<div class="calculate">
<div class="calculate-wrap">
<div class="calculate-top">
<div class="calculate-amount">
Contract amount
<p class="calculate-text">$<input type="text" id="text" class="calculate-input"></input></p>
<div class="calculate-slider">
<div id="slider"></div>
<div class="calculate-inner">
<div class="calculate-block">
<p>Payouts currency</p>
<div class="calculate-block">
<p>Contract term</p>
<p><span>365 days</span></p>
<div class="calculate-block">
<p>Potential income</p>
<p><span>$<span id="prop">2,2000</span></span></p>
<div class="calculate-block">
<p>Annual income</p>
<p><span id="income">112%</span></p>
<div class="calculate-btn-wrapper">
<a href="#" class="calculate-btn">Buy contract now</a>
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View Compiled
let slider = document.getElementById('slider');
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start: [500],
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'max': 500000
step: 5000,
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return Math.round(+value);
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return Math.round(+value);
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to: function() {
let numb = +value.value;
var tooltip = document.querySelector('.noUi-tooltip');
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(numb >= 495000) ? tooltip.textContent = 'Diamond' : '';
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// 13 is enter,
// 38 is key up,
// 40 is key down.
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case 13:
stepsSlider.noUiSlider.setHandle(handle, this.value);
case 38:
// Get step to go increase slider value (up)
position = step[1];
// false = no step is set
if (position === false) {
position = 1;
// null = edge of slider
if (position !== null) {
stepsSlider.noUiSlider.setHandle(handle, value + position);
case 40:
position = step[0];
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position = 1;
if (position !== null) {
stepsSlider.noUiSlider.setHandle(handle, value - position);
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e.which == 8 // backspace
(e.which >= 37 && e.which <= 40) // arrows
e.which == 46 || e.which == 13) // delete and enter
return true;
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return false;