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<li class='entypo-user'>by <a href='https://escss.blogspot.com/2013/11/dinamyc-easy-rwd-blur-pure-css.html'>EsCss</a> blog</li>
<li class='entypo-arrows-ccw'>under Beerware licence</li>
<li class='entypo-heart'>if you can imagine, <a href='https://escss.blogspot.com/'>CSS</a> will make it real</li>
<li class='entypo-camera'>Image from unknow</li>
<li class='entypo-address'>other demos css: here, in codepen, and in my blog</li>
<li class='entypo-resize-full'>Please, resize the window and</li>
<li class='entypo-flow-parallel'>Scroll down & up</li>
<h2 class='entypo-star-empty'>Inside blur pure CSS</h2>
<article class='notice'>
<h2 class='entypo-attention'>Inside blur: warning!</h2>
<li class='entypo-block'>Don´t use in a real work!</li>
<li class='entypo-lamp'>This is only a Css play</li>
<li class='entypo-eye'>so that you can see the power of</li>
<li class='entypo-light-up'>the Imagination and Css working together</li>
<li class='entypo-thumbs-up'>Now it's your turn, because</li>
<li class='entypo-hourglass'>I'm waiting to play with your demos</li>
<span class='entypo-attention'></span>
<span class='entypo-alert'></span>
<input type='text' name='q' id='search-box'>
<label class='entypo-search' for='search-box'></label>
<span class='entypo-paper-plane'></span>
<p>You can see the complementary version</p>
<h1><a href='https://codepen.io/Kseso/full/oipwL' title='see the outside version'>DINAMYC OUTSIDE BLUR<br/> PURE CSS</a></h1>
<p class='aviso'>Link the <a href='https://escss.blogspot.com/2013/11/dinamyc-easy-rwd-blur-pure-css.html'>POST</a>, show the PEN</p>
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// Js only for drag the articles
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This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
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