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                <html lang="en">
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				<a href="#" id="quoteButton">Enlighten Me</a>
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		var quoteSource=[
			quote: "Japanese people can make anything out of a tin can.",
			name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Belgians eat too many potatoes and too much bread.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Dentists are dirty bastards.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Italians smell funny.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"People shouldn't walk on the grass in Hawaii.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Tourists are an annoyance to the natives of an area.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Women don't like leftovers.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Your car will never break down in 80º weather in front of a nudist colony; instead it will break down in freezing weather in front of a leper colony.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Every nationality has its own smell.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"A church is a place of rest and a building in which one can analyze its heating, cooling and air circulation system.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"When removing roofing tiles, one must be careful not to remove your ladder from the side of the house.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Children's school programs are not meant for old farts ready to croak.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"The reason my wife doesn't mind slaving over a hot stove every day is because she gets to sleep with the master of the house.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"If you tap Standard Oil, they will tap your pocket.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Sobiski Corners (Wisconsin), is the center of the universe.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"The best alarm clock is a shotgun.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Why do people want to shut down nuclear power plants when no one has died as a result of one? People die from cars and snowmobiles all the time and no one wants to ban them.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"We like boiled fish, but we don’t like to catch them that way. Boiled fish do, however, like the saunas created by nuclear power plants.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"It’s not worthwhile stopping to pick up aluminum cans on the side of the road.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"You can’t salvage lettuce when you’re being paid peanuts.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"One doesn't pull trailers with a Porsche.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"A bathroom is a place where, when sitting down, one can analyze the fixtures, walls and floor for imperfections.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"Standing on a scale, or looking at yourself in a full length mirror will give you incentive to do a few 'push-aways' at the dinner table...I fight it though.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
	    	quote:"You can't play cards at the funeral home.",
	    	name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"When one gets to be a certain age, pleasure is obtained by searching the obituaries for deceased friends.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"Women like to play Yahtzee.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"Don't engage in the use of profanity when the distance between you and your grandmother is occupied by water.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"It's the greatest thing in the world to have beer in cans.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"With the use of a lunch bag, one can construct a cheap Michael Jackson glove. (Remember, it was 1985)",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"I like music from those blind colored boys.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"Instead of stealing hub caps when I was young I stole garbage can covers.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"If you want to find someone’s IQ, it is inversely proportional to the velocity at which they leave the school parking lot.",
        name:"Uncle Gerry"
        quote:"The closer you are to the lunatic fringe, the larger a stereo you have.",
        name:"Professor Bardouche"
        quote:"Your social stature is directly proportional to the amount of trash on your curb on garbage day.",
        name:"Mr. Bardouche"
        quote:"The farther away from a house you are, the easier it is to steal produce.",
        name:"Gerald Bardouche"
        quote:"It's OK to shoot an animal (opossum, dog, cat, human, etc.) that chases your cattle or goes into your barn.",
        name:"Mr. B."
        quote:"The human race is divided into two different animal kingdoms. There are those who inherit a whole bunch of money from aunt Mildred and go on to major in surfing at the University of Miami; then there are those like me who have to go to the local cow college and work for a living.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"In order to be an artist, one must speak a foreign language.",
        name:"Doctor Professor Gerry"
        quote:"If you are a frogman and you are trying to blow up pilings and someone throws a grenade at you, you will need about four tubes of Preparation-H.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"If you have a lonely puppy (or a big ego) go buy a mirror.",
        name:"G. Bardouche"
        quote:"All artists are fur-faces.",
        name:"Uncle Gerry"
        quote:"When I retire I’m gonna be happy...and so are you.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"People who have had cataract surgery shouldn't look at the sun for fear of burning two holes in their head.",
        name:"Gerry Bardouche"
        quote:"I buy green clothes because they look like money.",
        name:"Lt. Col. Bardouche"
        quote:"I don't know why my kids don't run away...I give them every chance.",
        name:"Father Bardouche"
        quote:"The three best things about teaching are June, July and August.",
        name:"Capt'n Bardouche"
        quote:"Instead of giving someone a raise, give them a hard-hat with their name on it, or a key to the bathroom.",
        name:"Gerry 'El Presidente' Bardouche"
        quote:"The first requirement for being a doctor is a refrigerated stethoscope.",
        name:"Uncle Gerry"
        quote:"'I' before 'E' except after 'V'. Thats why we spell review, R E V E I W.",
        name:"Right Reverend Bardouche"
        quote:"If there is a homosexual in the neighborhood, you'll make it a point to tell others about them.",
        name:"Gerry B."
        quote:"Down south, if you go into a store you'll find sunscreen for the whites and hair straighteners for the blacks.",
        name:"Emperor Bardouche"

			//define the containers of the info we target
			var quote = $('#quoteContainer p').text();
			var quoteGenius = $('#quoteGenius').text();
			//prevent browser's default action
			//getting a new random number to attach to a quote and setting a limit
			var sourceLength = quoteSource.length;
			var randomNumber= Math.floor(Math.random()*sourceLength);
			//set a new quote
			var newQuoteText = quoteSource[randomNumber].quote;
			var newQuoteGenius = quoteSource[randomNumber].name;
      var timeAnimation = 500;
      var quoteContainer = $('#quoteContainer');
      //fade out animation with callback
      quoteContainer.fadeOut(timeAnimation, function(){
				quoteContainer.append('<p>'+newQuoteText+'</p>'+'<p id="quoteGenius">'+'-								'+newQuoteGenius+'</p>');
        //fadein animation.
		};//end for loop
	});//end quoteButton function
});//end document ready

