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                <div id="GSAP">GSAP</div><br>
<div id="WebAnimations1">Web Animations 1</div><br>
<div id="WebAnimations2">Web Animations 2</div>


                body {
div {


                TweenMax.defaultEase = Linear.easeNone;"#GSAP", 5, {x:200});"#GSAP", 1, {rotation:180});"#GSAP", 3, {rotation:0, delay:2});

With the Web Animations it's virtually impossible to control various transform components independently with precision (like rotation, scale, skew, position) because if composite is set to "add" the result is still mashed together - rotation affects everything. Actually, it depends on the order in which the animations get created, so this:
var wa1 = document.getElementById("WebAnimations1");
wa1.animate({transform: 'translateX(200px)'}, {duration:5000, fill:"forwards"});
wa1.animate({transform: 'rotate(180deg)', composite:'add'}, {duration:1000, fill:"forwards"});
wa1.animate({transform: 'rotate(-180deg)', composite:'add'}, {delay:2000, duration:3000, fill:"forwards"});

//Results in a COMPLETELY different animation, just by swapping the order of the first two lines:

var wa2 = document.getElementById("WebAnimations2");
wa2.animate({transform: 'rotate(180deg)'}, {duration:1000, fill:"forwards"});
wa2.animate({transform: 'translateX(200px)', composite:'add'}, {duration:5000, fill:"forwards"});
wa2.animate({transform: 'rotate(-180deg)', composite:'add'}, {delay:2000, duration:3000, fill:"forwards"});

But as a user, I just want to make sure that my object moves 200px to the right and ends up rotated upside down. I may not know (and I shouldn't have to care) which other animations were previously set up on the element. Imagine a rollover that must make the object go to a rotation of 0, but it may be halfway through a different one (partially rotated) and I may also have translation or scale or skew animations going on concurrently which I don't want to affect. In order to not interfere with the other animations, I MUST set composite:'add' but if I do that, I must have some way of discerning what the current rotation is and do the math myself to animate it in the opposite direction the same amount just to get to 0. Instead of being able to say rotate(0deg), if the object happens to currently be at rotate(32.574deg), I must do rotate(-32.574deg) to get it back to 0! With GSAP, you don't have to worry about any of that - you just tween the values to whatever you want and they go there. They don't cross-contaminate. You can, of course, do relative animations if you want (which are kinda like composite:'add') by adding "+=" or "-=" prefixes to the values, like rotation:"-=45".

//note: if you'd rather use a GSAP timeline so that you can control the entire animation as a whole, do this instead...
//var tl = new TimelineLite().to("#GSAP", 5, {x:200}).to("#GSAP", 1, {rotation:180}, 0).to("#GSAP", 3, {rotation:0}, 2);
