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/* MODAL */

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let num_cards_GLOBAL = 5;

let cards = [
        title: "Interstellar",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        background: "https://images.alphacoders.com/586/thumb-1920-586902.jpg",
        title: "Inception",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "Avengers: Endgame",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "Joker",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "1917",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "TENET",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "Skyfall",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "Star Wars: A New Hope",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "Venom",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"
        title: "Lord of the Rings",
            "Watch this incredible film made by some incredible people!"

let cast = [
        square: 1000,
        name: "Will Smith"
        square: 2000,
        name: "Robin Williams"
        square: 700,
        name: "Jennifer Lawrence"

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const Next = (elem) => {
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const Previous = (elem) => {
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const ToggleWatchLater = (movie = "", activate = true) => {
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