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      h1 GBG World Map Reloaded
        h2 jVectormap made interactive
        p This is a small demo showcasing what is feasible with the map currently in use in the GBG World Website.
        p Each country can hold a value, which can in turn be interpreted in any means necessary. We can also add interactivity to the map by showing up additional information on click, or making countries act as links to specific pages.
        p Clever use of data can also be used to store multiple data at once, like specific product, GB presence, GB future expansions, etc.
        .world id="world-map"
        p &copy; GBG


                * {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; /* Safari/Chrome, other WebKit */
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;    /* Firefox, other Gecko */
  box-sizing: border-box;         /* Opera/IE 8+ */

body {
.container {
  width: 1240px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  h1 {
    font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
    font-weight: 300;
    font-size: 3em;
    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 20px;
  h2 {
    font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
    color: #aaa;
  p {
    font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
  hr {
    margin:0 auto;
    width: 250px;
  .left {
    width: 250px;
    float: left;
    padding: 0px 19px;
    background: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
    text-align: justify;
    hr {
      width: 150px;
      background: #888;
  .right {
  .fw {
    p {
      text-align: center;
  .world {
    width: 950px;
    height: 600px;
    margin: 0 auto;
.clear {



  /* map parameters */
  var wrld = {
    map: 'world_mill_en',
    normalizeFunction: 'polynomial',
    regionStyle: regionStyling,
    backgroundColor: '#22313F',
    series: {
      regions: [{
        values: gbData,
        attribute: 'fill',
        scale: ['#d896ab', '#b0013a']}
    onRegionTipShow: function(e, el, code){
      el.html('In ' + el.html()+', GB proposes ' + gbData[code] + ' products : <ul>' + getProducts(gbData[code]) + '</ul>  Click to know more');
      $(".lbl-hover").html('Hovered country value: ' + gbData[code]);

  /* Setting up of the map */
  if ($('#world-map').length > 0) {

}) // End - $(document).ready...

/* Function for showing products name*/
  function getProducts(value){
    var ret="";
    if(value>=1) ret += "<li>Matchcode</li>";
    if(value>=2) ret += "<li>ID3 Global</li>";
    if(value>=3) ret += "<li>SCV</li>";
    if(value>=4) ret += "<li>DecTech</li>";
    if(value>=5) ret += "<li>Know Your People</li>";
    return ret;

/* Basic styling for the map */
  var regionStyling = { initial: { fill: '#5c6366' }, hover: { fill: '#B0013A' }, selected: { fill: '#B0013A' } };
/* Data that is passed to the map */
  var gbData = { 
    "AF": 1.0,
    "AL": 2.0,
    "DZ": 3.0,
    "AS": 4.0,
    "AD": 5.0,
    "AO": 1.0,
    "AI": 2.0,
    "AQ": 3.0,
    "AG": 4.0,
    "AR": 5.0,
    "AM": 1.0,
    "AW": 2.0,
    "AU": 3.0,
    "AT": 4.0,
    "AZ": 5.0,
    "BS": 1.0,
    "BH": 2.0,
    "BD": 3.0,
    "BB": 4.0,
    "BY": 5.0,
    "BE": 1.0,
    "BZ": 2.0,
    "BJ": 3.0,
    "BM": 4.0,
    "BT": 5.0,
    "BO": 1.0,
    "BA": 2.0,
    "BW": 3.0,
    "BR": 4.0,
    "IO": 5.0,
    "VG": 1.0,
    "BN": 2.0,
    "BG": 3.0,
    "BF": 4.0,
    "MM": 5.0,
    "BI": 1.0,
    "KH": 2.0,
    "CM": 3.0,
    "CA": 4.0,
    "CV": 5.0,
    "KY": 1.0,
    "CF": 2.0,
    "TD": 3.0,
    "CL": 4.0,
    "CN": 5.0,
    "CX": 1.0,
    "CC": 2.0,
    "CO": 3.0,
    "KM": 4.0,
    "CK": 5.0,
    "CR": 1.0,
    "HR": 2.0,
    "CU": 3.0,
    "CY": 4.0,
    "CZ": 5.0,
    "CD": 1.0,
    "DK": 2.0,
    "DJ": 3.0,
    "DM": 4.0,
    "DO": 5.0,
    "EC": 1.0,
    "EG": 2.0,
    "SV": 3.0,
    "GQ": 4.0,
    "ER": 5.0,
    "EE": 1.0,
    "ET": 2.0,
    "FK": 3.0,
    "FO": 4.0,
    "FJ": 5.0,
    "FI": 1.0,
    "FR": 2.0,
    "PF": 3.0,
    "GA": 4.0,
    "GM": 5.0,
    "GE": 1.0,
    "DE": 2.0,
    "GH": 3.0,
    "GI": 4.0,
    "GR": 5.0,
    "GL": 1.0,
    "GD": 2.0,
    "GU": 3.0,
    "GT": 4.0,
    "GN": 5.0,
    "GW": 1.0,
    "GY": 2.0,
    "HT": 3.0,
    "VA": 4.0,
    "HN": 5.0,
    "HK": 1.0,
    "HU": 2.0,
    "IS": 3.0,
    "IS": 4.0,
    "IN": 5.0,
    "ID": 1.0,
    "IR": 2.0,
    "IQ": 3.0,
    "IE": 4.0,
    "IM": 5.0,
    "IL": 1.0,
    "IT": 2.0,
    "CI": 3.0,
    "JM": 4.0,
    "JP": 5.0,
    "JE": 1.0,
    "JO": 2.0,
    "KZ": 3.0,
    "KE": 4.0,
    "KI": 5.0,
    "KW": 1.0,
    "KG": 2.0,
    "LA": 3.0,
    "LV": 4.0,
    "LB": 5.0,
    "LS": 1.0,
    "LR": 2.0,
    "LY": 3.0,
    "LI": 4.0,
    "LT": 5.0,
    "LU": 1.0,
    "MO": 2.0,
    "MK": 3.0,
    "MG": 4.0,
    "MW": 5.0,
    "MY": 1.0,
    "MV": 2.0,
    "ML": 3.0,
    "MT": 4.0,
    "MH": 5.0,
    "MR": 1.0,
    "MU": 2.0,
    "YT": 3.0,
    "MX": 4.0,
    "FM": 5.0,
    "MD": 1.0,
    "MC": 2.0,
    "MN": 3.0,
    "ME": 4.0,
    "MS": 5.0,
    "MA": 1.0,
    "MZ": 2.0,
    "NA": 3.0,
    "NR": 4.0,
    "NP": 5.0,
    "NL": 1.0,
    "AN": 2.0,
    "NC": 3.0,
    "NZ": 4.0,
    "NI": 5.0,
    "NE": 1.0,
    "NG": 2.0,
    "NU": 3.0,
    "KP": 4.0,
    "MP": 5.0,
    "NO": 1.0,
    "OM": 2.0,
    "PK": 3.0,
    "PW": 4.0,
    "PA": 5.0,
    "PG": 1.0,
    "PY": 2.0,
    "PE": 3.0,
    "PH": 4.0,
    "PN": 5.0,
    "PL": 1.0,
    "PT": 2.0,
    "PR": 3.0,
    "QA": 4.0,
    "CG": 5.0,
    "RO": 1.0,
    "RU": 2.0,
    "RW": 3.0,
    "BL": 4.0,
    "SH": 5.0,
    "KN": 1.0,
    "LC": 2.0,
    "MF": 3.0,
    "PM": 4.0,
    "VC": 5.0,
    "WS": 1.0,
    "SM": 2.0,
    "ST": 3.0,
    "SA": 4.0,
    "SN": 5.0,
    "RS": 1.0,
    "SC": 2.0,
    "SL": 3.0,
    "SG": 4.0,
    "SK": 5.0,
    "SI": 1.0,
    "SB": 2.0,
    "SO": 3.0,
    "ZA": 4.0,
    "KR": 5.0,
    "ES": 1.0,
    "LK": 2.0,
    "SD": 3.0,
    "SR": 4.0,
    "SJ": 5.0,
    "SZ": 1.0,
    "SE": 2.0,
    "CH": 3.0,
    "SY": 4.0,
    "TW": 5.0,
    "TJ": 1.0,
    "TZ": 2.0,
    "TH": 3.0,
    "TL": 4.0,
    "TG": 5.0,
    "TK": 1.0,
    "TO": 2.0,
    "TT": 3.0,
    "TN": 4.0,
    "TR": 5.0,
    "TM": 1.0,
    "TC": 2.0,
    "TV": 3.0,
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    "GB": 2.0,
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    "UY": 4.0,
    "US": 5.0,
    "VI": 1.0,
    "UZ": 2.0,
    "VU": 3.0,
    "VE": 4.0,
    "VN": 5.0,
    "WF": 1.0,
    "EH": 2.0,
    "YE": 3.0,
    "ZM": 4.0,
    "ZW": 5.0    


