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                    } else if (direction == 'down') {
                        var sT = $('html').scrollTop();
                        if (sT == 0) {
                        } else {
                                'scrollTop': 0
                            }, 500)
                    } else if (direction == 'up') {
                        return !1
                threshold: 0,
                allowPageScroll: 'vertical',
    function navigate(pageTrigger) {
        var oldcurrent = current
          , newcurrent = pageTriggers.indexOf(pageTrigger);
        if (isAnimating || oldcurrent === newcurrent)
        isAnimating = !0;
        var currentPageTrigger = pageTriggers[current]
          , nextContainer = containers[newcurrent]
          , currentContainer = containers[current]
          , dir = newcurrent > oldcurrent ? 'left' : 'right';
        current = newcurrent;
        $(nextContainer).addClass(dir === 'left' ? 'slider--animInRight' : 'slider--animInLeft');
        $(currentContainer).addClass(dir === 'left' ? 'slider--animOutLeft' : 'slider--animOutRight');
        onEndAnimation(currentContainer, function() {
            $(currentContainer).removeClass(dir === 'left' ? 'slider--animOutLeft' : 'slider--animOutRight');
            $(nextContainer).removeClass(dir === 'left' ? 'slider--animInRight' : 'slider--animInLeft');
            isAnimating = !1
