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                <div id="scroll-container">
	<div id="indicator"></div>

	<h1 id="header-1">Scroll Indicator</h1>

	<p>This is a page scroll indicator inspired by the one on <a href="">LessWrong</a>. Headers are noted and immediately jumpable, and it has two possible appearances that swap out based on breakpoints for a responsive experience best tailored to the user.</p>
	<p>On viewports with sufficient horizontal space, the indicator is displayed vertically and has a thumb that represents the height of the user's viewport. On narrower viewports, the indicator manifests as a horizontal progress bar at the top of the screen.</p>
	<p>Ideally, the base of this effect could be achieved using scroll-driven animations with additional JavaScript-based functionality considered progressive enhancement, but that has restrictions if the page has content beyond the main article, such as comments, where one must start implementing <code>overflow: scroll</code> hackery.</p>

	<h2 id="header-2">Header 2</h2>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>

	<h3 id="header-3">Header 3</h3>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>

	<h2 id="header-4">Header 4</h2>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>

	<h2>Other, non-article content</h2>
	<p>This content shouldn't be shown in the scrollbar</p>
	<p>Deserunt molestias esse occaecati. Et nesciunt ad inventore tenetur quos quisquam. Adipisci labore nemo rerum rerum sit doloribus blanditiis quia. Voluptatem sequi odit ea repellendus. Quasi vero cupiditate quia esse.</p>


                :root {
	color-scheme: light dark;

	--black: oklch(18% 0.003 17.5);

	--dark_grey: oklch(24% 0.006 17.6);
	--grey: oklch(36% 0.003 17.3);
	--bright_grey: oklch(47% 0.005 17.3);

	--white: oklch(76% 0.03 55);
	--bright_white: oklch(94.75% 0.04 73);

	--blue: oklch(56.5% 0.13 253);
	--cyan: oklch(71.2% 0.112 198.7);
	--magenta: oklch(61.2% 0.21 5.4);

body {
	margin: 3rem 3rem 3rem 5rem;
	font-family: "EB Garamond", serif;
	color: light-dark(var(--black), var(--bright_white));
	background: light-dark(var(--bright_white), var(--black));

	@media (max-width: 45rem) {
		margin: 0 0.8rem;

article {
	max-width: 80ch;

	* + h2,
	* + h3 {
		margin-top: 2rem;

	> * + * {
		margin-top: 1rem;

h6 {
	text-transform: uppercase;
	text-wrap: balance;
	font-weight: 700;

h1 {
	font-size: 2.5rem;
	line-height: 2.8rem;

h2 {
	font-size: 1.8rem;
	line-height: 2rem;

h3 {
	font-size: 1.2rem;
	line-height: 1.4rem;

a {
	color: inherit;
	text-decoration: underline 0.1rem light-dark(var(--cyan), var(--blue));
	-webkit-text-decoration-line: underline;
	-webkit-text-decoration-color: light-dark(var(--cyan), var(--blue));
	text-decoration-skip-ink: none;
	text-underline-offset: 0.2rem;

	&:active {
		text-decoration-thickness: 0.7rem;
		text-underline-offset: -0.37rem;

code {
	font-size: 80%;

#scroll-container {
	display: none; /* Set to block in JS */
	position: fixed;
	inset: 2rem auto 2rem 1rem;
	width: 2px;
	background-color: light-dark(var(--white), var(--grey));
	z-index: 1000;

	#indicator {
		position: absolute;
		left: -0.5px;
		width: 3px;
		background-color: var(--magenta);
		min-height: 5%;

	.heading-indicator {
		position: absolute;
		left: -0.5px;
		width: 3px;
		height: 5px;
		background-color: light-dark(var(--bright_white), var(--black));

		&:hover::after {
			content: attr(title);
			position: absolute;
			left: 15px;
			top: 50%;
			background-color: var(--bright_grey);
			padding: 4px 10px;
			white-space: nowrap;

@media (max-width: 45rem) {
	#scroll-container {
		inset: 0 0 auto;
		height: 4px;
		width: 100%;

		#indicator {
			left: 0;
			height: 100%;

		.heading-indicator {
			width: 5px;
			height: 4px;



                class ScrollProgressIndicator {
	constructor() {
		this.scrollContainer = document.getElementById("scroll-container");
		this.indicator = document.getElementById("indicator");
		this.article = document.querySelector("article");
		this.headers = this.article.querySelectorAll("h2");
		this.breakpoint = 700;
		this.currentLayout = null;


	init() {
		if (!this.article) {
			console.warn("No article element found");
		} = "block";

	setupEventListeners() {
		document.addEventListener("scroll", () => this.update());
		document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => this.update());
		window.addEventListener("resize", () => this.update());

	getArticleDimensions() {
		const articleRect = this.article.getBoundingClientRect();
		const scrollTop = window.scrollY - this.article.offsetTop;
		const adjustedScrollTop = Math.max(
			Math.min(scrollTop, this.article.scrollHeight)

		return {
			articleTop: + window.scrollY,
			articleHeight: this.article.scrollHeight,
			articleBottom: articleRect.bottom + window.scrollY,
			viewportHeight: window.innerHeight,
			viewportWidth: window.innerWidth,
			scrollTop: adjustedScrollTop

	isScrolledIntoArticle() {
		const { articleTop, articleBottom } = this.getArticleDimensions();
		const viewportTop = window.scrollY;
		const viewportBottom = viewportTop + window.innerHeight;

		return viewportBottom >= articleTop && viewportTop <= articleBottom;

	createHeaderMarker(header, position, isHorizontal) {
		const line = document.createElement("a");
		line.href = `#${}`;
		line.className = "heading-indicator";
		line.setAttribute("title", header.textContent);

		if (isHorizontal) { = `${position}%`; = "";
		} else { = `${position}%`; = "";

		return line;

	resetIndicatorStyles() { = ""; = ""; = ""; = "";

	updateIndicator(isHorizontal) {
		const {
		} = this.getArticleDimensions();

		if (isHorizontal) {
			const width = (scrollTop / (articleHeight - viewportHeight)) * 100;
			const clampedWidth = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, width)); = `${clampedWidth}%`; = ""; = "";
		} else {
			const height = (viewportHeight / articleHeight) * 100;
			const position = (scrollTop / articleHeight) * 100;
			const clampedPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(100 - height, position)); = `${height}%`; = `${clampedPosition}%`; = "";

	updateHeaderMarkers(isHorizontal) {
		const { articleHeight, articleTop } = this.getArticleDimensions();

			.forEach((marker) => marker.remove());

		this.headers.forEach((header) => {
			const headerOffset = header.offsetTop - this.article.offsetTop;
			const position = (headerOffset / articleHeight) * 100;
			const marker = this.createHeaderMarker(header, position, isHorizontal);

	update() {
		const isHorizontal = window.innerWidth <= this.breakpoint;

		if (this.currentLayout !== isHorizontal) {
			this.currentLayout = isHorizontal;


const scrollIndicator = new ScrollProgressIndicator();

