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                button restart

- var swatches = ['red', 'blue'];
	h2 Expected Outcome
	p Red block executes a single long tween over the course of Blue block executing its multiple tweens.
	h2 Issue
	p The Blue wont execute any of its tweens following that come after its first tween until the Red block finishes executing it's tween.
	h2 Question
	p Is there a way to have Blue's tweens proceed in sequence *while* the Red tween is progressing? Also note, I eventually want to add a ScrollTrigger to this timeline (see commented out JS code in the gsap.timeline), so is there a way to do this without getting into complex keyframes or multiple timeline?
		p Long Persistent Tween
		p Has Multiple Tweens



                * {
	box-sizing: border-box;

html {
	background: #111;
	color: white;
	font-size: 62.5%;
	-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 

body {
	font-size: 1.6rem;
	line-height: 1.3;

.container {
	width: 100%;
	display: flex;
	// justify-content: center;
	align-items: flex-start;
	flex-flow: column;
	gap: 5vw;
	height: 5000px;

.block {
	text-align: center;
	width: 10rem;
	padding: 1rem;
	&-red {
		background: red;
	&-blue {
		background: blue;

.notes {
	padding: 2rem;

h2 {
	font-size: 2rem;
p {
	color: #ddd;



let tl = gsap.timeline({
	// scrollTrigger: {
	// 	trigger: ".container",
	// 	pin: true,
	// 	scrub: true,
	// 	markers: true
	// },
	// paused: true

let total_duration = 5;

.from('.block', {
	alpha: .25,
	duration: .5,
	stagger: .15
}, .5)

// Expected Outcome: Red block moves over the course of "total_duration".
.to('.block-red', {
	x: (index, target, targets)=> window.innerWidth - target.offsetWidth,
	duration: total_duration,
	ease: "Linear.easeNone"

// Expected Outcome: While the Red block is move then rest of the timeline process with the Blue block executing multiple tweens with any stops

.to('.block-blue', {
	x: (index, target, targets)=> (window.innerWidth - target.offsetWidth)*.25,
	yPercent: 150,
	duration: total_duration/4,
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, '<')
.to('.block-blue p', {
	scale: 2,
	color: "cyan",
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, '<')

.to('.block-blue', {
	x: (index, target, targets)=> (window.innerWidth - target.offsetWidth)*.5,
	yPercent: 0,
	duration: total_duration/4,
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, ">")
.to('.block-blue p', {
	scale: 1,
	color: "white",
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, '<')

.to('.block-blue', {
	x: (index, target, targets)=> (window.innerWidth - target.offsetWidth)*.75,
	yPercent: 150,
	duration: total_duration/4,
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, ">")
.to('.block-blue p', {
	scale: 2,
	color: "yellow",
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, '<')

.to('.block-blue', {
	x: (index, target, targets)=> (window.innerWidth - target.offsetWidth),
	yPercent: 0,
	duration: total_duration/4,
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, ">")
.to('.block-blue p', {
	scale: 1,
	color: "white",
	ease: "Power4.easeInOut"
}, '<')

document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', ()=>
