
  <h3>The places you don't need to seek the holy grail in</h3>
  <p>In today's podcast I, <span class="note tooltip" title="<i>King Arthur</i> — son of Uther Pendragon, from the castle of Camelot, king of the Britons, defeater of the Saxons, Sovereign of all England.">King Arthur,</span>  shall discuss the following topics: how to indentify a witch and what to do next, why Camelot is <span class="note tooltip" title="Don't go to it, seriously...">a silly place</span> and all you want to know about air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow. The special guest of today is Knight of Ni. Oh, and I'll try to comment the last French soldiers' <span class="note tooltip" title="You don't frighten us, English pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called «Arthur King,» you and all your silly English K-nig-hts. I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.">message</span> and dispel a few myths about my dear parents.</p>
body {
  font: 20px/1.750em "Georgia", serif;
  background: #f5f5f5;
  color: #222;
  list-style-type: circle;

section {
  max-width: 700px;
  margin: 50px auto;
  padding: 50px 100px;
  background: #fff;

h3 {
  font: 2em/1.250em "Georgia", serif;

.note {    
    color: #d0745f;
    cursor: pointer;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #d0745f;

/* This is the default Tooltipster theme (feel free to modify or duplicate and create multiple themes!): */
.tooltipster-default {
	border-radius: 1px; 
	border: 1px solid #eee;
	background: #fff;
	color: #222;

/* Use this next selector to style things like font-size and line-height: */
.tooltipster-default .tooltipster-content {
	font: 16px/24px "Georgia", serif;
	padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
	overflow: hidden;
 border-left: 5px solid #d0745f;

/* This next selector defines the color of the border on the outside of the arrow. This will automatically match the color and size of the border set on the main tooltip styles. Set display: none; if you would like a border around the tooltip but no border around the arrow */
.tooltipster-default .tooltipster-arrow .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	/* border-color: ... !important; */

/* If you're using the icon option, use this next selector to style them */
.tooltipster-icon {
	cursor: help;
	margin-left: 4px;

/* This is the base styling required to make all Tooltipsters work */
.tooltipster-base {
	padding: 0;
	font-size: 0;
	line-height: 0;
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 9999999;
	pointer-events: none;
	width: auto;
	overflow: visible;
.tooltipster-base .tooltipster-content {
	overflow: hidden;

/* These next classes handle the styles for the little arrow attached to the tooltip. By default, the arrow will inherit the same colors and border as what is set on the main tooltip itself. */
.tooltipster-arrow {
	display: block;
	text-align: center;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	z-index: -1;
.tooltipster-arrow span, .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	display: block;
	width: 0; 
	height: 0;
	position: absolute;
.tooltipster-arrow-top span, .tooltipster-arrow-top-right span, .tooltipster-arrow-top-left span {
	border-left: 8px solid transparent !important;
	border-right: 8px solid transparent !important;
	border-top: 8px solid;
	bottom: -8px;
.tooltipster-arrow-top .tooltipster-arrow-border, .tooltipster-arrow-top-right .tooltipster-arrow-border, .tooltipster-arrow-top-left .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	border-left: 9px solid transparent !important;
	border-right: 9px solid transparent !important;
	border-top: 9px solid;
	bottom: -8px;

.tooltipster-arrow-bottom span, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-right span, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-left span {
	border-left: 8px solid transparent !important;
	border-right: 8px solid transparent !important;
	border-bottom: 8px solid;
	top: -8px;
.tooltipster-arrow-bottom .tooltipster-arrow-border, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-right .tooltipster-arrow-border, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-left .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	border-left: 9px solid transparent !important;
	border-right: 9px solid transparent !important;
	border-bottom: 9px solid;
	top: -8px;
.tooltipster-arrow-top span, .tooltipster-arrow-top .tooltipster-arrow-border, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom span, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	left: 0;
	right: 0;
	margin: 0 auto;
.tooltipster-arrow-top-left span, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-left span {
	left: 6px;
.tooltipster-arrow-top-left .tooltipster-arrow-border, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-left .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	left: 5px;
.tooltipster-arrow-top-right span,  .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-right span {
	right: 6px;
.tooltipster-arrow-top-right .tooltipster-arrow-border, .tooltipster-arrow-bottom-right .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	right: 5px;
.tooltipster-arrow-left span, .tooltipster-arrow-left .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	border-top: 8px solid transparent !important;
	border-bottom: 8px solid transparent !important; 
	border-left: 8px solid;
	top: 50%;
	margin-top: -7px;
	right: -8px;
.tooltipster-arrow-left .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	border-top: 9px solid transparent !important;
	border-bottom: 9px solid transparent !important; 
	border-left: 9px solid;
	margin-top: -8px;
.tooltipster-arrow-right span, .tooltipster-arrow-right .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	border-top: 8px solid transparent !important;
	border-bottom: 8px solid transparent !important; 
	border-right: 8px solid;
	top: 50%;
	margin-top: -7px;
	left: -8px;
.tooltipster-arrow-right .tooltipster-arrow-border {
	border-top: 9px solid transparent !important;
	border-bottom: 9px solid transparent !important; 
	border-right: 9px solid;
	margin-top: -8px;

/* Some CSS magic for the awesome animations - feel free to make your own custom animations and reference it in your Tooltipster settings! */

.tooltipster-grow {
	-webkit-transform: scale(0,0);
	-moz-transform: scale(0,0);
	-o-transform: scale(0,0);
	-ms-transform: scale(0,0);
	transform: scale(0,0);
	-webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform;
	-moz-transition-property: -moz-transform;
	-o-transition-property: -o-transform;
	-ms-transition-property: -ms-transform;
	transition-property: transform;
	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
.tooltipster-grow-show {
	-webkit-transform: scale(1,1);
	-moz-transform: scale(1,1);
	-o-transform: scale(1,1);
	-ms-transform: scale(1,1);
	transform: scale(1,1);
	-webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1);
	-webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.15); 
	-moz-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.15); 
	-ms-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.15); 
	-o-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.15); 
	transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.15);

/* CSS transition for when contenting is changing in a tooltip that is still open */
.tooltipster-content-changing {
	-webkit-transform: scale(1.1, 1.1);
	-moz-transform: scale(1.1, 1.1);
	-o-transform: scale(1.1, 1.1);
	-ms-transform: scale(1.1, 1.1);
	transform: scale(1.1, 1.1);
$(document).ready(function() {
          delay: 100,
          maxWidth: 500,
          speed: 300,
          interactive: true,
        animation: 'grow',
        trigger: 'click'


Tooltipster 2.1 | 2/12/13
A rockin' custom tooltip jQuery plugin

Developed by: Caleb Jacob - calebjacob.com
Copyright (C) 2013 Caleb Jacob



;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {

	var pluginName = "tooltipster",
		defaults = {
			animation: 'fade',
			arrow: true,
			arrowColor: '',
			content: '',
			delay: 100,
			fixedWidth: 0,
			maxWidth: 0,
			functionBefore: function(origin, continueTooltip) {
			functionReady: function(origin, tooltip) {},
			functionAfter: function(origin) {},
			icon: '(?)',
			iconDesktop: false,
			iconTouch: false,
			iconTheme: '.tooltipster-icon',
			interactive: false,
			interactiveTolerance: 350,
			offsetX: 0,
			offsetY: 0,
			onlyOne: true,
			position: 'top',
			speed: 350,
			timer: 0,
			theme: '.tooltipster-default',
			touchDevices: true,
			trigger: 'click',
			updateAnimation: true
	function Plugin(element, options) {
		this.element = element;
		this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
		this._defaults = defaults;
		this._name = pluginName;
	// we'll use this to detect for mobile devices
	function is_touch_device() {
		return !!('ontouchstart' in window);
  	// detecting support for CSS transitions
  	function supportsTransitions() {
	    var b = document.body || document.documentElement;
	    var s = b.style;
	    var p = 'transition';
	    if(typeof s[p] == 'string') {return true; }
	    v = ['Moz', 'Webkit', 'Khtml', 'O', 'ms'],
	    p = p.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p.substr(1);
	    for(var i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
	      if(typeof s[v[i] + p] == 'string') { return true; }
	    return false;
    var transitionSupport = true;
    if (!supportsTransitions()) {
	    transitionSupport = false;
	Plugin.prototype = {
		init: function() {		
			var $this = $(this.element);
			var object = this;
			var run = true;
			// if this is a touch device and touch devices are disabled, disable the plugin
			if ((object.options.touchDevices == false) && (is_touch_device())) {
				run = false;
			// if IE7 or lower, disable the plugin
			if (document.all && !document.querySelector) {
				run = false;
			if (run == true) {
				// detect if we're changing the tooltip origin to an icon
				if ((this.options.iconDesktop == true) && (!is_touch_device()) || ((this.options.iconTouch == true) && (is_touch_device()))) {
					var transferContent = $this.attr('title');					
					var theme = object.options.iconTheme;
					var icon = $('<span class="'+ theme.replace('.', '') +'" title="'+ transferContent +'">'+ this.options.icon +'</span>');
					$this.data('tooltipsterIcon', icon);
					$this = icon;
				// first, strip the title off of the element and set it as a data attribute to prevent the default tooltips from popping up
				var tooltipsterContent = $.trim(object.options.content).length > 0 ? object.options.content : $this.attr('title');
				$this.data('tooltipsterContent', tooltipsterContent);
				// if this is a touch device, add some touch events to launch the tooltip
				if ((this.options.touchDevices == true) && (is_touch_device())) {
					$this.bind('touchstart', function(element, options) {
				// if this is a desktop, deal with adding regular mouse events
				else {
					// if hover events are set to show and hide the tooltip, attach those events respectively
					if (this.options.trigger == 'hover') {
						$this.on('mouseenter.tooltipster', function() {
						// if this is an interactive tooltip, delay getting rid of the tooltip right away so you have a chance to hover on the tooltip
						if (this.options.interactive == true) {
							$this.on('mouseleave.tooltipster', function() {
								var tooltipster = $this.data('tooltipster');
								var keepAlive = false;
								if ((tooltipster !== undefined) && (tooltipster !== '')) {
									tooltipster.mouseenter(function() {
										keepAlive = true;
									tooltipster.mouseleave(function() {
										keepAlive = false;
									var tolerance = setTimeout(function() {
										if (keepAlive == true) {
											tooltipster.mouseleave(function() {
										else {
									}, object.options.interactiveTolerance);
								else {
						// if this is a dumb tooltip, just get rid of it on mouseleave
						else {
							$this.on('mouseleave.tooltipster', function() {
					// if click events are set to show and hide the tooltip, attach those events respectively
					if (this.options.trigger == 'click') {
						$this.on('click.tooltipster', function() {
							if (($this.data('tooltipster') == '') || ($this.data('tooltipster') == undefined)) {
							else {
		showTooltip: function(options) {
			var $this = $(this.element);
			var object = this;
			// detect if we're actually dealing with an icon or the origin itself
			if ($this.data('tooltipsterIcon') !== undefined) {
				$this = $this.data('tooltipsterIcon');
			// continue if this tooltip is enabled
			if (!$this.hasClass('tooltipster-disable')) {
				// if we only want one tooltip open at a time, close all tooltips currently open
				if (($('.tooltipster-base').not('.tooltipster-dying').length > 0) && (object.options.onlyOne == true)) {
					$('.tooltipster-base').not('.tooltipster-dying').not($this.data('tooltipster')).each(function() {
						var origin = $(this).data('origin');
				// delay the showing of the tooltip according to the delay time
				$this.clearQueue().delay(object.options.delay).queue(function() {
					// call our custom function before continuing
					object.options.functionBefore($this, function() {
						// if this origin already has its tooltip open, keep it open and do nothing else
						if (($this.data('tooltipster') !== undefined) && ($this.data('tooltipster') !== '')) {
							var tooltipster = $this.data('tooltipster');
							if (!tooltipster.hasClass('tooltipster-kill')) {
								var animation = 'tooltipster-'+ object.options.animation;
								if (transitionSupport == true) {
									tooltipster.clearQueue().addClass(animation +'-show');
								// if we have a timer set, we need to reset it
								if (object.options.timer > 0) {
									var timer = tooltipster.data('tooltipsterTimer');
									timer = setTimeout(function() {
										tooltipster.data('tooltipsterTimer', undefined);
									}, object.options.timer);
									tooltipster.data('tooltipsterTimer', timer);
								// if this is a touch device, hide the tooltip on body touch
								if ((object.options.touchDevices == true) && (is_touch_device())) {
									$('body').bind('touchstart', function(event) {
										if (object.options.interactive == true) {
											var touchTarget = $(event.target);
											var closeTooltip = true;
											touchTarget.parents().each(function() {
												if ($(this).hasClass('tooltipster-base')) {
													closeTooltip = false;
											if (closeTooltip == true) {
										else {
						// if the tooltip isn't already open, open that sucker up!
						else {
							// disable horizontal scrollbar to keep overflowing tooltips from jacking with it
							$('body').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
							// get the content for the tooltip
							var content = $this.data('tooltipsterContent');
							// get some other settings related to building the tooltip
							var theme = object.options.theme;
							var themeClass = theme.replace('.', '');
							var animation = 'tooltipster-'+object.options.animation;
							var animationSpeed = '-webkit-transition-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; -webkit-animation-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; -moz-transition-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; -moz-animation-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; -o-transition-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; -o-animation-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; -ms-transition-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; -ms-animation-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; transition-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms; animation-duration: '+ object.options.speed +'ms;';
							var fixedWidth = object.options.fixedWidth > 0 ? 'width:'+ object.options.fixedWidth +'px;' : '';
							var maxWidth = object.options.maxWidth > 0 ? 'max-width:'+ object.options.maxWidth +'px;' : '';
							var pointerEvents = object.options.interactive == true ? 'pointer-events: auto;' : '';
							// build the base of our tooltip
							var tooltipster = $('<div class="tooltipster-base '+ themeClass +' '+ animation +'" style="'+ fixedWidth +' '+ maxWidth +' '+ pointerEvents +' '+ animationSpeed +'"><div class="tooltipster-content">'+content+'</div></div>');
							// attach the tooltip to its origin
							$this.data('tooltipster', tooltipster);
							tooltipster.data('origin', $this);
							// do all the crazy calculations and positioning
							// call our custom callback since the content of the tooltip is now part of the DOM
							object.options.functionReady($this, tooltipster);
							// animate in the tooltip
							if (transitionSupport == true) {
								tooltipster.addClass(animation + '-show');
							else {
								tooltipster.css('display', 'none').removeClass(animation).fadeIn(object.options.speed);
							// check to see if our tooltip content changes or its origin is removed while the tooltip is alive
							var currentTooltipContent = content;
							var contentUpdateChecker = setInterval(function() {		
								var newTooltipContent = $this.data('tooltipsterContent');
								// if this tooltip's origin is removed, remove the tooltip
								if ($('body').find($this).length == 0) {
								// if the content changed for the tooltip, update it											
								else if ((currentTooltipContent !== newTooltipContent) && (newTooltipContent !== '')) {
									currentTooltipContent = newTooltipContent;
									// set the new content in the tooltip
									// if we want to play a little animation showing the content changed
									if (object.options.updateAnimation == true) {
										if (supportsTransitions()) {
												'width': '',
												'-webkit-transition': 'all ' + object.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms',
												'-moz-transition': 'all ' + object.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms',
												'-o-transition': 'all ' + object.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms',
												'-ms-transition': 'all ' + object.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms',
												'transition': 'all ' + object.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms'
											// reset the CSS transitions and finish the change animation
											setTimeout(function() {
												// after the changing animation has completed, reset the CSS transitions
												setTimeout(function() {
														'-webkit-transition': object.options.speed + 'ms',
														'-moz-transition': object.options.speed + 'ms',
														'-o-transition': object.options.speed + 'ms',
														'-ms-transition': object.options.speed + 'ms',
														'transition': object.options.speed + 'ms'
												}, object.options.speed);
											}, object.options.speed);
										else {
											tooltipster.fadeTo(object.options.speed, 0.5, function() {
												tooltipster.fadeTo(object.options.speed, 1);
									// reposition and resize the tooltip
								// if the tooltip is closed or origin is removed, clear this interval
								if (($('body').find(tooltipster).length == 0) || ($('body').find($this).length == 0)) {
							}, 200);
							// if we have a timer set, let the countdown begin!
							if (object.options.timer > 0) {							
								var timer = setTimeout(function() {
									tooltipster.data('tooltipsterTimer', undefined);
								}, object.options.timer + object.options.speed);
								tooltipster.data('tooltipsterTimer', timer);
							// if this is a touch device, hide the tooltip on body touch
							if ((object.options.touchDevices == true) && (is_touch_device())) {
								$('body').bind('touchstart', function(event) {
									if (object.options.interactive == true) {
										var touchTarget = $(event.target);
										var closeTooltip = true;
										touchTarget.parents().each(function() {
											if ($(this).hasClass('tooltipster-base')) {
												closeTooltip = false;
										if (closeTooltip == true) {
									else {
							// if this is an interactive tooltip activated by a click, close the tooltip when you hover off the tooltip
		hideTooltip: function(options) {
			var $this = $(this.element);
			var object = this;
			// detect if we're actually dealing with an icon or the origin itself
			if ($this.data('tooltipsterIcon') !== undefined) {
				$this = $this.data('tooltipsterIcon');
			var tooltipster = $this.data('tooltipster');
			// if the origin has been removed, find all tooltips assigned to death
			if (tooltipster == undefined) {
				tooltipster = $('.tooltipster-dying');
			// clear any possible queues handling delays and such
			if ((tooltipster !== undefined) && (tooltipster !== '')) {
				// detect if we need to clear a timer
				var timer = tooltipster.data('tooltipsterTimer');
				if (timer !== undefined) {

				var animation = 'tooltipster-'+ object.options.animation;
				if (transitionSupport == true) {
					tooltipster.clearQueue().removeClass(animation +'-show').addClass('tooltipster-dying').delay(object.options.speed).queue(function() {
						$this.data('tooltipster', '');
						$('body').css('verflow-x', '');
						// finally, call our custom callback function
				else {
					tooltipster.clearQueue().addClass('tooltipster-dying').fadeOut(object.options.speed, function() {
						$this.data('tooltipster', '');
						$('body').css('verflow-x', '');
						// finally, call our custom callback function
		positionTooltip: function(options) {
			var $this = $(this.element);
			var object = this;
			// detect if we're actually dealing with an icon or the origin itself
			if ($this.data('tooltipsterIcon') !== undefined) {
				$this = $this.data('tooltipsterIcon');
			if (($this.data('tooltipster') !== undefined) && ($this.data('tooltipster') !== '')) {
				// find tooltipster and reset its width
				var tooltipster = $this.data('tooltipster');
				tooltipster.css('width', '');
				// find variables to determine placement
				var windowWidth = $(window).width();
				var containerWidth = $this.outerWidth(false);
				var containerHeight = $this.outerHeight(false);
				var tooltipWidth = tooltipster.outerWidth(false);
				var tooltipInnerWidth = tooltipster.innerWidth() + 1; // this +1 stops FireFox from sometimes forcing an additional text line
				var tooltipHeight = tooltipster.outerHeight(false);
				var offset = $this.offset();
				var offsetTop = offset.top;
				var offsetLeft = offset.left;
				var resetPosition = undefined;
				// if this is an <area> tag inside a <map>, all hell breaks loose. Recaclulate all the measurements based on coordinates
				if ($this.is('area')) {
					var areaShape = $this.attr('shape');
					var mapName = $this.parent().attr('name');
					var map = $('img[usemap="#'+ mapName +'"]');
					var mapOffsetLeft = map.offset().left;
					var mapOffsetTop = map.offset().top;
					var areaMeasurements = $this.attr('coords') !== undefined ? $this.attr('coords').split(',') : undefined;
					if (areaShape == 'circle') {
						var areaLeft = parseInt(areaMeasurements[0]);
						var areaTop = parseInt(areaMeasurements[1]);
						var areaWidth = parseInt(areaMeasurements[2]);
						containerHeight = areaWidth * 2;
						containerWidth = areaWidth * 2;
						offsetTop = mapOffsetTop + areaTop - areaWidth;
						offsetLeft = mapOffsetLeft + areaLeft - areaWidth;
					else if (areaShape == 'rect') {
						var areaLeft = parseInt(areaMeasurements[0]);
						var areaTop = parseInt(areaMeasurements[1]);
						var areaRight = parseInt(areaMeasurements[2]);
						var areaBottom = parseInt(areaMeasurements[3]);
						containerHeight = areaBottom - areaTop;
						containerWidth = areaRight - areaLeft;
						offsetTop = mapOffsetTop + areaTop;
						offsetLeft = mapOffsetLeft + areaLeft;
					else if (areaShape == 'poly') {
						var areaXs = [];
						var areaYs = [];
						var areaSmallestX = 0,
							areaSmallestY = 0,
							areaGreatestX = 0,
							areaGreatestY = 0;
						var arrayAlternate = 'even';
						for (i = 0; i < areaMeasurements.length; i++) {
							var areaNumber = parseInt(areaMeasurements[i]);
							if (arrayAlternate == 'even') {
								if (areaNumber > areaGreatestX) {
									areaGreatestX = areaNumber;
									if (i == 0) {
										areaSmallestX = areaGreatestX;
								if (areaNumber < areaSmallestX) {
									areaSmallestX = areaNumber;
								arrayAlternate = 'odd';
							else {
								if (areaNumber > areaGreatestY) {
									areaGreatestY = areaNumber;
									if (i == 1) {
										areaSmallestY = areaGreatestY;
								if (areaNumber < areaSmallestY) {
									areaSmallestY = areaNumber;
								arrayAlternate = 'even';
						containerHeight = areaGreatestY - areaSmallestY;
						containerWidth = areaGreatestX - areaSmallestX;
						offsetTop = mapOffsetTop + areaSmallestY;
						offsetLeft = mapOffsetLeft + areaSmallestX;
					else {
						containerHeight = map.outerHeight(false);
						containerWidth = map.outerWidth(false);
						offsetTop = mapOffsetTop;
						offsetLeft = mapOffsetLeft;
				// hardcoding the width and removing the padding fixed an issue with the tooltip width collapsing when the window size is small
				if(object.options.fixedWidth == 0) {
						'width': tooltipInnerWidth + 'px',
						'padding-left': '0px',
						'padding-right': '0px'
				// our function and global vars for positioning our tooltip
				var myLeft = 0,
					myTop = 0;
				var offsetY = parseInt(object.options.offsetY);
				var offsetX = parseInt(object.options.offsetX);
				var arrowConstruct = '';
				// A function to detect if the tooltip is going off the screen horizontally. If so, reposition the crap out of it!
				function dontGoOffScreenX() {
					var windowLeft = $(window).scrollLeft();
					// If the tooltip goes off the left side of the screen, line it up with the left side of the window
					if((myLeft - windowLeft) < 0) {
						var arrowReposition = myLeft - windowLeft;
						myLeft = windowLeft;
						tooltipster.data('arrow-reposition', arrowReposition);
					// If the tooltip goes off the right of the screen, line it up with the right side of the window
					if (((myLeft + tooltipWidth) - windowLeft) > windowWidth) {
						var arrowReposition = myLeft - ((windowWidth + windowLeft) - tooltipWidth);
						myLeft = (windowWidth + windowLeft) - tooltipWidth;
						tooltipster.data('arrow-reposition', arrowReposition);
				// A function to detect if the tooltip is going off the screen vertically. If so, switch to the opposite!
				function dontGoOffScreenY(switchTo, resetTo) {
					// if it goes off the top off the page
					if(((offsetTop - $(window).scrollTop() - tooltipHeight - offsetY - 12) < 0) && (resetTo.indexOf('top') > -1)) {
						object.options.position = switchTo;
						resetPosition = resetTo;
					// if it goes off the bottom of the page
					if (((offsetTop + containerHeight + tooltipHeight + 12 + offsetY) > ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height())) && (resetTo.indexOf('bottom') > -1)) {
						object.options.position = switchTo;
						resetPosition = resetTo;
						myTop = (offsetTop - tooltipHeight) - offsetY - 12;
				if(object.options.position == 'top') {
					var leftDifference = (offsetLeft + tooltipWidth) - (offsetLeft + containerWidth);
					myLeft =  (offsetLeft + offsetX) - (leftDifference / 2);
					myTop = (offsetTop - tooltipHeight) - offsetY - 12;
					dontGoOffScreenY('bottom', 'top');
				if(object.options.position == 'top-left') {
					myLeft = offsetLeft + offsetX;
					myTop = (offsetTop - tooltipHeight) - offsetY - 12;
					dontGoOffScreenY('bottom-left', 'top-left');
				if(object.options.position == 'top-right') {
					myLeft = (offsetLeft + containerWidth + offsetX) - tooltipWidth;
					myTop = (offsetTop - tooltipHeight) - offsetY - 12;
					dontGoOffScreenY('bottom-right', 'top-right');
				if(object.options.position == 'bottom') {
					var leftDifference = (offsetLeft + tooltipWidth) - (offsetLeft + containerWidth);
					myLeft =  offsetLeft - (leftDifference / 2) + offsetX;
					myTop = (offsetTop + containerHeight) + offsetY + 12;
					dontGoOffScreenY('top', 'bottom');
				if(object.options.position == 'bottom-left') {
					myLeft = offsetLeft + offsetX;
					myTop = (offsetTop + containerHeight) + offsetY + 12;
					dontGoOffScreenY('top-left', 'bottom-left');
				if(object.options.position == 'bottom-right') {
					myLeft = (offsetLeft + containerWidth + offsetX) - tooltipWidth;
					myTop = (offsetTop + containerHeight) + offsetY + 12;
					dontGoOffScreenY('top-right', 'bottom-right');
				if(object.options.position == 'left') {
					myLeft = offsetLeft - offsetX - tooltipWidth - 12;
					myLeftMirror = offsetLeft + offsetX + containerWidth + 12;
					var topDifference = (offsetTop + tooltipHeight) - (offsetTop + $this.outerHeight(false));
					myTop =  offsetTop - (topDifference / 2) - offsetY;
					// If the tooltip goes off boths sides of the page
					if((myLeft < 0) && ((myLeftMirror + tooltipWidth) > windowWidth)) {
						var borderWidth = parseFloat(tooltipster.css('border-width')) * 2;
						var newWidth = (tooltipWidth + myLeft) - borderWidth;
						tooltipster.css('width', newWidth + 'px');
						tooltipHeight = tooltipster.outerHeight(false);
						myLeft = offsetLeft - offsetX - newWidth - 12 - borderWidth;
						topDifference = (offsetTop + tooltipHeight) - (offsetTop + $this.outerHeight(false));
						myTop =  offsetTop - (topDifference / 2) - offsetY;
					// If it only goes off one side, flip it to the other side
					else if(myLeft < 0) {
						myLeft = offsetLeft + offsetX + containerWidth + 12;
						tooltipster.data('arrow-reposition', 'left');
				if(object.options.position == 'right') {
					myLeft = offsetLeft + offsetX + containerWidth + 12;
					myLeftMirror = offsetLeft - offsetX - tooltipWidth - 12;
					var topDifference = (offsetTop + tooltipHeight) - (offsetTop + $this.outerHeight(false));
					myTop =  offsetTop - (topDifference / 2) - offsetY;
					// If the tooltip goes off boths sides of the page
					if(((myLeft + tooltipWidth) > windowWidth) && (myLeftMirror < 0)) {
						var borderWidth = parseFloat(tooltipster.css('border-width')) * 2;
						var newWidth = (windowWidth - myLeft) - borderWidth;
						tooltipster.css('width', newWidth + 'px');
						tooltipHeight = tooltipster.outerHeight(false);
						topDifference = (offsetTop + tooltipHeight) - (offsetTop + $this.outerHeight(false));
						myTop =  offsetTop - (topDifference / 2) - offsetY;
					// If it only goes off one side, flip it to the other side
					else if((myLeft + tooltipWidth) > windowWidth) {
						myLeft = offsetLeft - offsetX - tooltipWidth - 12;
						tooltipster.data('arrow-reposition', 'right');
				// if arrow is set true, style it and append it
				if (object.options.arrow == true) {
					var arrowClass = 'tooltipster-arrow-' + object.options.position;
					// set color of the arrow
					if(object.options.arrowColor.length < 1) {
						var arrowColor = tooltipster.css('background-color');
					else {
						var arrowColor = object.options.arrowColor;
					// if the tooltip was going off the page and had to re-adjust, we need to update the arrow's position
					var arrowReposition = tooltipster.data('arrow-reposition');
					if (!arrowReposition) {
						arrowReposition = '';
					else if (arrowReposition == 'left') {
						arrowClass = 'tooltipster-arrow-right';
						arrowReposition = '';
					else if (arrowReposition == 'right') {
						arrowClass = 'tooltipster-arrow-left';
						arrowReposition = '';
					else {
						arrowReposition = 'left:'+ arrowReposition +'px;';
					// building the logic to create the border around the arrow of the tooltip
					if ((object.options.position == 'top') || (object.options.position == 'top-left') || (object.options.position == 'top-right')) {
						var tooltipBorderWidth = parseFloat(tooltipster.css('border-bottom-width'));
						var tooltipBorderColor = tooltipster.css('border-bottom-color');
					else if ((object.options.position == 'bottom') || (object.options.position == 'bottom-left') || (object.options.position == 'bottom-right')) {
						var tooltipBorderWidth = parseFloat(tooltipster.css('border-top-width'));
						var tooltipBorderColor = tooltipster.css('border-top-color');
					else if (object.options.position == 'left') {
						var tooltipBorderWidth = parseFloat(tooltipster.css('border-right-width'));
						var tooltipBorderColor = tooltipster.css('border-right-color');
					else if (object.options.position == 'right') {
						var tooltipBorderWidth = parseFloat(tooltipster.css('border-left-width'));
						var tooltipBorderColor = tooltipster.css('border-left-color');
					else {
						var tooltipBorderWidth = parseFloat(tooltipster.css('border-bottom-width'));
						var tooltipBorderColor = tooltipster.css('border-bottom-color');
					if (tooltipBorderWidth > 1) {
					var arrowBorder = '';
					if (tooltipBorderWidth !== 0) {
						var arrowBorderSize = '';
						var arrowBorderColor = 'border-color: '+ tooltipBorderColor +';';
						if (arrowClass.indexOf('bottom') !== -1) {
							arrowBorderSize = 'margin-top: -'+ tooltipBorderWidth +'px;';
						else if (arrowClass.indexOf('top') !== -1) {
							arrowBorderSize = 'margin-bottom: -'+ tooltipBorderWidth +'px;';
						else if (arrowClass.indexOf('left') !== -1) {
							arrowBorderSize = 'margin-right: -'+ tooltipBorderWidth +'px;';
						else if (arrowClass.indexOf('right') !== -1) {
							arrowBorderSize = 'margin-left: -'+ tooltipBorderWidth +'px;';
						arrowBorder = '<span class="tooltipster-arrow-border" style="'+ arrowBorderSize +' '+ arrowBorderColor +';"></span>';
					// if the arrow already exists, remove and replace it
					// build out the arrow and append it		
					arrowConstruct = '<div class="'+ arrowClass +' tooltipster-arrow" style="'+ arrowReposition +'">'+ arrowBorder +'<span style="border-color:'+ arrowColor +';"></span></div>';
				// position the tooltip
				tooltipster.css({'top': myTop+'px', 'left': myLeft+'px'});
				// if we had to change the position of the tooltip so it wouldn't go off screen, reset it
				if (resetPosition !== undefined) {
					object.options.position = resetPosition;
	$.fn[pluginName] = function (options) {
		// better API name spacing by glebtv
		if (typeof options === 'string') {
			var $t = this;
			var newContent = arguments[1];
			// if we're calling a container to interact with API's of tooltips inside it - select all those tooltip origins first
			if ($t.data('plugin_tooltipster') == undefined) {
				var query = $t.find('*');
				$t = $();
				query.each(function() {
					if ($(this).data('plugin_tooltipster') !== undefined) {
			$t.each(function() {
				switch (options.toLowerCase()) {
					case 'show':
					case 'hide':
					case 'disable':
					case 'enable':
					case 'destroy':
						$(this).data('plugin_tooltipster', '').attr('title', $t.data('tooltipsterContent')).data('tooltipsterContent', '').data('plugin_tooltipster', '').off('mouseenter.tooltipster mouseleave.tooltipster click.tooltipster');
					case 'update':
						$(this).data('tooltipsterContent', newContent);
					case 'reposition':
			return this;			
		// attach a tooltipster object to each element if it doesn't already have one
		return this.each(function () {
			if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) {
				$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ));
			var thisOptions = $(this).data('plugin_tooltipster').options;
			if ((thisOptions.iconDesktop == true) && (!is_touch_device()) || ((thisOptions.iconTouch == true) && (is_touch_device()))) {
				var transferObject = $(this).data('plugin_tooltipster');
				$(this).next().data('plugin_tooltipster', transferObject);
	// hide tooltips on orientation change
	if (is_touch_device()) {
		window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() {
			if ($('.tooltipster-base').length > 0) {
				$('.tooltipster-base').each(function() {
					var origin = $(this).data('origin');
	  	}, false);
  	// on window resize, reposition and open tooltips
  	$(window).on('resize.tooltipster', function() {
	  	var origin = $('.tooltipster-base').data('origin');
	  	if ((origin !== null) && (origin !== undefined)) {

})( jQuery, window, document );
Run Pen

External CSS

  1. //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css

External JavaScript

  1. //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js
  2. //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.min.js