function findShapeIndex(target, endShape, vars) {
vars = vars || {};
var _doc = document,
_get = function(e) {
return _doc.querySelectorAll(e);
_createSVG = function(type, attributes) {
var element = _doc.createElementNS("", type),
reg = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g,
for (p in attributes) {
element.setAttributeNS(null, p.replace(reg, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(), attributes[p]);
return element;
_numExp = /[-+=\.]*\d+[\.e\-\+]*\d*[e\-\+]*\d*/gi,
_selectorExp = /(^[#\.][a-z]|[a-y][a-z])/gi,
_parseShape = (shape, forcePath, target) => {
let isString = typeof(shape) === "string",
e, type;
if (!isString || _selectorExp.test(shape) || (shape.match(_numExp) || []).length < 3) {
e = gsap.utils.toArray(shape)[0];
if (e) {
type = (e.nodeName + "").toUpperCase();
if (forcePath && type !== "PATH") {
e = MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath(e, false);
type = "PATH";
shape = e.getAttribute(type === "PATH" ? "d" : "points") || "";
if (e === target) {
shape = e.getAttributeNS(null, "data-original") || shape;
} else {
console.warn("Invalid morph to: " + shape);
shape = false;
return shape;
startDot, endDot, incrementButton, decrementButton,
_setup = function() {
var e = _doc.createElement("div"),
label = _doc.createElement("div"),
body = _get("body")[0];
incrementButton = _doc.createElement("div");
decrementButton = _doc.createElement("div");
label.setAttribute("id", "shapeIndexLabel");
startDot = _createSVG("circle", {cx:0, cy:0, r:(vars.startStrokeWidth || 3) + 3, fill:vars.startStroke || "red"});
endDot = _createSVG("circle", {cx:0, cy:0, r:(vars.endStrokeWidth || 3) + 3, fill:vars.endStroke || "yellow"});
gsap.set(e, {padding:"0px", position:"absolute", bottom:0, fontSize:"20px", textAlign:"center", backgroundColor: "black", color:"#91e600", border:"1px solid #999", left:"50%", xPercent:-50, yPercent:-50, userSelect:"none", fontFamily:"sans-serif", zIndex: 100});
gsap.set(label, {display:"inline-block", minWidth:"210px", marginRight:"10px", textAlign:"center", marginLeft:"10px"});
gsap.set([incrementButton, decrementButton], {display:"inline-block", padding:"0 15px", color:"#ccc", height:"50px", lineHeight:"48px", cursor:"pointer"});
gsap.set(decrementButton, {borderRight:"1px solid #999"});
gsap.set(incrementButton, {borderLeft:"1px solid #999"});
decrementButton.innerHTML = " - ";
incrementButton.innerHTML = " + ";
if (body) {
return label;
label = _get("#shapeIndexLabel")[0] || _setup(),
index = 0,
_yoyo = function() {
shapeTween, dotTween, startBezier, endBezier,
dotProxy = {x:0, y:0},
_getFirstCoordinates = function(start, end, shapeIndex) {
startBezier = MorphSVGPlugin.stringToRawPath(start);
endBezier = MorphSVGPlugin.stringToRawPath(end);
MorphSVGPlugin.equalizeSegmentQuantity(startBezier, endBezier, shapeIndex);
return [startBezier[0][0], startBezier[0][1], endBezier[0][0], endBezier[0][1]];
_startTween = function() {
var coordinates = _getFirstCoordinates(origStartShape, origEndShape, index);
dotProxy.x = coordinates[0];
dotProxy.y = coordinates[1];
startDot.setAttribute("cx", dotProxy.x);
startDot.setAttribute("cy", dotProxy.y);
endDot.setAttribute("cx", coordinates[2]);
endDot.setAttribute("cy", coordinates[3]);
shapeTween = gsap.fromTo(target, {morphSVG: origStartShape}, {delay:0.5, duration:vars.duration || 3, morphSVG:{shape:origEndShape, shapeIndex:index}, ease:vars.ease || "none", onComplete:_yoyo, onReverseComplete:_yoyo, overwrite:true});
dotTween =, {delay:0.5, duration:vars.duration || 3, x:coordinates[2], y:coordinates[3], ease:vars.ease || "none", onUpdate:function() {
startDot.setAttribute("cx", dotProxy.x);
startDot.setAttribute("cy", dotProxy.y);
_refresh = function() {
label.innerHTML = "shapeIndex: " + index + (index === autoIndex ? " (auto)" : "");;;
gsap.fromTo(label.parentNode, 0.4, {backgroundColor:"#777"}, {backgroundColor:"black", ease:"none"});
_increment = function() {
index = (index + 1) % (maxIndex + 1);
_decrement = function() {
index = (index - 1) % (maxIndex + 1);
autoIndex, maxIndex, endTarget;
if (typeof(target) === "string") {
target = gsap.utils.toArray(target)[0];
if (!target) {
console.log("ERROR: target not found for findShapeIndex(). Please use a valid target.");
} else if (target.nodeName && target.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== "PATH") {
console.log("ERROR: target of findShapeIndex() must be a path.");
} else if (target.push && target[0] && target[0].nodeName) {
target = target[0];
if (target.parentNode) {
if (typeof(endShape) !== "string" || (endShape.match(_numExp) || []).length < 3) {
endTarget = gsap.utils.toArray(endShape);
if (endTarget && endTarget[0]) {
endTarget = endTarget[0];
gsap.set(endTarget, {display:"block", strokeWidth:vars.endStrokeWidth || 3, stroke:vars.endStroke || "yellow", fill:vars.endFill || "none", visibility:"visible", opacity:vars.endOpacity || 0.7});
gsap.set(target, {display:"block", strokeWidth:vars.startStrokeWidth || 3, stroke:vars.startStroke || "red", fill:vars.startFill || "none", visibility:"visible", opacity:vars.startOpacity || 0.7});
startBezier = MorphSVGPlugin.stringToRawPath(target.getAttribute("d"));
endBezier = MorphSVGPlugin.stringToRawPath(_parseShape(endShape, true));
autoIndex = index = Math.round(MorphSVGPlugin.equalizeSegmentQuantity(startBezier, endBezier, "auto")[0]);
maxIndex = (startBezier[0].length / 6) | 0;
gsap.killTweensOf([target, endShape]);
const origStartShape = _parseShape(target, true);
const origEndShape = _parseShape(endShape, true);
label.innerHTML = "shapeIndex: " + index + (index === autoIndex ? " (auto)" : "");
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
var key = event.keyCode;
if (key === 38 || key === 39 || key === 85) {
} else if (key === 37 || key === 40 || key === 68) {
incrementButton.addEventListener("click", _increment);
decrementButton.addEventListener("click", _decrement);
}"#square", {duration: 3, morphSVG:{shape:"#star", shapeIndex:5}});
findShapeIndex("#square", "#star", {startStroke:'rgb(255, 135, 9)', endStroke:'rgb(247, 189, 248)'});