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    <title id="tabname">Taco Tapper</title>
    <body id="body">
    <h1 id="title" class="center exo">Taco Tapper</h1>
    <hr />
    <br /><br />
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, grandpas);"><h1>Buy Grandpa</h1><h5>$100 - 1 tps - <div id="grandpas">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, stands);"><h1>Buy Stand</h1><h5>$500 - 5 tps - <div id="stands">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, trucks);"><h1>Buy Truck</h1><h5>$1000 - 10 tps - <div id="trucks">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, shacks);"><h1>Buy Shack</h1><h5>$5000 - 50 tps - <div id="shacks">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, counties);"><h1>Buy County</h1><h5>$10000 - 100 tps - <div id="counties">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, states);"><h1>Buy State</h1><h5>$50000 - 500 tps - <div id="states">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, countries);"><h1>Buy Country</h1><h5>$100000 - 1000 tps - <div id="countries">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, planets);"><h1>Buy Planet</h1><h5>$500000 - 5000 tps - <div id="planets">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, solarsystems);"><h1>Buy Solar System</h1><h5>$1000000 - 10000 tps - <div id="solarsystems">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, galaxies);"><h1>Buy Galaxy</h1><h5>$5000000 - 50000 tps - <div id="galaxies">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, universes);"><h1>Buy Universe</h1><h5>$10000000 - 100000 tps - <div id="universes">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, growthrays);"><h1>Buy Growth Ray</h1><h5>$50000000 - 500000 tps - <div id="growthrays">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, lettucelasers);"><h1>Buy Lettuce Laser</h1><h5>$100000000 - 1000000 tps - <div id="lettucelasers">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center q" onclick=", 1, meatmountains);"><h1>Buy Meat Mountains</h1><h5>$500000000 - 5000000 tps - <div id="meatmountains">0</div></h5></button>
    <div onclick=";" id="taco"><img src="" class="imgcenter"></img></div>
    <h4 class="exo">Require $1000 Purchase:</h4>
    <button class="center h" onclick=", 1, doubletappers);"><h1>Buy Double Tapper</h1><h5>$10000 - +1 tpc - <div id="doubletappers">0</div></h5></button>
    <button class="center h" onclick=", 1, duplicators);"><h1>Buy Duplicator</h1><h5>$1000000 - +100 tpc - <div id="duplicators">0</div></h5></button>
    <h3 class="center exo">Tacos: </h3><h1 id="tacocounter" class="center exo">0</h1>
    <br />
    <h3 class="center exo">TPS: </h3><h1 id="tpscounter" class="center exo">0</h1>
    <footer><h4 class="exo">v0.1.5 Pen</h4></footer><h4 class="center exo">View complete version at  <a href="">my website</a>.</h4>
    <script src="index.js"></script>


                   .center {
      text-align: center;
    @font-face {
    font-family: Exo;
    src: url(;
    .exo {
      font-family: Exo;
    body {
      background-color: #DCFCE0;
    #taco:active {
      border-style: ridge;
      border-color: lightblue;
    #taco {
      border-style: groove;
      border-color: black;
      background-color: #CCFFD2;
    .left {
      text-align: left;
    .right {
      text-align: right;
    .imgcenter {
      display: block; 
      margin-left: auto; 
      margin-right: auto;
    @font-face {
    font-family: Quicksand;
    src: url(;
    button.q {
      color: darkgreen;
    button {
      font-family: Quicksand;
    button.h {
      color: darkblue;


                // getting elements
var tacocounter = document.getElementById("tacocounter");
var tpscounter = document.getElementById("tpscounter");
var body = document.getElementById("body");
var title = document.getElementById("tabname");
// and now for the shop
var grandpas = document.getElementById("grandpas");
var stands = document.getElementById("stands");
var trucks = document.getElementById("trucks");
var shacks = document.getElementById("shacks");
var counties = document.getElementById("counties");
var states = document.getElementById("states");
var countries = document.getElementById("countries");
var planets = document.getElementById("planets");
var solarsystems = document.getElementById("solarsystems");
var galaxies = document.getElementById("galaxies");
var universes = document.getElementById("universes");
var growthrays = document.getElementById("growthrays");
var lettucelaser = document.getElementById("lettucelasers");
var meatmountains = document.getElementById("meatmountains");
// and now for the boosts
var doubletappers = document.getElementById("doubletappers");
var duplicators = document.getElementById("duplicators");
// boost affordality
var boostAfford = false;
// defining taco (the main object of the code)
var taco = {tacos: 0, el: document.getElementById("taco"), click: function() {this.tacos = this.tacos + boosts.tpc;}};
// defining shop (things that make tacos for you)
var shop = {}; = function(item, amount, minus){if (taco.tacos >= item.cost) {minus.innerHTML = item.num; item.num = item.num + amount; taco.tacos = taco.tacos - item.cost; this.tps = this.tps +;} if (item.cost >= 1000) {boostAfford = true;}};
shop.tps = 0;
shop.grandpas =      {num: 1, cost: 100,       prod: 1};
shop.stands =        {num: 1, cost: 500,       prod: 5}; 
shop.trucks =        {num: 1, cost: 1000,      prod: 10};
shop.shacks =        {num: 1, cost: 5000,      prod: 50};
shop.counties =      {num: 1, cost: 10000,     prod: 100};
shop.states =        {num: 1, cost: 50000,     prod: 500};
shop.countries =     {num: 1, cost: 100000,    prod: 1000};
shop.planets =       {num: 1, cost: 500000,    prod: 5000};
shop.solarsystems =  {num: 1, cost: 1000000,   prod: 10000};
shop.galaxies =      {num: 1, cost: 5000000,   prod: 50000};
shop.universes =     {num: 1, cost: 10000000,  prod: 100000};
shop.growthrays =    {num: 1, cost: 50000000,  prod: 500000};
shop.lettucelasers = {num: 1, cost: 100000000, prod: 1000000};
shop.meatmountains = {num: 1, cost: 500000000, prod: 5000000};
// defining boosts (things that give you more tpc)
var boosts = {}; = function(item, amount, minus) {if (taco.tacos >= item.cost * amount && boostAfford === true) {minus.innerHTML = item.num; item.num = item.num + amount; taco.tacos = taco.tacos - item.cost * amount; this.tpc = this.tpc +;}};
boosts.tpc = 1;
boosts.doubletappers = {num: 1, cost: 10000, prod: 1};
boosts.duplicators = {num: 1, cost: 1000000, prod: 100};
// sending tacos and tps to html
setInterval(function(){tacocounter.innerHTML = taco.tacos; title.innerHTML = taco.tacos + " Tacos";}, 10);
setInterval(function(){tpscounter.innerHTML = shop.tps;}, 10);
// adding tacos for tps (tacos per second) or tacos made by workers
setInterval(function(){taco.tacos = taco.tacos + shop.tps;}, 1000);
// keydowns
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) {
  //defining all the keys
  // numbers:
  if (evt.keyCode == 48) {, 1, galaxies);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 49) {, 1, grandpas);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 50) {, 1, stands);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 51) {, 1, trucks);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 52) {, 1, shacks);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 53) {, 1, counties);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 54) {, 1, states);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 55) {, 1, countries);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 56) {, 1, planets);}
  if (evt.keyCode == 57) {, 1, solarsystems);}
//key ups
window.addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) {
    // space
  if (evt.keyCode == 32) {;}
// to be continued...
