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                <h1>#100Days100Projects - All Projects</h1>
<div id="app"></div>

<div class="floating-text">
	Part of <a href="" target="_blank">#100Days100Projects</a>


                @import url(',700&display=swap');

* {
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body {
	font-family: 'Muli', sans-serif;
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	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
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	width: 1020px;

.project {
	border-radius: 5px;
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	font-weight: bold;
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	width: 300px;
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.project:hover {
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.project img {
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.floating-text a {
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                const projects = [
		nr: '001',
		name: 'Random Meal Generator',
		link: ''
		nr: '002',
		name: '2019 Mood Calendar',
		link: ''
		nr: '003',
		name: 'Double Noise Flow Field',
		link: ''
		nr: '004',
		name: 'Catch the insect',
		link: ''
		nr: '005',
		name: 'User Profile Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '006',
		name: 'Pokedex',
		link: ''
		nr: '007',
		name: 'James Bond Tribute Page',
		link: ''
		nr: '008',
		name: 'Live Twitter Feed',
		link: ''
		nr: '009',
		name: 'This or That (w/ dogs)',
		link: ''
		nr: '010',
		name: 'Math Wizz Game',
		link: ''
		nr: '011',
		name: 'Push Force Game',
		link: ''
		nr: '012',
		name: 'Background Pattern Generator',
		link: ''
		nr: '013',
		name: 'Password Generator',
		link: ''
		nr: '014',
		name: 'Contact Page Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '015',
		name: 'Voting App',
		link: ''
		nr: '016',
		name: 'Clock',
		link: ''
		nr: '017',
		name: 'Testimonial Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '018',
		name: 'Typing Speed Test',
		link: ''
		nr: '019',
		name: 'Send Love Button',
		link: ''
		nr: '020',
		name: 'Official Website for #100Days100Projects',
		link: ''
		nr: '021',
		name: 'Feedback UI Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '022',
		name: 'Tricky Cookie',
		link: ''
		nr: '023',
		name: 'Background Animation',
		link: ''
		nr: '024',
		name: 'Hover Board',
		link: ''
		nr: '025',
		name: 'Reviews Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '026',
		name: 'Gravity Switch',
		link: ''
		nr: '027',
		name: 'Line Through Effect',
		link: ''
		nr: '028',
		name: 'Workout Tracker Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '029',
		name: 'Event KeyCodes',
		link: ''
		nr: '030',
		name: 'Animated Navigation',
		link: ''
		nr: '031',
		name: 'New Year Countdown',
		link: ''
		nr: '032',
		name: 'Text to Life',
		link: ''
		nr: '033',
		name: 'Exchange Rate Calculator',
		link: ''
		nr: '034',
		name: 'Billionaires Responsive Table',
		link: ''
		nr: '035',
		name: 'Image Reflection',
		link: ''
		nr: '036',
		name: 'Pricing Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '037',
		name: 'Panda Eye Follow',
		link: ''
		nr: '038',
		name: '3D Background Boxes',
		link: ''
		nr: '039',
		name: 'Blog Post Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '040',
		name: 'Find It',
		link: ''
		nr: '041',
		name: "The 'Different' Chat",
		link: ''
		nr: '042',
		name: 'Verify Account UI',
		link: ''
		nr: '043',
		name: 'Rotated Nav Animation',
		link: ''
		nr: '044',
		name: 'Particles',
		link: ''
		nr: '045',
		name: 'Loading Animation',
		link: ''
		nr: '046',
		name: 'Image Password Strength',
		link: ''
		nr: '047',
		name: 'Expanding Cards',
		link: ''
		nr: '048',
		name: 'Content Placeholder',
		link: ''
		nr: '049',
		name: 'Theme Toggler',
		link: ''
		nr: '050',
		name: 'Infinite Scroll',
		link: ''
		nr: '051',
		name: 'Side Menu Animation',
		link: ''
		nr: '052',
		name: 'First YouTube Video',
		link: ''
		nr: '053',
		name: 'User Card Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '054',
		name: 'Rotation Slideshow',
		link: ''
		nr: '055',
		name: 'Message Cards Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '056',
		name: 'Digital Block Clock',
		link: ''
		nr: '057',
		name: 'Become a Millionaire',
		link: ''
		nr: '058',
		name: 'Car Avoidance Game',
		link: ''
		nr: '059',
		name: 'Direction Aware Hover Effect',
		link: ''
		nr: '060',
		name: 'Mobile Tab Navigation',
		link: ''
		nr: '061',
		name: 'Live User Filter',
		link: ''
		nr: '062',
		name: 'Blobby',
		link: ''
		nr: '063',
		name: 'Blog Posts Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '064',
		name: 'Hidden Search',
		link: ''
		nr: '065',
		name: 'Flomoji 🤩',
		link: ''
		nr: '066',
		name: 'Moving Hamburger Animation',
		link: ''
		nr: '067',
		name: 'Landing Page Header',
		link: ''
		nr: '068',
		name: 'Newsletter Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '069',
		name: 'Dad Jokes',
		link: ''
		nr: '070',
		name: 'Kinetic Loader',
		link: ''
		nr: '071',
		name: 'Donate Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '072',
		name: 'Instagram Image Feed',
		link: ''
		nr: '073',
		name: 'Form Validation',
		link: ''
		nr: '074',
		name: 'Background Changer',
		link: ''
		nr: '075',
		name: 'Auto Text',
		link: ''
		nr: '076',
		name: 'Clip-Path Animation',
		link: ''
		nr: '077',
		name: 'Social Links',
		link: ''
		nr: '078',
		name: 'Color Matching Game',
		link: ''
		nr: '079',
		name: 'Background Slider',
		link: ''
		nr: '080',
		name: 'Steps',
		link: ''
		nr: '081',
		name: 'Drink Water',
		link: ''
		nr: '082',
		name: 'Random Picker Visualizer',
		link: ''
		nr: '083',
		name: 'YouTube Video Suggestion UI',
		link: ''
		nr: '084',
		name: 'Sparkles',
		link: ''
		nr: '085',
		name: 'Breadcrumbs Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '086',
		name: 'Traffic Lights',
		link: ''
		nr: '087',
		name: 'Invoice Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '088',
		name: 'Blurry Loading',
		link: ''
		nr: '089',
		name: 'Rain Drops',
		link: ''
		nr: '090',
		name: 'Tooltip',
		link: ''
		nr: '091',
		name: 'Live Visit Count',
		link: ''
		nr: '092',
		name: 'CSS Pulse Effect',
		link: ''
		nr: '093',
		name: 'Incrementing Counter',
		link: ''
		nr: '094',
		name: 'Course Card UI',
		link: ''
		nr: '095',
		name: '404 Sh*t Page',
		link: ''
		nr: '096',
		name: 'Waves',
		link: ''
		nr: '097',
		name: 'Hotel Reservation Design',
		link: ''
		nr: '098',
		name: 'FAQ',
		link: ''
		nr: '099',
		name: 'Cheap, Good, Fast',
		link: ''

const app = document.getElementById('app');
const imgBaseURL = ' ';

projects.forEach(project => {
	const title = `${} - #${}`;
	const imgURL = imgBaseURL + + '.jpg';
	const projectEl = document.createElement('a');
	projectEl.href =; = '_blank';

	projectEl.innerHTML = `
        <img src="${imgURL}" alt="${title}"/>


