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                <div class="container hero">
	<div class="inner">
		<h1>< We all need a hero /></h1>
			Quick animation prototype to explore an idea for the hero of my personal portfolio.</br>
This was created using a canvas as a background where the triangles are drawn and animates with a overlay gradient on top of the canvas.
			Feel free to share and use it as inspiration for any of you projects, and if you like it show some love by following me on:
			<span><a href=""><i class="fa fa-dribbble" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span>
			<span><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a></span>
			<span><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-github"></i></a></span>
			<span><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-bitbucket"></i></a></span>
			<span><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-codepen"></i></a></span>
		<p class="small">by: Mario Duarte</p>
	<div class="overlay"></div>
	<div class="background">
		<canvas id="hero-canvas" width="1920" height="1080"></canvas>

<a class="suppoprt-me" href="" target="_blank"><img src=" me a Coffee&nbsp&emoji=&slug=marioduarte&button_colour=FF5F5F&font_colour=ffffff&font_family=Cookie&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=FFDD00"></a>



                html, body {
	height: 100%;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	font-family: 'helvetica', sans-serif;

.hero {
	background-color: #EEEEEE;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	max-height: calc(100% - 50px);
	.inner {
		position: relative;
		max-width: 960px;
		height: 100%;
		margin: 0 auto;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		flex-wrap: nowrap;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		text-align: center;
		padding: 40px;
		box-sizing: padding-box;
		z-index: 4;
		h1 {
			color: rgba(163,32,109,0.6);
			font-weight: 300;
			text-transform: uppercase;
			margin-bottom: 0;
			border-bottom: 2px rgba(163,32,109,0.6) dashed;
		p {
			color: #999999;
			margin-bottom: 0;
			font-size: 13px;
			line-height: 150%;
			max-width: 550px;
			&.small {
				font-size: 12px;
			a {
				display: inline-block;
				font-size: 22px;
				color: rgba(163,32,109,0.4);
				margin: 0 10px;
				transform: rotateY(0deg);
				transition: transform 0.2s ease-in-out, color 0.2s linear;
				&:hover {
					color: rgba(163,32,109,0.8);
					transform: rotateY(360deg);
					transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out, color 0.4s linear;
	.overlay {
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		right: 0;
		bottom: 0;
		left: 0;
		background: transparent;
		background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(114,81,109,0.2) 0%, rgba(238,238,238,1) 100%);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(114,81,109,0.2) 0%,rgba(238,238,238,1) 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  rgba(114,81,109,0.2) 0%,rgba(238,238,238,1) 100%);
		z-index: 3;
	.background {
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		right: 0;
		bottom: 0;
		left: 0;
		background-color: #EEEEEE;
		z-index: 1;
		#hero-canvas {
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
			position: relative;

.suppoprt-me {
	display: inline-block;
	position: fixed;
	bottom: 10px;
	left: 10px;
	width: 20vw;
	max-width: 250px;
	min-width: 200px;
	z-index: 9;
	img {
		width: 100%;
		height: auto;




   \  |  _ \            _)                   
  |\/ |  |  |  -_) (_-<  |   _` |    \  (_-< 
 _|  _| ___/ \___| ___/ _| \__, | _| _| ___/ 


// ===========================================
// Hero Animated Canvas Background
// by Mário Duarte
// (╭☞ ͡ ͡°͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)╭☞
// Thanks for stoping by, don't forget to like
// and follow to stay up to date with new 
// doodles and cools stuff
// Twitter:
//  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
// ===========================================

let ww = $(window).width();
let wh = $(window).height();

// pure javascrip random function ============
function random(min, max) {
	return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {
	return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
		function(callback, element) {
			window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);

function init() {} //end init

function animate() {

function draw() {

	//setup canvas enviroment
	let time = new Date().getTime() * 0.002;
	const color1 = "rgba(163,32,109,0.3)";
	const color2 = "rgba(154,25,172,0.4)";
	let canvas = document.getElementById("hero-canvas");
	let ctx = document.getElementById("hero-canvas").getContext("2d");
	ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);;

	// random float to be used in the sin & cos
	let randomX = random(.2, .9);
	let randomY = random(.1, .2);

	// sin & cos for the movement of the triangles in the canvas
	let rectX = Math.cos(time * 1) * 1.5 + randomX;
	let rectY = Math.sin(time * 1) * 1.5 + randomY;
	let rectX2 = Math.cos(time * .7) * 3 + randomX;
	let rectY2 = Math.sin(time * .7) * 3 + randomY;
	let rectX3 = Math.cos(time * 1.4) * 4 + randomX;
	let rectY3 = Math.sin(time * 1.4) * 4 + randomY;

	//console.log(rectX + '-' + rectY + '-' + rectX2 + '-' + rectY2 + '-' + rectX3 + '-' + rectY3);

	//triangle gradiente ==========================================
	var triangle_gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
	triangle_gradient.addColorStop(0, color1);
	triangle_gradient.addColorStop(1, color2);

	//triangle group 1 ===========================================
	// triangle 1.1
	ctx.moveTo(rectX2 + 120, rectY2 - 100);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + 460, rectY2 + 80);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + 26, rectY2 + 185);
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;

	//triangle 1.2
	ctx.moveTo(rectX - 50, rectY - 25);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX + 270, rectY + 25);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX - 50, rectY + 195);
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;

	//triangle 1.3
	ctx.moveTo(rectX3 - 140, rectY3 - 150);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 + 180, rectY3 + 210);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 - 225, rectY3 - 50);
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;

	//triangle group 2 ===========================================
	// triangle 2.1
	ctx.moveTo(rectX + (canvas.width - 40), rectY - 30);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX + (canvas.width + 40), rectY + 190);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX + (canvas.width - 450), rectY + 120);
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	// triangle 2.2
	ctx.moveTo(rectX3 + (canvas.width - 200), rectY3 - 240);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 + (canvas.width + 80), rectY3 - 240);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 + (canvas.width - 50), rectY3 + 460);
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	// triangle 2.3
	ctx.moveTo(rectX2 + (canvas.width - 400), rectY2 + 140);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + (canvas.width + 20), rectY2 + 200);
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + (canvas.width - 350), rectY2 + 370);
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	//triangle group 3 ===========================================
	// triangle 3.1
	ctx.moveTo(rectX3 - 50, rectY3 + (canvas.height - 350));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 + 350, rectY3 + (canvas.height - 220));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 - 100, rectY3 + (canvas.height - 120));
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	// triangle 3.2
	ctx.moveTo(rectX + 100, rectY + (canvas.height - 380));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX + 320, rectY + (canvas.height - 180));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX - 275, rectY + (canvas.height + 150));
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	// triangle 3.3
	ctx.moveTo(rectX2 - 230, rectY2 + (canvas.height - 50));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + 215, rectY2 + (canvas.height - 110));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + 250, rectY2 + (canvas.height + 130));
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	//triangle group 4 ===========================================
	// triangle 4.1
	ctx.moveTo(rectX3 + (canvas.width - 80), rectY3 + (canvas.height - 320));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 + (canvas.width + 250), rectY3 + (canvas.height + 220));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX3 + (canvas.width - 200), rectY3 + (canvas.height + 140));
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	// triangle 4.2
	ctx.moveTo(rectX + (canvas.width - 100), rectY + (canvas.height - 160));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX + (canvas.width - 30), rectY + (canvas.height + 90));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX + (canvas.width - 420), rectY + (canvas.height + 60));
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;
	// triangle 4.3
	ctx.moveTo(rectX2 + (canvas.width - 320), rectY2 + (canvas.height - 200));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + (canvas.width - 50), rectY2 + (canvas.height - 20));
	ctx.lineTo(rectX2 + (canvas.width - 420), rectY2 + (canvas.height + 120));
	ctx.fillStyle = triangle_gradient;


} //end function draw

//call init
