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                <div class="main container-fluid text-center">
		<div class="h1">Scott Cunningham</div>
		<div class="h2">"Magic is natural. It is a harmonious movement of energies to create needed change."</div>
		<div class="h3">(June 27, 1956 – March 28, 1993)</div>
	<div class="jumbotron">
		<img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="Scott Cunningham">
	<div class="content text-left">
		<p>Beloved American writer, <strong>Scott Douglas Cunningham</strong>, wrote more than 50 books in his short lifetime, inviting solitary Wiccans and others of alternative faiths to explore, refine, and immerse themselves in their spirituality. As a result,
			Wicca's beautiful practices and religion were opened up to people who previously would have felt excluded by not being part of a familial tradition. In addition, readers who were previousy unsure how to even begin to appreciate the full spectrum of
			their faith gained both knowledge and Scott's gentle, accepting perspective to encourage them on their path.</p>

		<div class="pull-right"><img class="img-responsive medium" src="" alt="Scott Cunningham"></div>
		<div class="pink">Scott's Life</div>
			<li><strong>1956:</strong> Scott Cunningham was born to Chester and Rose Marie Cunningham in Michigan, and had an older brother named Greg, and a younger sister named Christine.</li>
			<li><strong>1959:</strong> The Cunningham family moved to San Diego, where the gentle climate was expected to benefit Rose Marie with her health problems. Scott visited Hawaii many times as well, but remained settled in San Diego for the rest of his life.
				In high school, he discovered Wicca, and was initiated into an eclectic coven. Hawaiian Huna additionally contributed to his spirituality.</li>
			<li><strong>1978:</strong> Scott attended San Diego State University, and was a prolific writer, producing so many works that he eventually dropped out to write full time, making friends with magickal authors, Donald Michael Kraig and Raymond Buckland.</li>
			<li><strong>1980-1982:</strong> Scott studied Wicca under author and Aridian witch, Raven Grimassi, remaining a first degree initiate until 1982 when he left the tradition to follow the path of a solitary Wiccan practitioner. Scott believed that the closed,
				secretive practices of traditional Wicca should be opened up to welcome newcomers, as opposed to limiting access only to those selected for initiation by a coven. His ideas created a ripple effect, attracting many people who hoped to explore or were
				suited to Wiccan philosophy who would otherwise not have access to it or a coven, and additional attracted criticism by those </li>
			<li><strong>1982:</strong> Scott first book, <em>Magickal Herbalism</em>, was published. It is a reflection of his fascination with the magickal correspondences of herbs, and is still considered the definitive work on the subject.</li>
			<li><strong>1983:</strong> Scott became ill and was diagnosed with lymphoma, which he overcame.</li>
			<li><strong>1988:</strong> <em>Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner</em>, with its insight into what it means to practice a solitary Wiccan lifestyle, was published. In particular, this book was met with enthusiasm and scorn alike, the latter being
				for its deviation from traditional initiatory covens, whose lineaged members still regard the majority of solitary Wiccans as "making up their religion as they go along". The work, however, was well received by many who want a chance to connect with
				nature and its energies. Scott's writing is pleasant and easy to understand, particularly for beginners.</li>
			<li><strong>1990:</strong> Once again, Scott fell ill, while on a speaking tour in Massachusetts, and was sadly diagnosed with AIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis.</li>
			<li><strong>1993:</strong> Scott passed away in March at only 36 years old, but leaving us volumes of books and a wealth of information and perspective on modern paganism and neo-Wicca. <em>Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner</em> remains one
				of the most popular books on Wicca ever published, and was one of the first books on paganism and witchcraft to appear in non-Pagan bookstores and to be accessible to the mainstream.</li>

		<p>If you would like to learn more about Scott's life, faith, and writing, please visit <a href="" target="_blank">'s author profile for Scott Cunningham</a>, and his page on
				href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>. The best way to truly understand him, however, is to read one of his many magickal books, including a personal Book of Shadows that was written by him in the late 1970s or early 1980s and rediscovered for publication after his death.
				In addition, I strongly recommend the detailed and personal biography of Scott's life, <em>Whispers of the Moon</em>, written by David Harington and DiTraci Regula shortly after his untimely death.</p>

		<p><img class="img-responsive small" src="" alt="Scott Cunningham"></p>

		<div class="pink">Published Works:</div>

			<li><strong>1980:</strong> Shadow of Love (fiction)</li>
			<li><strong>1982:</strong> Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise (ISBN 0-87542-120-2)</li>
			<li><strong>1983:</strong> Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic (ISBN 0-87542-121-0)</li>
			<li><strong>1985:</strong> Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (ISBN 0-87542-122-9)</li>
			<li><strong>1987:</strong> The Magical Household: Spells and Rituals for the Home (with David Harrington) (ISBN 0-87542-124-5)</li>
			<li><strong>1987:</strong> Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic (ISBN 0-87542-126-1)</li>
			<li><strong>1988:</strong> The Truth About Witchcraft Today (ISBN 0-87542-127-X)</li>
			<li><strong>1988:</strong> Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (ISBN 0-87542-118-0)</li>
			<li><strong>1989:</strong> The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews (ISBN 0-87542-128-8)</li>
			<li><strong>1989:</strong> Magical Aromatherapy: The Power of Scent (ISBN 0-87542-129-6)</li>
			<li><strong>1991:</strong> Earth, Air, Fire, and Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic (ISBN 0-87542-131-8)</li>
			<li><strong>1991:</strong> The Magic in Food (ISBN 0-87542-130-X)</li>
			<li><strong>1993:</strong> Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen (ISBN 0-7387-0226-9)</li>
			<li><strong>1993:</strong> Divination For Beginners (ISBN 0-7387-0384-2)</li>
			<li><strong>1993:</strong> Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (ISBN 0-87542-184-9)</li>
			<li><strong>1993:</strong> Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects (with David Harrington) (ISBN 0-87542-185-7)</li>
			<li><strong>1993:</strong> The Truth About Herb Magic (ISBN 0-87542-132-6)</li>
			<li><strong>1994:</strong> The Truth About Witchcraft (ISBN 0-87542-357-4)</li>
			<li><strong>1995:</strong> Hawaiian Magic and Spirituality (ISBN 1-56718-199-6)</li>
			<li><strong>1997:</strong> Pocket Guide to Fortune Telling (ISBN 0-89594-875-3)</li>
			<li><strong>1999:</strong> Dreaming the Divine: Techniques for Sacred Sleep (ISBN 1-56718-192-9)</li>
			<li><strong>2009:</strong> Cunningham's Book of Shadows: The Path of An American Traditionalist (ISBN 0-73871-914-5)</li>

	<div class="pink"><em>As Above, So Below.</em></div>
	<div><img class="img-responsive small" src="" alt="Scott Cunningham"></div>

	<footer class="text-left">
			<div class="pink">References:</div>
				<li>CinamiGrafiks (2012, February 3). Pentagram Wallpaper. Retrieved from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
				<li>Tradition Farreliana of Manaus / AM (2015, March 24). Wicca and Witchcraft Manaus: 22 years without Scott Cunningham. Retrieved from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
				<li>Wigington, P. (2015). Author Profile: Scott Cunningham. Retrieved from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
				<li>Scott Cunningham (n.d.). In Retrieved December 30, 2016 from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>


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