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                <nav class="bg-blue-600 p-4">
  <ul class="flex justify-around text-white">
    <li><a href="#" id="homeLink">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" id="tourLink">VR</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" id="mapLink">Map</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" id="videosLink">Videos</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" id="profileLink">Me</a></li>

<div class="container mx-auto p-4" id="content">
  <!-- Home Screen -->
  <div id="homeScreen" class="content-screen active home-screen">
    <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">Welcome to Vision Week!</h1>
    <p>Explore fascinating posts and statistics about the animals.</p>
    <div class="post mt-4">
      <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold">Polar Bears in the Arctic</h2>
      <img src="" alt="Polar Bears" class="w-full h-auto mt-2 rounded">
      <p class="mt-2">Learn about the life of polar bears and their survival in the Arctic.</p>
    <div class="statistics mt-4">
      <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold">Animal Conservation Stats</h3>
      <p>Nombre d'animaux sauvés: <span id="animalsSaved">45,678</span></p>
      <p>+<span id="growthRate">20%</span> mois après mois</p>
      <p>Popularité de Vision Week</p>
      <p>Animaux populaires: <span id="popularAnimals">Polar Bears, Penguins, Arctic Foxes</span>.</p>

  <!-- Virtual Tour Screen -->
  <div id="tourScreen" class="content-screen vr-screen">
    <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">VR Viewer</h1>
    <p>Experience an immersive tour of the zoo.</p>
    <div class="vr-content mt-4">
      <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold">Comfort Headset</h2>
      <div style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin-top: 2em; border-radius: 5px;">
        <iframe width="387" height="688" src="" title="VR Headset Concept Design: Comfortable 3D Prototype ☕️ (CodePen Test App Included)" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
      <p class="mt-2">Put on your VR headset and explore the Arctic habitat, home to polar bears, seals, and more.</p>
      <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold mt-4">Modern Headset</h2>
      <div style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin-top: 2em; border-radius: 5px;">
        <iframe width="387" height="688" src="" title="Modern VR Headset Concept: Sleek Design Meets Next-Gen Usability  (CodePen Test App Included)" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
      <p class="mt-2">A combination of metallic and transparent materials.</p>
      <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold mt-4">Navigation Control</h2>
      <p>Utilisez les contrôles de navigation pour vous déplacer librement et profiter pleinement de votre visite
      <div id="control-area-in-the-virtual-world" class="flex justify-around mt-4">
        <p aria-label="Directional controls">
          <img src="" alt="Up" aria-label="Up" class="w-8 h-8">
          <img src="" alt="Right" aria-label="Right" class="w-8 h-8">
          <img src="" alt="Down" aria-label="Down" class="w-8 h-8">
          <img src="" alt="Left" aria-label="Left" class="w-8 h-8">

  <!-- Map Screen -->
  <div id="mapScreen" class="content-screen map-screen">
    <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">Interactive Map</h1>
    <p>Find your way around the zoo with our interactive 3D map.</p>
    <div style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin-top: 2em; border-radius: 5px;">
      <iframe width="387" height="688" src="" title="Explore the World Like Never Before 🌎🌏 Interactive 3D Map for a Virtual Zoo Adventure ️ #coding" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    <div class="map-content mt-4">
      <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold">Favorite Place</h2>
      <p>Explore different sections of the zoo and locate your favorite animals. Point d’intérêts</p>
      <div class="favorite-place mt-4">
        <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold">Tell us about your favorite place:</h3>
        <label for="favoritePlaceInput" class="block mt-2">Enter your favorite place name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="favoritePlaceInput" name="favoritePlace" placeholder="e.g., Arctic Exhibit, Rainforest Adventure" class="w-full border border-gray-300 p-2 mt-2 rounded">
        <label for="favoritePlaceSuggestions" class="block mt-4">Or choose from a suggestion:</label>
        <select id="favoritePlaceSuggestions" aria-label="Favorite Place Suggestions" hidden class="w-full border border-gray-300 p-2 mt-2 rounded">
          <option value="">-- Select a Suggestion --</option>
          <option value="arctic-exhibit">Arctic Exhibit</option>
          <option value="rainforest-adventure">Rainforest Adventure</option>
          <option value="underwater-exploration">Underwater Exploration</option>
          <option value="reptile-house">Reptile House</option>
          <option value="bird-sanctuary">Bird Sanctuary</option>
          <option value="monkey-jungle">Monkey Jungle</option>
          <option value="childrens-zoo">Children's Zoo</option>
        <button type="button" id="showSuggestionsBtn" class="mt-4 bg-blue-600 text-white p-2 rounded">Show Suggestions</button>
        <p id="selectedSuggestion" style="display: none;">You selected: <span id="selectedSuggestionName"></span></p>

  <!-- Videos Screen -->
  <div id="videosScreen" class="content-screen video-screen">
    <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">Videos</h1>
    <div class="video-wrapper mt-4">
      <div class="video-thumbnails">
        <img src="" style="" alt="Arctic Exhibit - Penguins" class="w-full h-auto mt-2 rounded border-2 border-gray-300">
      <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold mt-4">Video Playlist (Latest News!)</h2>
      <div class="video-controls mt-4">
        <select id="video-dropdown" aria-label="Select Video Description" class="w-full border border-gray-300 p-2 rounded">
          <option value="arctic-exhibit">Arctic Exhibit: Polar Bear Cubs Born! ❄️</option>
          <option value="rainforest-adventure">Rainforest Adventure: New Monkey Species Discovered!</option>
          <option value="underwater-exploration">Underwater Exploration: Great Barrier Reef Shows Signs of
            Recovery! 🪸</option>
      <div class="video-description mt-4">
        <p id="video-title" class="font-bold">Vision Week - Virtual Exploration</p>
        <p id="video-description-text"></p>
      <div id="video-container" class="mt-4">
        <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="Vision Week - Arctic Exhibit" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  <!-- Profile Screen -->
  <div id="profileScreen" class="content-screen profile-screen">
    <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">User Profile</h1>
    <p>Manage your profile and subscription details.</p>
    <div class="profile-content mt-4">
      <img src="" alt="Profile Picture" class="profile-image mt-2 rounded-full">
      <a href="#" class="edit-profile-image text-blue-600">Edit profile image</a>
      <div class="profile-details mt-4">
        <div class="profile-item">
          <span class="profile-label font-semibold">Name</span>
          <span class="profile-value ml-2">Helène Hills</span>
        <div class="profile-item mt-2">
          <span class="profile-label font-semibold">Username</span>
          <span class="profile-value ml-2">@username</span>
        <div class="profile-item mt-2">
          <span class="profile-label font-semibold">Email</span>
          <span class="profile-value ml-2"></span>
        <div class="profile-item mt-2">
          <span class="profile-label font-semibold">Links</span>
          <span class="profile-value ml-2"></span>
          <span class="profile-value ml-2"></span>
          <span class="profile-value ml-2"></span>
          <a href="#" class="add-link text-blue-600">+ Add link</a>
        <div class="profile-item mt-2">
          <span class="profile-label font-semibold">Bio</span>
          <span class="profile-value ml-2">A description of this user.</span>
<!-- Enquête, UX Design Thinking -->
<div class="cloud-button">
  <a href="" target="_blank">
    <button class="cloud-btn">Démarrez avec la première étape du design thinking : l'empathie. Remplissez le sondage et accédez à l'application maintenant !</button>
<!-- Geometric Shapes -->
<div class="circle"></div>
<div class="cube"></div>
<div class="geometric"></div>
  <!-- Title for the Color Palette Section -->
  <h4 class="mt-4 text-lg font-semibold">Color Palette</h4>
  <!-- Color Palette Blocks -->
  <div class="palette mt-2">
    <!-- Color Block: Dark Slate Blue -->
    <div class="color-block" style="background-color: #34495e;" data-color="#34495e"></div>
    <!-- Color Block: Vibrant Green -->
    <div class="color-block" style="background-color: #2ecc71;" data-color="#2ecc71"></div>
    <!-- Color Block: Bright Red -->
    <div class="color-block" style="background-color: #e74c3c;" data-color="#e74c3c"></div>
    <!-- Color Block: Clean Bright Blue -->
    <div class="color-block" style="background-color: #3498db;" data-color="#3498db"></div>
    <!-- Color Block: Warm Yellow -->
    <div class="color-block" style="background-color: #f1c40f;" data-color="#f1c40f"></div>
  <!-- Hover Pop-up -->
  <div class="hover-popup mt-2" id="hoverPopup">
    <p id="hoverText"></p>

  <!-- Title for the Wireframe Section -->
  <h4 class="mt-4 text-lg font-semibold">Wireframe</h4>
  <div class="palette mt-2">
    <iframe style="border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);" width="800" height="450" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  <!-- Footer Link -->
  <a class="social-icon codepen" href="" title="view my codepens">Made by Kvnbbg</a>


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/* Welcome pop-up styles */
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/* Animations */
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/* Geometric shapes */
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/* Color Palette */
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/* Profile Details */
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.profile-label {
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/* Specific styles based on wireframe */
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                document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  const navLinks = document.querySelectorAll("nav ul li a");
  const contentScreens = document.querySelectorAll(".content-screen");

  // Navigation functionality with smooth transitions
  navLinks.forEach((link) => {
    link.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
      const targetId ="Link", "Screen");

      contentScreens.forEach((screen) => {
        if ( === targetId) {
        } else {

  // Welcome pop-up feature with fade-out animation
  const welcomePopup = document.createElement("div");
  welcomePopup.className = "welcome-popup";
  welcomePopup.innerHTML = `
    <div class="welcome-content">
      <img src="" alt="Welcome Image" />
      <div class="welcome-text">
        <h2>Welcome to Vision Week!</h2>
        <p>Click anywhere to continue.</p>
        <p><small>Developed by Kvnbbg (Kevin Marville) <a href="">@techandstream</a> on</small></p>

  welcomePopup.addEventListener("click", function () { = "opacity 0.5s ease"; = "0";
    setTimeout(() => ( = "none"), 500);

  // Pop-up feature
  const popUps = document.querySelectorAll(".pop-up");
  popUps.forEach((popUp) => {
    popUp.addEventListener("click", function () {
        "You clicked on a pop-up element! Developed by Kvnbbg (Kevin Marville) @techandstream on"

  // Show suggestions for favorite place
  const showSuggestionsBtn = document.getElementById("showSuggestionsBtn");
  const favoritePlaceSuggestions = document.getElementById(
  const selectedSuggestion = document.getElementById("selectedSuggestion");
  const selectedSuggestionName = document.getElementById(

  showSuggestionsBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
    favoritePlaceSuggestions.hidden = !favoritePlaceSuggestions.hidden;
    if (favoritePlaceSuggestions.hidden) {
      selectedSuggestionName.textContent = ""; = "none";

  favoritePlaceSuggestions.addEventListener("change", () => {
    const selectedOption = favoritePlaceSuggestions.value;
    if (selectedOption) {
      selectedSuggestionName.textContent =
        ].text; = "block";
    } else {
      selectedSuggestionName.textContent = ""; = "none";

  // Open design thinking quiz
  // document.getElementById("startQuizBtn").addEventListener("click", openDesignThinkingQuiz);

function openDesignThinkingQuiz() {
  const content = `
    <h2>Design Thinking Quiz</h2>
    <p>Test your knowledge of design thinking!</p>
      <li>What is the first stage of design thinking that focuses on understanding users?</li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="q1" value="A. Design"> (A) Design</li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="q1" value="B. Empathize"> (B) Empathize</li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="q1" value="C. Prototype"> (C) Prototype</li>
      <li>What does the process of brainstorming ideas involve?</li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="q2" value="A. User testing"> (A) User testing</li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="q2" value="B. Ideate"> (B) Ideate</li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="q2" value="C. Define"> (C) Define</li>
    <button onclick="submitAnswers()">Submit Answers</button>

  const popup ="", "designThinkingQuiz", "width=400,height=400");

function submitAnswers() {
  const popup ="", "designThinkingQuiz", "width=400,height=400");
  const answer1 = popup.document.querySelector('input[name="q1"]:checked')
  const answer2 = popup.document.querySelector('input[name="q2"]:checked')

  let designThinkingData;
  try {
    designThinkingData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("design_thinking"));
  } catch (error) {
    designThinkingData = {};

  designThinkingData.quizResults = {
    question1: answer1,
    question2: answer2

  localStorage.setItem("design_thinking", JSON.stringify(designThinkingData));

  alert("Thank you for taking the quiz! Your answers have been stored.");

