<input type="radio" name="perspective" id="threeD" checked>
<input type="radio" name="perspective" id="isometric">
<input type="radio" name="perspective" id="flat">
<div class="wrapper">
<input type="checkbox" name="play" id="play">
<label for="play" class="playBtn"></label>
<div class="scene">
<div class="cube">
<div class="wall front"></div>
<div class="wall back"></div>
<div class="wall left"></div>
<div class="wall right"></div>
<div class="wall top"></div>
<div class="wall bottom"></div>
<nav class="perspectives">
<label class="threeBtn" for="threeD">
<svg class="threedee" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none">
<path d="m1,1 v16 h16 V1 z m0,0 4,4 v8 h8 V5 H5 m8,0 4,-4 m0,16 -4,-4 m-8,0 -4,4"></path>
<label class="isoBtn" for="isometric">
<svg class="iso" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none">
<path d="m1.33,5.5 v9 l 8.66,5 8.66,-5 v-9 l -8.66,-5 -8.66,5 z m0,0 8.66,5 8.66,-5 m -8.66,5 v9"></path>
<label class="flatBtn" for="flat">
<svg class="threedee" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none">
<path d="m1,1 v16 h16 V1 z"></path>
body {
margin: 0; /* this overrides the default margin - which is crucial if your background isn't white/blank/undefined */
box-sizing: border-box; /* ensures that the border is within the container's limits rather than outside */
background-color: black; /* the hex code for dark gray, the equivalent of rgb(48,48,48) or hsl(0deg 0% calc( 100% / 16 *3)), and a shorthard for #333333 )*/
display: flex; /* you could alternately use grid */
flex-direction: row; /* items are arranged horizontally - i.e. sitting next to each other */
justify-content: center; /* groups the objects together at the center horizontally */
align-items: center; /* centers every object vertically */
min-height: 100vh; /* we need the viewport (the browser window) to be 100vh (100 viewport height units) so that there is enough space to suspend the object in */
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px lime); /* adds a green glow to the white lines */
font-size: .5vh; /* sets a fontsize dependent on the height of the viewport */
.wrapper {
display: grid; /* to center the PLAY button */
.scene {
height: 100em; /* sets the width to be 100 units of the font size, thus ensuring responsive scaling that mimics percentages */
aspect-ratio: 1; /* makes sure the height matches the width of the container, making it a square*/
perspective: 250em; /* sets the distance of the perspective */
position: relative; /* makes the position of the container independent of any other neighboring container - placed wherever you want rather than relative to its neighbors, and free to overlap */
/* scale: 1.2; */
.scene * {
transform-style: preserve-3d; /* makes sure that each container nested inside the .scene tag treats its nested content as a 3D object rather than a 2D projection */
position: absolute; /*see absove*/
inset: 0; /* gives the containers nested in the .scene tag a margin of 0, thus making them fill it 100% in width and height; this is shorthand for top, right, bottom, left */
.cube {
animation: spin 6s linear infinite; /* applies an infinite animation loop of the cube slowly spinning around */
.wall {
border: 3em solid white; /* each wall has a white border - which is contained within the wall's width (this is what box-sizing: border-box does) */
.front {
transform: translateZ(50em); /* pushes the wall out forward from the center, as if closer to the viewer*/
.back {
transform: translateZ(-50em); /* pushes the wall back, farther from the viewer*/
.left {
transform: rotateY(90deg) translateZ(50em); /* turns the wall clockwise, to its left (your right), then pushes it forward (again: its forward, not yours) */
.right {
transform: rotateY(-90deg) translateZ(50em); /* turns the wall counterclockwise, to its right (your left), then pushes it forward (again: its forward, not yours) */
.top {
transform: rotateX(90deg) translateZ(50em); /* turns the wall clockwise, towards the ceiling, then pushes it forward (again: its forward, not yours) */
.bottom {
transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(50em); /* turns the wall counterclockwise, towards the floor, then pushes it forward (again: its forward, not yours) */
@keyframes spin { /* the cube makes a full 360 degree turn */
0% {
transform: rotateX(var(--xCline)) rotateY(60deg); /* though it starts from 60deg rather than a 0... */
100% {
transform: rotateX(var(--xCline)) rotateY(calc(60deg + 1turn)); /* ...it still makes a full turn, so it ends at 420deg */
This section details the appearance and the functioning of the play/pause toggler. It is not a part of the cube - but still a fun thing to learn if you're up for it.
input {
display: none; /* hides the input, we'll have a label for it instead that is nicer than a tick-box */
.playBtn { /* that's the label */
position: absolute;
width: 40em;
aspect-ratio: 1;
z-index: 1; /* places the label on a layer above the cube - as otherwise it'd be inside the 3D solid, and you wouldn't be able to interact with it */
display: grid; /* this label will have nested content, and we want it centered */
place-self: center; /* since its parent's display: grid, this object can center itself; very useful! - and flex can't do that */
place-items: center; /* the object's own display is grid - because it doesn't automatically inherit display from its parent, and we want to center its children, too. */
transition: all .5s ease-in-out; /* when you interact with the button - hover, check/uncheck the input - it will change appearance. This makes it switch between each look smoothly rather than instantly */
.playBtn::before, .playBtn::after { /* these are a kind of containers within a container; they aren't declared in the HTML by you - but will show up in the page inspector */
content: ''; /* text or special characters go here - but we don't need any, we just want containers */
position: absolute;
inset: 0 0 50% 0; /* this creates a container that covers the upper half of the space available*/
border-style: solid;
border-color: #fff #fff0 #fff0 #fff; /* the top and the left border are white, the right and the bottom are transparent (white but with opacity of 0) */
border-width: 3em 0 0 3em; /* the top and the left border are 3em wide, the right and the bottom are 0px */
transform-origin: 0% 100%; /* this places the pivot of the container in its bottom left corner */
transform: skewY(25deg); /* creates a downward rhomboid */
transition: inherit; /* borrows transition properties from its parent container */
.playBtn::before {
--dir: 1; /* a custom variable for the direction of transforms; translations applied to the container will be multiplied by this variable; here it changes nothing... */
.playBtn::after {
--dir: -1; /* ...but here it makes the translation take on a negative value, and thus go in the other direction */
scale: 1 -1; /* the scale on the horizontal axis (the first number) stays the same, but on the vertical (the latter) it is negative, so the object is flipped upside down*/
.playBtn:hover { /* when you mouse over the label... */
scale: 1.25; /* ...it gets a little bit larger */
.playBtn:hover::after {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 3em lime); /* ...and it starts glowing brighter */
#play:not(:checked) ~ .scene .cube { /* if the PLAY button hasn't been pressed */
animation-play-state: paused; /* ...the animation is paued */
#play:checked ~ .playBtn { /* when you hit the PLAY button */
rotate: -90deg; /* ...it turns to its side */
#play:checked ~ .playBtn::before,
#play:checked ~ .playBtn::after {
transform: none;
inset: 35% 0;
border-color: #fff;
border-width: 3em;
translate: 0 calc(-80%*var(--dir)); /* ...and turns into a pause button */
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
.perspectives { /* the navbar for perspective mode GUI */
margin-top: 0;
margin-left: 40em;
aspect-ratio: .33;
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: repeat(3, 1fr); /* this produces a vertical stack/column of 3 elements */
.perspectives label {
width: 30em;
aspect-ratio: 1;
margin: 3em;
padding: 3em;
border: 7px solid #fff;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 0 #fff; /* similar to border, and since it's inset, it expands inwards rather than outwards; though right now it's invisible */
transition: box-shadow .6s, scale .3s ease-in-out;
.perspectives label:hover {
scale: 1.25; /* buttons swell up on hover */
.perspectives path { /* an element of Scalable Vector Graphics syntax, creating lines of various types */
stroke: #fff; /* this is SVG's term for outline*/
#threeD:checked ~ .perspectives .threeBtn,
#isometric:checked ~ .perspectives .isoBtn,
#flat:checked ~ .perspectives .flatBtn {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 18em #fff; /* on input:checked the inward shadow expands to turn the whole label white */
:is(.threeBtn, .isoBtn, .flatBtn) svg {
mix-blend-mode: difference; /* makes the icon turn to the a color that is the opposite of its background: white when the background is black, and black when the background is white */
#threeD:checked ~ .perspectives .threeBtn path,
#isometric:checked ~ .perspectives .isoBtn path,
#flat:checked ~ .perspectives .flatBtn path {
stroke-width: 1.25; /* thickens the stroke of the icons when their respective input is checked; the implicit default is 1 */
#threeD:checked ~ .wrapper .scene {
perspective: 250em; /* sets the distance of the perspective */
:is(#flat,#isometric):checked ~ .wrapper .scene {
perspective: none; /* removes the single-point perspective when isometric or flat are chosen */
:is(#threeD,#flat):checked ~ .wrapper .cube {
--xCline: 0; /* rotation in the X axis */
#isometric:checked ~ .wrapper .cube {
--xCline: -30deg; /* turning the object slightly to give it an isometric perspective, and also scaling it down a little because it's too large in that view */
@media (orientation: portrait) { /* for mobile screens displaying in portait mode (a tall, narrow rectangle) */
body {
font-size: .5vw; /* the font size is now depended on the viewport width - rather than height - since now it's the narrower of the two dimensions */
flex-direction: column; /* in mobile/portrait mode the scene and the navigation need to be stacked vertically rather than horizontally */
.perspectives {
margin-left: 0;
margin-top: 50em; /* a little margin separating the navbar from the cube - since it's a little too large in the single-point perspective mode*/
aspect-ratio: 3;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3,1fr); /* in the navbar, the buttons are now aligned next to rather on top of each other */
grid-template-rows: none;
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.