<h1>SUMMER<span> & </span>VACATIOŊ
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  <h2>&#xE051; step ßy step &#xE051;</h2>
  <p>My su<span class='doble'>m</span>mer: I went to Camp Smurfabunch. I was there for 2 w<span class='doble'>e</span>eks<span class='cinzel'>&</span>had mega fun times. I was the fastest kayaker in the whole ca<span class='doble'>m</span>þ and won a first place ri<span class='doble'>b</span>bon. I lærned to tie knots, dive off a pier<span class='cinzel'>&</span>lick toads.</p>
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  <p>I met new friends <span class='cinzel'>K</span>etchel, Caleb, and Sarah. I hope they come visit me later this summer but even if they can't &#xE050; I'll see them next summer.</p>
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  <p><span class='cinzel'>L</span>ater that summer I got to go to <span class='cinzel'>W</span>isconsin Dells with my family. We stayed at The <span>W</span>ilderness which has both inside and outside water parks. <span class='cinzel'>M</span>y mom was scared to go down the four-person funnel ride, but she did anyway and ended up liking it.</p>
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  <p><span class='cinzel'>W</span>e went go karting at <span class='cinzel'>M</span>t. <span class='cinzel'>Z</span>ues (or something, I can't remember the name but there was an old god dude holding a lightning bolt as the logo). I beat my brother and dad on the first 2 laps but dad pulled ahead and beat me on the last lap.</p>

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  <p><span class='cinzel'>T</span>he last thing I did this summer was go shopping for school clothes and supplies. I got a Trapper Keeper with <span class='cinzel'>Kiss</span> on it. And like fifty erasers because I make mistakes a lot lololol.</p>

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  <p>I don't want to go back to school but I know once I get used to it, it will be fine again. I'd rather just go down waterslides all day.</p>
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