<div class="container">
        <header class="">
            <div class="">
                <h1 id="title">Met Guess</h1>
            <p id="about-the-game" class="">
            <!-- <span class="large">The game to test your knowlege of the Met Collection</span> -->
         <p style="background-color: red; padding: 10px;font-size: 120%">N.B. This is not the complete version of Met Guess, it is an example codepen to illustrate loading times and custom loading animation</p>
      <p><a href="https://github.com/hariseldon27/met-museum-game" targer="_blank">Find the more or less finished game on GitHub here:

        <div class="mx-auto"><!--container for the card-->
            <div id="card" class="">
                <div id="card-image-holder">
                    <img src="https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/eg/original/DT563.jpg" id="main-image"> 
                </div><!--end card image holder-->
                <div id="gamepiece-holder" class="">
                        <ul id="game-pieces" class="">
                            <li class="game-option" id="objectID-1">Option 1</li>
                            <li class="game-option" id="objectID-2">Option 2</li>
                            <li class="game-option" id="objectID-3">Option 3</li>   
                        </ul><!--end of game choices-->
                <div id="game-info-controls">
                    <div id="gamestats" class="">
                        Score: <span id="total-correct">0</span> correct /
                        <span id="total-questions">0</span> tries
                        <!-- <span class="" id="timeleft">Time Left: XX:XX</span> -->
                    <div class="gap-2 d-md-block" id="controls-holder">
                        <!-- <div id="score-skip" class=""> -->
                            <button id="skip" class="btn new-game-button btn-outline-dark">Next >></button>
                        <!-- </div> -->
                        <button role="button" id="new-game" type="button" class="btn new-game-button btn-outline-dark" data-bs-toggle="modal">
                            New Game!
                <!-- <button role="button" type="button" class="btn btn" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#incorrectgit-popup">open wrong answ modal</button> -->
            <!--end of card-->
        </div><!--end of card-->
        <div id="animated-loader" class="" style="">
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              <div class="loading" id="loading"></div>
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/* getting into the meat of it */

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window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
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//document selectors
const mainImage = document.getElementById("main-image");
const option1 = document.getElementById("objectID-1");
const option2 = document.getElementById("objectID-2");
const option3 = document.getElementById("objectID-3");
const nextButton = document.getElementById("skip");

const scoreEl = document.getElementById("scorekeeper");
const timeLeftEl = document.getElementById("timeleft");
const welcomePopupEl = document.getElementById("modal-holder");

const totalCorrectScore = document.getElementById("total-correct");
const totalQuestionsScore = document.getElementById("total-questions");

const newGameButton = document.getElementById("new-game");

//event listeners
option1.addEventListener("click", winLogic);
option2.addEventListener("click", winLogic);
option3.addEventListener("click", winLogic);

newGameButton.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
  totalQuestionsScore.textContent = 0;
  totalCorrectScore.textContent = 0;
  correctAnswers = 0;
  totalQuestions = 0;
nextButton.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
  totalQuestionsScore.textContent = totalQuestions;

let correctAnswers = 0;
let totalQuestions = 0;

function init() {

const baseSearchParam =

//returned value is no lower than (and may possibly equal) min, and is less than (and not equal) max.
function randomNum(min, max) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);

function goSearch(searchTerm) {
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((data) => searchResults(data));

//this is the object that will store our game options
//first the objectID is filled from picking three random numbers from our search-set
//then the artist value should be filled in by a second fetch call to each of the relevant objects
const gameOptions = {
  option1: {
    objectID: 01,
    artist: "a",
    title: "title",
    year: 0000,
    image: "url",
  option2: {
    objectID: 02,
    artist: "b",
    title: "title",
    year: 0000,
    image: "url",
  option3: {
    objectID: 03,
    artist: "c",
    title: "title",
    year: 0000,
    image: "url",
  option4: {
    objectID: 04,
    artist: "d",
    title: "title",
    year: 0000,
    image: "url",
  option5: {
    objectID: 05,
    artist: "e",
    title: "title",
    year: 0000,
    image: "url",

//this is the object that will store our game options
//first the objectID is filled from picking three random numbers from our search-set
//then the artist value should be filled in by a second fetch call to each of the relevant objects

//build function that loops over gameOptions to check for blank strings
function checkMissingStringsInObject() {
  for (const option in gameOptions) {
    if (gameOptions[option].artist === "") {
      gameOptions[option] = gameOptions.option4;
    } else if (gameOptions[option].artist === "Unidentified artist") {
      gameOptions[option] = gameOptions.option5;

async function searchResults(data) {
  //this fills in our game pieces with randomly chosen objects
  for (let option in gameOptions) {
    gameOptions[option].objectID = data.objectIDs[randomNum(1, 800)];
    let objectToFind = gameOptions[option].objectID;
    //use our three objectIDs to then search for each object and gather data
    await fetch(
      .then((resp) => resp.json())
      //next we set the artist name in our local object based on the info from the api
      .then((data) => {
        // this points to the gameOptions object, and for each option.artist in the object
        //it will set that param to data.artistDisplayName as it comes from the api
        gameOptions[option].artist = data.artistDisplayName;
        gameOptions[option].image = data.primaryImageSmall;
        gameOptions[option].title = data.title;
        gameOptions[option].year = data.objectEndDate;
  //run logic to check for empty strings
function randomizeWinnerOptions() {
  const randNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (6 - 1) + 1);
  // console.log(randNum);
  for (let option in gameOptions) {
    if (option === `option${randNum}`) {
      gameOptions["correct"] = gameOptions[option];
// initialLoad populates DOM
async function initialLoad() {
  //set the id of each of the board pieces to match the input objectid
  option1.setAttribute("data-id", gameOptions.option1.objectID);
  option2.setAttribute("data-id", gameOptions.option2.objectID);
  option3.setAttribute("data-id", gameOptions.option3.objectID);
  //set the text on the game pieces
  option1.textContent = gameOptions.option1.artist;
  option2.textContent = gameOptions.option2.artist;
  option3.textContent = gameOptions.option3.artist;
  //below randomly chooses from the three existing options to choose a winner and make a new obj
  //the below attribute won't work if we don't fire randomizeWinnerOptions first
  mainImage.setAttribute("data-id", gameOptions.correct.objectID);
  mainImage.src = gameOptions.correct.image;

// winner logic- add to event listeners on option buttons
function winLogic() {
  //see if data-id matches mainImage.dat-id
  if (this.getAttribute("data-id") === mainImage.getAttribute("data-id")) {
    totalCorrectScore.textContent = correctAnswers;
    totalQuestionsScore.textContent = totalQuestions;
    // openModalWindow()
  } else {

    totalQuestionsScore.textContent = totalQuestions;
    // openModalWindow()
//reset the game board (currently just clears, will need to fire goSearch again)
const reset = () => {
  option1.setAttribute("data-id", "");
  option2.setAttribute("data-id", "");
  option3.setAttribute("data-id", "");
  mainImage.setAttribute("data-id", "");

// animated popup 
const loadingEl = document.getElementById('animated-loader')

function showSpinner() {
        loadingEl.style.display = "block";

function hideSpinner() {
  loadingEl.style.display = "none";

External CSS

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This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.