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                <h1>Pyramid Chart Component</h1>
<div id='example'></div>

<div class='description'>
  <p>It's plain HTML and CSS in output.</p>
  <p>It's responsive by default. Just set the height and width for your container.</p>
    <p>You can use both JS or CSS to make it interactive. In this example only <code>:hover</code> is used</p>
<div class='description'>
  <p>The default styles are inline inside the component.</p>
    <p>The default <strong>slices</strong> styles are <strong><code>clip-path</code></strong>, <strong><code>height</code></strong>, <strong><code>width</code></strong>. <br />
  Them <strong>should not be overrided</strong>.</p>
  <p>The default <strong>container</strong> styles make it a flexbox. You could override it, but it's not recommended.</p> 
  <h2>Use in your Pens</h2>
  <p>You can use this Pen's JS as a dependency in your Pens.</p>
  <p>This example is tuned inside HTML section, so don't worry — it will not be drawn in your code.</p>
<div class='description'>
  <h2>Known issues</h2>
      <strong>Slice height percentage</strong>: you can't tweak it.
      A slice height is a percentage relative to the total container height.
      <br />
      You can tweak the width, as it's 100% of the total;
      <strong>Workaround</strong>: use paddings to resize;
      <strong>Fix</strong>: you can try to put slices inside containers and apply the calculated height to containers while the slices will be 100% in height.
        <strong>Borders</strong>: that's it — you can't just assign plain css borders to it.
      <strong>Workaround</strong>: currently no simple workarounds.
      <strong>Fix</strong>: as in previous issue you can try to play with containers. <br />
        You can use container background and apply to it the same <code>clip-path</code>. If container will be  bigger than slice, it will look like a border.
        Another option could be using SVG.
        The drawback is that it kills the HTML & CSS simplicity of this component.
  // I use the JS source as external for other pens, that's why I render this example inline here
window.onload = function () {
      { data: [
          { value: 1, 
            props: { 
              title: '25 percent', 
              style: { backgroundColor: 'steelblue' }
          { value: 1, 
            props: { 
              title: '25 percent', 
              style: { backgroundColor: 'yellow' }
          { value: 1, 
            props: { 
              title: '25 percent', 
              style: { backgroundColor: 'khaki' }
          { value: 1, 
            props: { 
              title: '25 percent', 
              style: { backgroundColor: '#C86428' }


                h2 {
  margin: .7em 0 .3em;
h2+p {
  margin-top: 0;

.description {
  display: inline-block;
  max-width: 400px;

#example {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  padding: 0 50px;
  margin: auto;

body {
    background: llinear-gradient(to top, #ece9e6, #ffffff);


* This CSS can be safely changed.
* All important CSS rules are inline inside the component

.pyramid-chart-container {
  padding: 10px;
  .pyramid-chart-slice {
    margin: 1px 0;
    transition: all .5s ease;
    &:nth-child(odd) {
      background: blue;
    &:hover {
      margin-left: 20%;


                const trapezoidPath = (height, topBase, bottomBase) => {
    topBaseOffset = (100 - topBase) / 2,
    bottomBaseOffset = (100 - bottomBase) / 2
    topRule = topBaseOffset === 0 ? '50% 0' : `${topBaseOffset}% 0%, ${100 - topBaseOffset}% 0%`,
    bottomRule = `${100 - bottomBaseOffset}% 100%, ${bottomBaseOffset}% 100%`
  return `polygon(${topRule}, ${bottomRule})`

class Pyramid extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      styles: this.calculateStyles(

  componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if (nextProps !== this.props) {
      this.setState({ styles: this.calculateStyles( })

  calculateStyles(data) {
    const totalArea = data.reduce((acc, entry) => acc + entry.value, 0)

    // At each iteration of data, we calculate a triangle sizes; this triangle is
    // the sum of the slices that we already iterated from top to bottom of our "pyramid"
    // ````/\ 
    // ```/..\ - first slice --> triangle
    // ``/....\- second slice + first --> triangle
    // `/______\ - third slice + first + second --> triangle
    // To find the sizes of each individual slice, we will just substract
    // the current triangle size from the previous value
      areaAcc = 0,
      prevSizesCoef = 0
    // Create the style data for each item
    const styles = => {
      // Calculate the area ratio of current triangle
      areaAcc = areaAcc + item.value
      const areaRatio = areaAcc / totalArea
      // Calculate the slice sizes coefficient
      const sizesCoef = Math.sqrt(areaRatio)
      const sliceHeight = sizesCoef - prevSizesCoef
      // Calculate path style
      const path = trapezoidPath(sliceHeight * 100, prevSizesCoef * 100, sizesCoef * 100)
      // Update
      prevSizesCoef = sizesCoef
      return {
        clipPath: path,
        height: sliceHeight*100 + '%',
        width: '100%'

    return styles

  render() {
      { data, containerProps } = this.props,
      { styles } = this.state
    const containerStyle = {
      height: '100%',
      width: '100%',
      display: 'flex',
      flexDirection: 'column',
      justifyContent: 'center',
      alignItems: 'center',
      boxSizing: 'border-box'
    return (
      <div {...containerProps}
        style={{, ...containerStyle }}
        className={`pyramid-chart-container ${containerProps.className || ''}`}
        {, index) => 
          <div {...item.props}
               style={{ ...(item.props &&, ...styles[index] }}
               className={`pyramid-chart-slice ${item.props && item.props.className || ''}`}>

Pyramid.defaultProps = {
  data: [],
  containerProps: {}
