<link href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Signika+Negative:300,400,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<div id="container"></div>
<div id="instructions">
  <div id="controls">
    <div class="control">
      <div class="control-label">from:</div>
      <div class="control-vertical">
        <label for="center"><input type="radio" id="center" name="from" value="center" checked> <code>"center"</code></label>
        <label for="end"><input type="radio" id="end" name="from" value="end"> <code>"end"</code></label>
        <label for="edges"><input type="radio" id="edges" name="from" value="edges"> <code>"edges"</code></label>
        <label for="random"><input type="radio" id="random" name="from" value="random"> <code>"random"</code></label>
        <label for="index"><input type="radio" id="index" name="from" value="11"> <code id="fromIndex">11 (index)</code></label>
    <div class="control">
      <div class="control-label">axis:</div>
      <div class="control-vertical">
        <label for="null"><input type="radio" id="null" name="axis" value="null" checked> <code>null</code> (both)</label>
        <label for="x"><input type="radio" id="x" name="axis" value="x"> <code>"x"</code></label>
        <label for="y"><input type="radio" id="y" name="axis" value="y"> <code>"y"</code></label>
    <div class="control">
      <div class="control-label">ease:</div>
      <div class="control-vertical">
        <label for="linear"><input type="radio" id="linear" name="ease" value='"none"' checked> <code>"none"</code></label>
        <label for='"easeInOut"'><input type="radio" id="easeInOut" name="ease" value='"power3.inOut"'> <code>"power3.inOut"</code></label>
        <label for="easeOut"><input type="radio" id="easeOut" name="ease" value='"power2.in"'> <code>"power2.in"</code></label>
  <p>Play with the options above to see how it affects the animation and the code below. Click any box to have the stagger emanate outward from that specific index number, using the <code class="featured">from:[index]</code> syntax.</p>
  <div class="code">
    <code>gsap.to(".box", {</code><br>
    <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;duration: 1,</code><br>
    <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;scale: 0.1,</code><br>
    <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;y: 40,</code><br>
    <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;ease: "power1.inOut",</code><br>
    <code class="featured">&nbsp;&nbsp;stagger: {</code><br>
    <code class="featured">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;grid: [7,15],</code><br>
    <code class="featured">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;from: <span id="from">"center"</span>,<br></code>
    <code id="axisCode" class="featured" style="display:none;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;axis: <span id="axis">null</span>,<br></code>
    <code id="easeCode" class="featured" style="display:none;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ease: <span id="ease">Linear.easeNone</span>,<br></code>
    <code class="featured">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;amount: 1.5</code><br>
    <code class="featured">&nbsp;&nbsp;}</code><br>
/* Typography */

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//GSAP 3 introduces advanced stagger values
var grid = [5,13], //[rows, columns]
    tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 0.5});

function animateBoxes(from, axis, ease) {
  //one stagger call does all the animation:
  tl.to(".box", {
      duration: 1,
      scale: 0.1, 
      y: 60,
      yoyo: true, 
      repeat: 1, 
      ease: "power1.inOut",
      stagger: {
        amount: 1.5, 
        grid: grid, 
        axis: axis, 
        ease: ease,
        from: from

//builds a grid of <div class="box"> elements, dropped into #container (unrelated to animation code)
buildGrid({grid: grid, className: "box", width: 1000, gutter: 15, parent: "#container", onCellClick: onCellClick});


//---- the rest of the code below just handles all the interactivity ----

var options = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="from"], input[name="axis"], input[name="ease"]'),
    _select = function(selector) {
      return document.querySelector(selector);
    axisCodeEl = _select("#axisCode"),
    axisEl = _select("#axis"),
    easeCodeEl = _select("#easeCode"),
    easeEl = _select("#ease"),
    fromEl = _select("#from"),
    fromIndexEl = _select("#fromIndex"),
    indexEl = _select("#index"),
    selections = {from: "center", axis: null, ease: "none"},

//add change listeners
for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
  options[i].addEventListener("change", onOptionChange);

function onOptionChange(e) {
  var group = e.target.getAttribute("name"),
      value = e.target.getAttribute("value");
  if (group === "from") {
  } else if (group === "axis") {
    selections.axis = (value === "null") ? null : value;
    axisCode.style.display = (value === "null") ? "none" : "inline";
    axisEl.textContent = '"' + value + '"';
  } else if (group === "ease") {
    easeEl.textContent = value;
    easeCodeEl.style.display = (value === '"none"') ? "none" : "inline";
    selections.ease = value.split('"').join("");

function updateFrom(value) {
  var current = selections.from,
      parsedVal = value,
      newIsNumber = !isNaN(value),
      oldIsNumber = !isNaN(current);
  if (newIsNumber) {
    parsedVal = parseInt(value, 10);
  } else if (value === "end") {
    parsedVal = grid[0] * grid[1] - 1;
    newIsNumber = true;
  if (current !== parsedVal) {
    selections.from = parsedVal;
    fromEl.textContent = (value === "end") ? '"end"' : newIsNumber ? value : '"' + value + '"';
    if (newIsNumber && !oldIsNumber) {
      gsap.to(".box", {duration: 0.3, backgroundColor: "#abff84"});
    } else if (!newIsNumber && oldIsNumber) {
      gsap.to(".box", {duration: 0.3, backgroundColor: "#0ae448"});
    if (newIsNumber) {
      if (value !== "end") {
        indexEl.checked = true;
        indexEl.setAttribute("value", parsedVal);
        fromIndexEl.textContent = parsedVal + " (index)";
      gsap.fromTo("[data-index='" + parsedVal + "']", {rotation: 0}, {duration: 0.4, rotation: 360, backgroundColor: "#0ae448", ease: "power1.inOut"});
      if (oldIsNumber) {
        gsap.to("[data-index='" + current + "']", {duration: 0.3, backgroundColor: "#abff84"});

function onCellClick(e) {

function updateAnimation() {
  animateBoxes(selections.from, selections.axis, selections.ease);

//helper function to build a grid of <div> elements
function buildGrid(vars) {
	vars = vars || {};
	var container = document.createElement("div"),
		rows = vars.grid[0] || 5,
		cols = vars.grid[1] || 5,
		width = vars.width || 100,
		gutter = vars.gutter || 1,
    className = vars.className || "",
		w = (width - cols * gutter) / cols,
		parent = (typeof(vars.parent) === "string") ? document.querySelector(vars.parent) : vars.parent ? vars.parent : document.body,
		css = "display: inline-block; margin: 0 " + (gutter / width * 100) + "% " + (gutter / width * 100) + "% 0; width: " + (w / width * 100) + "%;",
		l = rows * cols,
		i, box;
	for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
		box = document.createElement("div");
		box.style.cssText = css;
    box.setAttribute("class", className);
    box.index = i;
    box.setAttribute("data-index", i);
    if (vars.onCellClick) {
      box.addEventListener("click", vars.onCellClick);
	container.style.cssText = "width:" + width + "px; line-height: 0; padding:" + gutter + "px 0 0 " + gutter + "px; display:inline-block;";
	return container;

//this just helps avoid the pixel-snapping that some browsers do.
gsap.set(".box", {rotation: 0.5, force3D: true});

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/gsap-latest-beta.min.js