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<div class="main-headings" id="main-headings-js">
<p id="by-line">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
<div class="heading">
<h3 id="heading1">Decouvrez</h3>
<h3 id="heading2">la Jeune,</h3>
<h1 id="heading3">Beaute</h1>
<div class="short-bio">
<p>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore, repellat, quod sed optio nesciunt aspernatur inventore ab, nostrum accusantium harum dolor voluptate nulla!</p>
<a href="#" class="link" onclick="readMore()">Read More</a>
<div class="more-info " id="more-info-js">
<h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit.</h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Esse expedita impedit iste, quibusdam debitis fugit repudiandae voluptatum vero quod nulla!</p>
<p>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita delectus iusto facere dignissimos quaerat facilis voluptatibus fuga quod impedit. Atque tenetur amet officia repudiandae odit.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni saepe suscipit deleniti porro fugit! Atque nisi alias a porro fugiat incidunt exercitationem! Nihil, consectetur. Expedita.</p>
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View Compiled
function readMore() {
var expandInfo = document.getElementById("more-info-js");
var mainHeadings = document.getElementById("main-headings-js");
mainHeadings.style.transform = "scale(0.7)";
expandInfo.style.height = "350px";
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.