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<p><span></span>Main placeholder text. Since this book is a companion piece to a real-life event, whose content will be shared online through video and photographs, we decided to print it entirely in black and white (even the photographs and graphic elements) – except for vibrant bursts of gradated color on the inside of the book’s french-folded pages, which appear at certain angles and show through the paper stock. French folds were our way of underscoring the physical construction of the book, showing the way it’s made from larger sheets of paper that are trimmed and folded into signatures, assembled, and bound. (All books are printed and assembled in some variation of this process – it’s just more common that the folded edges are trimmed off). By leaving the french folding in place, the “code” of the bookmaking process is revealed. These techniques and formal decisions helped to bring unity to the content, much like Material Design.Main Text – Since this book is a companion piece to a real-life event, whose content will be shared online through video and photographs, we decided to print it entirely in black and white (even the photographs and graphic elements) – except for vibrant bursts of gradated color on the inside of the book’s french-folded pages, which appear at certain angles and show through the paper stock. French folds were our way of underscoring the physical construction of the book, showing the way it’s made from larger sheets of paper that are trimmed and folded into signatures, assembled, and bound. (All books are printed and assembled in some variation of this process – it’s just more common that the folded edges are trimmed off). By leaving the french folding in place, the “code” of the bookmaking process is revealed. These techniques and formal decisions helped to bring unity to the content, much like Material Design.</p>  



$fontsize: 1.6; //mm
$lineheightmin: 2;

$fontfamily: Georgia;
$charsize: 0.481; //Helvetica//0.52; //Georgia: 0.481//445312
$letterspacing: 0.05ex;
$wordspacing: 1;

//--------- Functions -----
// -----
@function mmpx($mm) {
  $ppi: 220.5;
  $fakeppi: $ppi/2880*1680;
  @return round($mm/25.4*72/$fakeppi*$ppi); //#{}px

@function map($value, $inMin, $inMax, $outMin, $outMax) { //number value range map 
  // Figure out how 'wide' each range is
  $leftSpan: $inMax - $inMin;
  $rightSpan: $outMax - $outMin;
    // Convert the left range into a 0-1 range (float)
  $valueScaled: ($value - $inMin) / $leftSpan;
    // Convert the 0-1 range into a value in the right range.
@return $outMin + ($valueScaled * $rightSpan);

@function num($number) { //strips off the units
  @return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);

@function pxvw($px, $width) {
  @return #{100/$width*$px}vw;

@function vwpx($vw, $width) {
  @return $width/100*$vw;

@function mmvw($px, $width) {
  @return 100/$width*mmpx($px);
@function expx($ex, $fontsize) {
  @return $fontsize * $charsize * $ex ;

@function ptpx($pt) {
  @return #{$pt/12*16}px;

@function interpol($min_window, $min_value, $max_window, $max_value) {
    $proportion: $min_window / ($max_window - $min_window);
    $value_difference: $max_value - $min_value;
@return calc(#{$min_value - ($value_difference)*($proportion)}px + #{pxvw(($value_difference)*($proportion),$min_window)});

//value width map // 
@mixin interpolm($prop, $min_window, $min_value, $min_limit, $max_window, $max_value, $max_limit ) {
   $proportion: $min_window / ($max_window - $min_window);
    $value_difference: $max_value - $min_value;
  #{$prop}: calc(#{$min_value - ($value_difference)*($proportion)}px + #{pxvw(($value_difference)*($proportion),$min_window)});
  @if $min_limit {
    @media all and (max-width: #{$min_window}px) { #{$prop}: #{$min_value}px; }}
  @if $max_limit {
    @media all and (min-width: #{$max_window}px) { #{$prop}: #{$max_value}px; }}

//$lineheight: 3.5ex;

$fontsizemm: $fontsize;

$fontsize: mmpx($fontsize / $charsize * 1);

$fontsizecalc: calc(#{0.93*$fontsize}px + #{pxvw(0.07*$fontsize,400)});
//calc(#{5.5*$fontsize}px + #{pxvw(0.5*$fontsize,400)}vw);

$lineheight: calc((0.7em * #{$lineheightmin}) + #{100/400*0.3*$fontsize}vw);
//$lineheight: calc(#{mmpx($fontsizemm*$lineheightmin)}px + #{mmvw($fontsizemm,400)}vw);

  margin: calc(4vw + 10px); //#{pxvw(50,280)} // $margin: 20
  font-family: $fontfamily;

p {
  font-size: $fontsize + px;//calc; //$fontsize + px;//
  font-size: interpol(400,$fontsize,730,$fontsize + 1);
  //@media (max-width: 400px)  { font-size: $fontsize + px;}
  @media (min-width: 730px) {
    font-size:$fontsize + 1 + px; 
     font-size: interpol(730,$fontsize + 1,1000,$fontsize + 2);
  max-width: 80ex;
  //line-height: $lineheight;
  letter-spacing: $letterspacing;
  line-height: 1.5em; //fallback
  line-height: interpol(150,expx(2.2, $fontsize),730,expx(3.5, $fontsize)); //px
  @media (max-width: 150px)  { line-height:2.2ex;}
  @media (min-width: 729px) {line-height:expx(3.5, $fontsize) + px;//3.5ex; 

span {
  position: absolute;
 // width: #{expx(10, $fontsize)}px; //pxvw(100,400);
  height: mmpx($fontsizemm) + px;//$fontsize * $charsize + px;
  //calc(#{mmpx(1)}px + #{mmvw(1,400)});//mmpx(2) + px;// ;
  //calc(mmpx(1) + px + mmvw(1,400));
  background-color: black;

  width: interpol(400,300,1150,50); //px
  @media (max-width: 400px)  { width: pxvw(300,400); }
  @media (min-width: 1150px) { width: 50px; }
  //@include interpolm(width,0,300, 400,300, 600,100, 1150,50); //px
  //@include interpolm(width, true, 300@0, 300@400, 100@600, 50@1150);
  //@include interpolm(width, true, 0:300, 400:300, 600:100, 1150:50)
  //@include widthmap(prop, interpol, window_width:value)


