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<h1>Hero Effects</h1>
<p>Lorem Ipsum, lorem ipsum, lorem ipsum</p>
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<p>Bataille's analysis of predialectic objectivism holds that culture is used in the service of archaic, sexist perceptions of art. A number of constructions concerning capitalist objectivism may be found. However, the primary theme of von Ludwig's[2] model of pretextual capitalist theory is the bridge between society and class. If capitalist objectivism holds, we have to choose between predialectic objectivism and Lacanist obscurity.</p>
<p>Bataille's analysis of predialectic objectivism holds that culture is used in the service of archaic, sexist perceptions of art. A number of constructions concerning capitalist objectivism may be found. However, the primary theme of von Ludwig's[2] model of pretextual capitalist theory is the bridge between society and class. If capitalist objectivism holds, we have to choose between predialectic objectivism and Lacanist obscurity.</p>
<p>Bataille's analysis of predialectic objectivism holds that culture is used in the service of archaic, sexist perceptions of art. A number of constructions concerning capitalist objectivism may be found. However, the primary theme of von Ludwig's[2] model of pretextual capitalist theory is the bridge between society and class. If capitalist objectivism holds, we have to choose between predialectic objectivism and Lacanist obscurity.</p>
<p>Bataille's analysis of predialectic objectivism holds that culture is used in the service of archaic, sexist perceptions of art. A number of constructions concerning capitalist objectivism may be found. However, the primary theme of von Ludwig's[2] model of pretextual capitalist theory is the bridge between society and class. If capitalist objectivism holds, we have to choose between predialectic objectivism and Lacanist obscurity.</p>
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// $heroHeight: 80%;
// $heroHeight: 500px;
$heroHeight: 100vh;
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View Compiled
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