Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


	var RightTechPath="";
<script  type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

	<input type="button" class="btn btn-light " id="button1" value="15열의 관할지방청으로 포커스 이동" onclick="goToCell(15,7);" />
			<input type="button" class="btn btn-light " id="button2" value="1열의 등록번호로 포커스 이동" onclick="goToCell(1,1);" />
					<input type="button" class="btn btn-light " id="button3" value="세로 스크롤바 확인" onclick="isScroll1();" />
					<input type="button" class="btn btn-light " id="button4" value="가로 스크롤바 확인" onclick="isScroll2();" />			
			<div id="sheetarea" style="width:100%;height:250px;"></div><br>




		var qcell;
		var sampleData1 = [ 
		{"index":1, "bizScale":1, "bizName":"에피지놈제어연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066", "assignedPersons":5, "authorities":3},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":5, "bizScale":2, "bizName":"나노튜브및나노복합구조연구센터(성균관대)", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 Ncenter 86371호", "assignedPersons":7, "authorities":1},
		{"index":3, "bizScale":3, "bizName":"나노소재기반휴먼인터페이스 융합연구센터", "bizAddress":"경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 성균관대학교 제2종합연구동 83235호", "assignedPersons":10, "authorities":2}];

		var select_type = [
			{'label':'국가기관 등 연구소','value':2},
		var select_org = [
		//QCELL을 생성하고 핸들링 할 인스턴스를 얻어내어 변수에 할당
		function createQCELL(){
			qcellProperty = {
				id	: 'qcell',
				parentid	: 'sheetarea',
				rowheight	: {'header': 30,'data' : 25},
				data	: {'input': sampleData1},
				copy: true,
				paste: true,
				rowheader	: 'sequence', //default
				selectmode	: 'row', //default
				highlightrepeat	: 2, //default 0
				frozencols	: 1, //default
				frozenrows	: 0, //default
				frozenbottomrows	: 0, //for total information
				rowheaderstitle : ['순번'],
				columns	:  [
					{key: 'index', width: '100px', title: ['등록번호'],   type: "input", sort: true, styleclassname: {"data": "align-center"}},
					{key: 'bizScale', width:'200px', title: ['기업규모'],  styleclassname: {"data": "align-center"}, type:'selectmenu',	options:{input:select_type, itemcount:3}},
					{key: 'bizName', width: '400px', title: ['업체명'],  styleclassname: {"data": "align-left"}, sort: true, type: "input"},
					{key: 'bizAddress', width: '600px', title: ['소재지'], styleclassname: {"data": "align-left"},  resize:true, type: "textarea"},
					{key: 'assignedPersons', width: '100px', title: ['배정인원'],  sort: true, styleclassname: {"data": "align-center"}, type: "input"},
					{key: 'bizName', width: '400px', title: ['업체명'],  styleclassname: {"data": "align-left"}, sort: true, type: "input"},
					{key: 'authorities', width: '200px', title: ['관할지방청'], styleclassname: {"data": "align-center"}, sort: true,  type:'selectmenu', options:{input:select_org, itemcount:4}},

			qcell = QCELL.getInstance("qcell");

	function goToCell(row, col){
		qcell.focusCell(row, col);
	function isScroll1(){
	function isScroll2(){

