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 * Bouncing Colorful Balls [Global Mode] (v1.2.1)
 * AllOneString & GoToLoop (2016-Jun-28)
 * https://Forum.Processing.org/two/discussion/17306/
 * multiple-canvases-on-one-page#Item_12
 * https://CodePen.io/GoSubRoutine/pen/KaerGb/right/?editors=101

"use strict";

const NUM = 15, balls = Array(NUM).fill();
let bg;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400).mousePressed(restart);
  bg = color(random(0xd0, 0x100), random(0xd0, 0x100), random(0xd0, 0x100));
  for (let i = 0; i < NUM; balls[i++] = new Ball);

function draw() {
  for (const b of balls)  b.display().update();

function restart() {
  bg = color(random(0xd0, 0o400), random(0xd0, 0o400), random(0xd0, 0o400));
  for (const b of balls)  b.initBall();

class Ball {
  static get VEL() { delete this.VEL; return this.VEL = 2; }
  static get MIN_RAD() { delete this.MIN_RAD; return this.MIN_RAD = 5; }
  static get MAX_RAD() { delete this.MAX_RAD; return this.MAX_RAD = 30; }

  constructor() {
    this.pos = createVector(), this.vel = createVector();

  initBall() {
    const r = this.rad = random(Ball.MIN_RAD, Ball.MAX_RAD), v = Ball.VEL;
    this.pos.set(random(r, width - r), random(r, height - r));
    this.vel.set(random(-v, v), random(-v, v));
    this.c = color('#' + hex(~~random(0x1000), 3));
    return this;

  update() {
    const { pos, rad } = this;
    pos.x > width  - rad | pos.x < rad && (this.vel.x *= -1);
    pos.y > height - rad | pos.y < rad && (this.vel.y *= -1);
    return this;

  display() {
    fill(this.c).ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.rad<<1);
    return this;
Run Pen

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