1 0 47.9V464c0 37.5 40.7 60.1 72.4 41.3l352-208c31.4-18.5 31.5-64.1 0-82.6z" fill="black" /></svg>') no-repeat center center;
			background-size: 40% 40%;
			border-color: black;
		.controls__button.button--on {
			background: black url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M144 479H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h96c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48zm304-48V79c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-96c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48z" fill="white" /></svg>') no-repeat center center;
			background-size: 40% 40%;
			.controls__button.button--on:hover {
				background: white url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M144 479H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h96c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48zm304-48V79c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-96c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48z" fill="black" /></svg>') no-repeat center center;
			background-size: 40% 40%;
		span {visibility: hidden;}

	.controls__credit {
		box-sixing: border-box;
		padding: var(--padding) var(--padding) 0px;
		background-color: white; border: 2px solid black;
		color: black;
		.controls__credit:nth-of-type(1) {
			grid-area: 1 / 2 / 2 / 3;
			border-width: 2px 0px;
			p {padding-bottom: var(--padding);}
			svg {width: 80px; padding-top: var(--padding);}
		.controls__credit:nth-of-type(2) {
			grid-area: 1 / 3 / 2 / 4;

	p {
		text-align: center;}
	p	span {display: none;}
	.credit--artist {}
	.credit--platform {}
	svg {width: 60px;}


                // if value is above a certain amount - update beat

// pipe value into brightness


// some utility functions
const arrAvg = arr => arr.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0) / arr.length;

// at some point refactor this to use viz colours
// const colourPalette =

//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SOUNDCLOUD STUFF
// Massive thanks to @jake_albaugh for letting me use his key. Also a lot of the soundcloud stuff is influenced by which you should check out!
const track_id = "433074246";
const client_id = "787c22af89922d1be9202d2f0cc90586";
const src_url = "" + track_id + "/stream?client_id=" + client_id;
const controls = document.querySelector('button');
let track = new Audio();
track.crossOrigin = "anonymous";

function initTrack(url, trackInstance) {
	let trackInst = trackInstance;
	trackInst.src = url;
	trackInst.crossOrigin = "anonymous";;

function playPause(playing, trackInstance) {
	let trackInst = trackInstance;
	if (playing) {
	} else {;

controls.addEventListener("click", function() {

	// check if context is in suspended state (autoplay policy)
	if (audCtx.state === 'suspended') {


	// first click - initiate soundcloud call
	if (this.dataset.playing === 'null') {
		initTrack(src_url, track);
		this.dataset.playing = "true";
		// and set up audio graph
		connectGraph(audCtx, track, analyserNode);
	} else { // toggle play
		let play = this.dataset.playing === "true" ? true : false;
		this.dataset.playing = this.dataset.playing === "true" ? "false" : "true";
		playPause(play, track);

}, false);

//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUDIO STUFF
// set up audio canCtx & analyser
const binSize = 2048;
let bin = new Uint8Array(binSize);
const audCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext);
const analyserNode = new AnalyserNode(audCtx, {
  fftSize: binSize*2,
  maxDecibels: -25,
  minDecibels: -60,
  smoothingTimeConstant: 0.5,

function connectGraph(ctx, trackInstance, node) {
	let trackInst = trackInstance,
			audioCtx = ctx,
			analyserNode = node;
	const source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(trackInst);

function analyse(node) {
	let analyserNode = node;
	// console.log(bin);

// visual setup
const beatThreshold = 30; // average gain for change
const debounceRate = 20; // lower = higher frame count
let debounce = 0;
let directions = [-1, 0, 1];

function draw() {
	let newBin = bin.slice(0, binSize/16);
	// if the first half of the array averages over 200, change lines
	let binAvg = arrAvg(newBin);'--bright', binAvg+20);
	if ( (binAvg > beatThreshold) && (debounce === 0) ) {'--beat', binAvg);
		// startSteps === 4 ? startSteps = 2 : startSteps++;
		debounce = debounceRate;
	debounce > 0 ? debounce-- : debounce = 0;



