<div id="info">
<a href="https://threejs.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">three.js</a> - Cone Marching Demo<br />
by <a href="https://nabilmansour.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nabil Mansour</a>
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import * as THREE from "https://esm.sh/three";
import { OrbitControls } from "https://esm.sh/three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls";
import GUI from "https://esm.sh/three/examples/jsm/libs/lil-gui.module.min.js";
import Stats from "https://esm.sh/three/examples/jsm/libs/stats.module.js";
const glsl = (x) => x[0]; // Dummy function to enable syntax highlighting for glsl code
// ----------------- Uniforms Code ----------------- //
const uniformsCode = glsl`
precision mediump float;
// From CPU
uniform vec3 u_clearColor;
uniform float u_eps;
uniform float u_maxDis;
uniform int u_maxSteps;
uniform vec3 u_camPos;
uniform mat4 u_camToWorldMat;
uniform mat4 u_camInvProjMat;
uniform float u_camTanFov;
uniform float u_camPlaneSubdivisions;
uniform vec3 u_lightDir;
uniform vec3 u_lightColor;
uniform float u_diffIntensity;
uniform float u_specIntensity;
uniform float u_shininess;
uniform float u_ambientIntensity;
uniform bool u_useConeMarching;
uniform int u_sdfLOD;
uniform bool u_showConeMarchingEdges;
// ----------------- Marching Code ----------------- //
const marchCode = glsl`
float sphereFold(vec4 z, float minR, float maxR, float bloatFactor) { // bloat = 1 will not change size.
float r2 = dot(z.xyz, z.xyz);
return max(maxR / max(minR, r2), bloatFactor);
void boxFold(inout vec4 z, vec3 r) {
z.xyz = clamp(z.xyz, -r, r) * 2.0 - z.xyz;
float de_box(vec4 p, vec3 s) {
vec3 a = abs(p.xyz) - s;
return (min(max(max(a.x, a.y), a.z), 0.0) + length(max(a, 0.0))) / p.w;
float mandleBox(vec3 pos) {
vec4 p = vec4(pos, 1);
p *= 4.;
vec4 o = p;
for (int i = 0; i < u_sdfLOD; ++i) {
boxFold(p, vec3(1., 1., 1.0));
p *= sphereFold(p, 0., 1., 1.0) * 2.;
p += o;
return de_box(p, vec3(10, 10, 10));
float scene(vec3 p) {
return mandleBox(p);
vec3 sceneNormal(vec3 p) // from https://iquilezles.org/articles/normalsSDF/
vec3 n = vec3(0, 0, 0);
vec3 e;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
e = 0.5773 * (2.0 * vec3((((i + 3) >> 1) & 1), ((i >> 1) & 1), (i & 1)) - 1.0);
n += e * scene(p + e * u_eps);
return normalize(n);
vec3 sceneCol(vec3 p) {
return vec3(1.0, 0.5, 0.5);
float rayMarch(float startDis, int stepsTaken, vec3 ro, vec3 rd)
float d = startDis; // total distance travelled
float cd; // current scene distance
vec3 p; // current position of ray
for (int i = stepsTaken; i < u_maxSteps; ++i) { // main loop
p = ro + d * rd; // calculate new position
cd = scene(p); // get scene distance
// if we have hit anything or our distance is too big, break loop
if (cd < u_eps || d >= u_maxDis) break;
// otherwise, add new scene distance to total distance
d += cd;
return d; // finally, return scene distance
struct March {
float dis;
int steps;
March coneMarch(vec3 cro, vec3 crd)
float d = 0.; // total distance travelled
float cd; // current scene distance
float ccr; // current cone radius
vec3 p; // current position of ray
int i = 0; // steps iter
for (;i < u_maxSteps; ++i) { // main loop
p = cro + d * crd; // calculate new position
cd = scene(p); // get scene distance
ccr = (d * u_camTanFov)*2. / u_camPlaneSubdivisions; // calculate cone radius
// if current distance is less than cone radius with some padding or our distance is too big, break loop
if (cd < ccr*1.25 || d >= u_maxDis) break;
// otherwise, add new scene distance to total distance
d += cd;
return March(d, i); // finally, return scene distance
// ----------------- Vertex Shader ----------------- //
const vertCode = glsl`
// to send to fragment shader
out vec2 vUv;
out float vDisTravelled;
flat out int vSteps;
void main() {
// Compute view direction in world space
vec4 worldPos = modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
vec3 viewDir = normalize(-worldPos.xyz);
// Output vertex position
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * worldPos;
// Output UV
vUv = uv;
// Cone marching
vDisTravelled = 0.;
vSteps = 0;
if (u_useConeMarching) {
vec3 cro = u_camPos;
vec3 crd = (u_camInvProjMat * vec4(uv*2.-1., 0, 1)).xyz;
crd = (u_camToWorldMat * vec4(crd, 0)).xyz;
crd = normalize(crd);
March result = coneMarch(cro, crd);
vDisTravelled = result.dis;
vSteps = result.steps;
// ----------------- Fragment Shader ----------------- //
const fragCode = glsl`
// From vertex shader
in vec2 vUv;
in float vDisTravelled;
flat in int vSteps;
void main() {
// If distance travelled is too big, clear color
if (u_showConeMarchingEdges && vDisTravelled >= u_maxDis) {
gl_FragColor = vec4(u_clearColor,1);
// Get UV from vertex shader
vec2 uv = vUv.xy;
// Get ray origin and direction from camera uniforms
vec3 ro = u_camPos;
vec3 rd = (u_camInvProjMat * vec4(uv*2.-1., 0, 1)).xyz;
rd = (u_camToWorldMat * vec4(rd, 0)).xyz;
rd = normalize(rd);
// Ray marching and find total distance travelled
float disTravelled = rayMarch(vDisTravelled, vSteps, ro, rd); // use normalized ray
if (disTravelled >= u_maxDis) { // if ray doesn't hit anything
gl_FragColor = vec4(u_clearColor * (u_useConeMarching ? 2. : 1.),1);
} else { // if ray hits something
// Calculate Diffuse model
vec3 hp = ro + disTravelled * rd; // Find the hit position
vec3 n = sceneNormal(hp); // Get normal of hit point
float dotNL = dot(n, u_lightDir);
float diff = max(dotNL, 0.0) * u_diffIntensity;
float spec = pow(diff, u_shininess) * u_specIntensity;
float ambient = u_ambientIntensity;
vec3 color = u_lightColor * (sceneCol(hp) * (spec + ambient + diff));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1); // color output
// Create a scene
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Add stats
const stats = new Stats();
// Create a camera
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
camera.position.z = 5;
// Create a renderer
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
// Set background color
const backgroundColor = new THREE.Color(0x3399ee);
renderer.setClearColor(backgroundColor, 1);
// Add orbit controls
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
controls.maxDistance = 10;
controls.minDistance = 2;
controls.enableDamping = true;
// Add directional light
const light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 1);
light.position.set(1, 1, 1);
// Create a ray marching plane
let marchingPlaneGeoValues = [1, 1, Math.trunc(camera.aspect*32), 32];
const marchingPlaneMat = new THREE.ShaderMaterial();
let marchingPlaneGeo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(...marchingPlaneGeoValues);
let marchingPlane = new THREE.Mesh(marchingPlaneGeo, marchingPlaneMat);
// Get the wdith and height of the near plane
const nearPlaneWidth = camera.near * Math.tan(THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(camera.fov / 2)) * camera.aspect * 2;
const nearPlaneHeight = nearPlaneWidth / camera.aspect;
// Scale the ray marching plane
marchingPlane.scale.set(nearPlaneWidth, nearPlaneHeight, 1);
// Add uniforms
const uniforms = {
u_eps: { value: 0.001 },
u_maxDis: { value: 20 },
u_maxSteps: { value: 100 },
u_clearColor: { value: backgroundColor },
u_camPos: { value: camera.position },
u_camToWorldMat: { value: camera.matrixWorld },
u_camInvProjMat: { value: camera.projectionMatrixInverse },
u_camTanFov: { value: Math.tan(THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(camera.fov / 2)) },
u_camPlaneSubdivisions: { value: marchingPlaneGeoValues[marchingPlaneGeoValues.length - 1] },
u_lightDir: { value: light.position },
u_lightColor: { value: light.color },
u_diffIntensity: { value: 0.5 },
u_specIntensity: { value: 3 },
u_shininess: { value: 16 },
u_ambientIntensity: { value: 0.15 },
u_useConeMarching: { value: true },
u_sdfLOD: { value: 10 },
u_showConeMarchingEdges: { value: true },
marchingPlaneMat.uniforms = uniforms;
marchingPlaneMat.vertexShader = uniformsCode + marchCode + vertCode;
marchingPlaneMat.fragmentShader = uniformsCode + marchCode + fragCode;
// wireframe
const wireframeMat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, wireframe: true, transparent: true, opacity: 0. });
let wireframeGeo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(...marchingPlaneGeoValues);
let wireframe = new THREE.Mesh(wireframeGeo, wireframeMat);
// Add plane to scene
// Needed inside update function
let cameraForwardPos = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1);
const VECTOR3ZERO = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
// Render the scene
const animate = () => {
// Update screen plane position and rotation
cameraForwardPos = camera.position.clone().add(camera.getWorldDirection(VECTOR3ZERO).multiplyScalar(camera.near));
renderer.render(scene, camera);
// Handle window resize
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
const nearPlaneWidth = camera.near * Math.tan(THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(camera.fov / 2)) * camera.aspect * 2;
const nearPlaneHeight = nearPlaneWidth / camera.aspect;
marchingPlane.scale.set(nearPlaneWidth, nearPlaneHeight, 1);
if (renderer) renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
marchingPlaneGeoValues = [1, 1, Math.trunc(camera.aspect*32), 32]
marchingPlaneGeo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(...marchingPlaneGeoValues);
marchingPlane.geometry = marchingPlaneGeo;
marchingPlaneMat.uniforms.u_camPlaneSubdivisions.value = marchingPlaneGeoValues[marchingPlaneGeoValues.length - 1];
wireframeGeo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(...marchingPlaneGeoValues);
wireframe.geometry = wireframeGeo;
// GUI
const gui = new GUI();
const guiParams = {
useConeMarching: uniforms.u_useConeMarching.value,
sdfLOD: uniforms.u_sdfLOD.value,
wireframe: false,
showConeMatchingEdges: uniforms.u_showConeMarchingEdges.value,
eps: uniforms.u_eps.value,
maxDis: uniforms.u_maxDis.value,
maxSteps: uniforms.u_maxSteps.value,
// ------------------------------------------------- //
const generalSettings = gui.addFolder('General Settings');
generalSettings.add(guiParams, 'useConeMarching', true, false).onChange((value) => {
uniforms.u_useConeMarching.value = value;
}).name('Use Cone Marching');
generalSettings.add(guiParams, 'sdfLOD', 5, 20).step(1).onChange((value) => {
uniforms.u_sdfLOD.value = value;
}).name('SDF Level of Detail');
generalSettings.add(guiParams, 'wireframe', true, false).onChange((value) => {
wireframeMat.opacity = value ? 0.1 : 0;
}).name('Show Subdivisions');
generalSettings.add(guiParams, 'showConeMatchingEdges', true, false).onChange((value) => {
uniforms.u_showConeMarchingEdges.value = value;
}).name('Show Cone Marching Edges');
// ------------------------------------------------- //
const renderingSettings = gui.addFolder('Rendering Settings');
renderingSettings.add(guiParams, 'eps', 0.0001, 0.01).onChange((value) => {
uniforms.u_eps.value = value;
}).name('Hit Epsilon');
renderingSettings.add(guiParams, 'maxSteps', 10, 200).step(1).onChange((value) => {
uniforms.u_maxSteps.value = value;
}).name('Max Steps');
// ------------------------------------------------- //
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