<div id="container"></div>
body {
font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
.f-col {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
justify-content: space-around;
#container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 0.5em;
min-width: 600px;
#container p {
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
background: #f3f3f3;
border: 3px solid red;
border-radius: 0.5em;
text-align: center;
max-width: 100px;
svg {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1
.path {
stroke: silver;
fill: none;
stroke-width: 2;
"use strict";
// my helpers...
const $ = function(t = null) {
return new class {
constructor(t) {
t && (this.nodes = t.nodeType ? [t] : NodeList.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) ? t : document.querySelectorAll(t), this.n = this.nodes[0])
each = t => (this.nodes.forEach((s => t(s))), this);
addClass = t => this.each((s => s.classList.add(...t.split(",").map((t => t.trim())))), this);
html = t => this.each(s => s.innerHTML = t)
create = t => $(document.createElement(t));
append = t => {
let s = this.create(t);
return this.n.appendChild(s.n), s
remove = () => this.each(_node => _node.remove())
insertAfter = t => (t.n.after(this.n), this);
setAttr = (t, s = "") => this.each((e => e.setAttribute(t, s)), this);
sCreate = t => {
let s = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
return s.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), s.setAttribute("viewBox", t), $(s)
sAppend = t => (this.n.appendChild(t.n), this);
sC = t => document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", t);
id = t => (this.setAttr("id", t), this);
d = t => (this.setAttr("d", t), this);
fill = t => (this.setAttr("fill", t), this);
stroke = t => (this.setAttr("stroke", t), this);
strokeWidth = t => (this.setAttr("stroke-width", t), this);
sBezier = (t, s, e, i) => $(this.sC("path")).d(`M${t},${s} C ${(t+e)/2},${s} ${(t+e)/2},${i} ${e},${i}`);
// by resize repaint SVG
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
function createMap(data) {
//find depth of Elements
function findDepth(id, depth = 0) {
while (id !== null) {
let aktEl = data.filter(x => x.id == id)
id = aktEl[0].parentId
if (id == null) depth = depth * aktEl[0].div
return depth
// first div at right side (-1*-1=1)
var aktDiv = -1
// swap between left and right side
data.filter(x => x.parentId == null)
.forEach(x => {
x.div = aktDiv;
aktDiv *= -1
// set root Elements div = 0
data.find(x => x.id == null).div = 0
// set divs for Childs
data.filter(x => (x.parentId !== null && x.id !== null))
.forEach(x => x.div = findDepth(x.id))
// find min and max Div-Number
let minDiv = Math.min(...data.map(item => item.div))
let maxDiv = Math.max(...data.map(item => item.div))
// create Divs in container
for (let i = minDiv; i <= maxDiv; i++) {
// put paragraphs in Div´s
data.forEach(el => {
function drawLines(data) {
// find Coordinates from Container
let mC = $('#container').n.getBoundingClientRect();
// create SVG with same ViewportSize as Container
$().sCreate(`0,0,${mC.width},${mC.height}`).setAttr('id', 'mySVG')
.insertAfter($('body > h1'))
// set SVG at same Position as Container
$('#mySVG').n.style = `top:${mC.top}px;left:${mC.left}px;
// create Bezier from Element's to Parent´s
data.forEach(el => {
if ('parentId' in el) {
let aktEl = $(`#p${el.id}`).n.getBoundingClientRect()
let parEl = $(`#p${el.parentId}`).n.getBoundingClientRect()
let aktLeft = (aktEl.left < parEl.left) ? aktEl.left + aktEl.width : aktEl.left
let parLeft = (aktEl.left > parEl.left) ? parEl.left + parEl.width : parEl.left
$().sBezier(aktLeft - mC.left, aktEl.top - mC.top + (aktEl.height / 2), parLeft - mC.left, parEl.top - mC.top + (parEl.height / 2)).addClass('path'))
const data = [
{ id: null , text: "<b>Test<br>Mind Map</b>" },
{ id: 1 , parentId: null, text: "Idea - 1" },
{ id: 2 , parentId: null, text: "Dr. Helmut Zimmermann" },
{ id: 3 , parentId: null, text: "Idea - 3" },
{ id: 4 , parentId: 1, text: "order Cake and <b>Coffee</b>" },
{ id: 5 , parentId: 1, text: "Idea - 1 - 2 " },
{ id: 6 , parentId: 3, text: "Idea - 3 - 1 " },
{ id: 7 , parentId: 3, text: "Idea- 3 - 2" },
{ id: 10 , parentId: 2, text: "Idea - 2 - 1" },
{ id: 12 , parentId: 2, text: "Idea - 2 - 2" },
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.