<p>Click canvas for new pattern</p>
<p>Right click canvas for a clue about how this works</p>
<p>Change animation speed with mouse horizontal position</p>
<p>Change drawing scale with mouse vertical position when clicking</p>
<button type=button>close</button>
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, "Liberation Sans", FreeSans, sans-serif;
background-color: #000;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border-width: 0;
cursor: pointer;
dialog {
border-radius: 10px;
text-align: center;
dialog::backdrop {
background-color: #ffffff80;
dialog p {
text-align: left;
"use strict";
let canv, ctx; // canvas and context
let maxx, maxy; // canvas dimensions
let tr, distBridson, lines;
let withEdges;
let speed = 1 / 100;
// for animation
let messages;
// shortcuts for Math.
const mrandom = Math.random;
const mfloor = Math.floor;
const mround = Math.round;
const mceil = Math.ceil;
const mabs = Math.abs;
const mmin = Math.min;
const mmax = Math.max;
const mPI = Math.PI;
const mPIS2 = Math.PI / 2;
const mPIS3 = Math.PI / 3;
const m2PI = Math.PI * 2;
const m2PIS3 = (Math.PI * 2) / 3;
const msin = Math.sin;
const mcos = Math.cos;
const matan2 = Math.atan2;
const mhypot = Math.hypot;
const msqrt = Math.sqrt;
function isMiniature() {
return location.pathname.includes("/fullcpgrid/");
function alea(mini, maxi) {
// random number in given range
if (typeof maxi == "undefined") return mini * mrandom(); // range 0..mini
return mini + mrandom() * (maxi - mini); // range mini..maxi
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function intAlea(mini, maxi) {
// random integer in given range (mini..maxi - 1 or 0..mini - 1)
if (typeof maxi == "undefined") return mfloor(mini * mrandom()); // range 0..mini - 1
return mini + mfloor(mrandom() * (maxi - mini)); // range mini .. maxi - 1
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function arrayShuffle(array) {
/* randomly changes the order of items in an array
only the order is modified, not the elements
let k1, temp;
for (let k = array.length - 1; k >= 1; --k) {
k1 = intAlea(0, k + 1);
temp = array[k];
array[k] = array[k1];
array[k1] = temp;
} // for k
return array;
} // arrayShuffle
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function lerp(p0, p1, alpha) {
return {
x: (1 - alpha) * p0.x + alpha * p1.x,
y: (1 - alpha) * p0.y + alpha * p1.y
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/* splits bezier quadratic curve given by 3 points into two parts
the division point is given by coeff alpha (0..1)
Beware : some of the points in returned value really are points of input bezier curve, not clones
function splitQuadratic(bezier, alpha) {
let pa = lerp(bezier[0], bezier[1], alpha);
let pb = lerp(bezier[1], bezier[2], alpha);
let pc = lerp(pa, pb, alpha);
return [
[bezier[0], pa, pc],
[pc, pb, bezier[2]]
} // splitQuadratic
function generatePoints(t) {
return t.points.map((p) => ({ x: p.x, y: p.y })); // shallow copy
} // generate points
class SortedArray {
/* creates a sorted array of any kind of things, by intersting them into an initially empty array
the comparison function used for sorting is given to the constructor
Things are inserted using .insert method
sorted array is in the .tb property of the instance
the indexOf property lets you know if thing already existed according to fCompar, and at what index
just use doInsert(no parameters) after indexOf to insert thing at found (not -1) index
/* CAUTION : if duplicates are allowed, indexOf is NOT garanteed to return the index of actual thing - only a thing
which returns 0 when compared with given thing. Use regular Array.indexOf on instance.tb instead.
constructor(fCompar, keepDuplicates = false) {
/* fCompar is the function which will be called to compare the things that will be inserted
in this.tb
fCompar(a,b) must return number < 0 if a must be placed before b
== 0 if a and b are considered equal
> 0 if a must be placed after b
this.tb = [];
this.fCompar = fCompar;
this.keepDuplicates = keepDuplicates;
indexOf(thing) {
this.thing = thing;
// search for place to insert thing, using comparison function this.fCompar
// if found, returns the index of thing in this.tb, else returns -1
// sets this.insertAt for future insertion
let cmp;
if (this.tb.length == 0) {
this.insertAt = 0;
return -1;
let a = 0,
c = this.tb.length - 1;
let b;
do {
b = Math.floor((a + c) / 2);
cmp = this.fCompar(this.tb[b], thing);
switch (true) {
case cmp < 0: // thing after b
if (b == c) {
// beyond c
this.insertAt = c + 1;
return -1;
if (a == b) ++b; // not to stay on same interval, if its length is 1 or 2
a = b; // after b : search (b, c) now
case cmp == 0:
this.insertAt = b;
return b; // found !
//thing before b
if (b == a) {
// before a
this.insertAt = a;
return -1;
c = b; // search (a, b) now
} while (true);
} // indexOf
doInsert() {
// DO NOT CALL TWICE WITHOUT getting new (!= -1) indexOf
this.tb.splice(this.insertAt, 0, this.thing);
insert(thing) {
/* inserts thing */
if (this.indexOf(thing) != -1 && !this.keepDuplicates) return; // already exists and refused
this.tb.splice(this.insertAt, 0, thing);
} // class SortedArray
class Edge {
constructor(p0, p1) {
if (p0.kp <= p1.kp) {
this.p0 = p0;
this.p1 = p1;
} else {
this.p0 = p1;
this.p1 = p0;
this.tris = []; // to record up to 2 triangles attached to this edge
attachTriangle(tri) {
// includes a triangle in and edge's tris array
// AND includes itself in this triangle's edges array
// AND more
if (!this.p0.tris.includes(tri)) this.p0.tris.push(tri);
if (!this.p1.tris.includes(tri)) this.p1.tris.push(tri);
if (!this.p0.edges.includes(this)) this.p0.edges.push(this);
if (!this.p1.edges.includes(this)) this.p1.edges.push(this);
if (tri.a == this.p0) {
if (tri.b == this.p1) {
this.tris[0] = tri;
tri.edges[0] = this;
} else {
this.tris[1] = tri;
tri.edges[2] = this;
if (tri.b == this.p0) {
if (tri.c == this.p1) {
this.tris[0] = tri;
tri.edges[1] = this;
} else {
this.tris[1] = tri;
tri.edges[0] = this;
if (tri.c == this.p0) {
if (tri.a == this.p1) {
this.tris[0] = tri;
tri.edges[2] = this;
} else {
this.tris[1] = tri;
tri.edges[1] = this;
} // class Edge
class Triangle {
constructor(a, b, c) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.vertices = [this.a, this.b, this.c];
const m11 = 2 * (b.x - a.x);
const m21 = 2 * (c.x - a.x);
const m12 = 2 * (b.y - a.y);
const m22 = 2 * (c.y - a.y);
const c1 = b.x * b.x - a.x * a.x + b.y * b.y - a.y * a.y;
const c2 = c.x * c.x - a.x * a.x + c.y * c.y - a.y * a.y;
const det = m11 * m22 - m21 * m12;
this.xc = (c1 * m22 - c2 * m12) / det;
this.yc = (m11 * c2 - m21 * c1) / det;
this.r = Math.hypot(this.xc - this.a.x, this.yc - this.a.y);
} // constructor
inCircumCircle(p) {
return Math.hypot(p.x - this.xc, p.y - this.yc) < this.r;
hasEdge(p1, p2) {
// (was written before the above "Edge" class)
return (
(p1 == this.a || p1 == this.b || p1 == this.c) &&
(p2 == this.a || p2 == this.b || p2 == this.c)
listTris() {
let other;
this.tris = [];
this.edges.forEach((edge, kEdge) => {
other = edge.tris[0] == this ? edge.tris[1] : edge.tris[0];
if (other) this.tris[kEdge] = other;
} // listTris
draw(fillStyle, lineWidth, strokeStyle) {
ctx.moveTo(this.a.x, this.a.y);
ctx.lineTo(this.b.x, this.b.y);
ctx.lineTo(this.c.x, this.c.y);
if (fillStyle) {
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
if (lineWidth) {
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
} // draw
} // Triangle
class Delaunay {
/* Delaunay based on based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowyer%E2%80%93Watson_algorithm
constructor(points, maxx, maxy, margin) {
let triangulation, badTriangles, polygon;
/* maxx and maxy are given here ONLY to determine the initial triangle, assuming
all points are in a (-margin, -margin)-(maxx + margin, maxy + margin) rectangle
actual extreme coordinates of points could be used instead of maxx and maxy
maxx and maxy are both supposed > 0
/* triangulation := empty triangle mesh data structure*/
/* add super-triangle to triangulation // must be large enough to completely contain all the points in pointList */
/* the super-triangle has a vertex in [-margin-1, -margin-1] and 2 sides parallel to the axis
The 3rd side is a 45 degrees slanted line passing by [maxx + margin + 1, maxy + margin + 1]
/!\ CAUTION : all triangles generated will have the same orientation as this initial super-triangle
const numPts = points.length;
const pts = points.map((p, kp) => ({ x: p.x, y: p.y, kp })); // array of points - future vertices
this.points = pts;
let supert = [
{ x: -margin - 1, y: maxx + maxy + 3 * margin + 3 }, // points turning clockwise on a JS 2D canvas
{ x: -margin - 1, y: -margin - 1 },
{ x: maxx + maxy + 3 * margin + 3, y: -margin - 1 }
triangulation = [new Triangle(...supert)];
for each point in pointList do // add all the points one at a time to the triangulation
for (let kp = 0; kp < numPts; ++kp) {
let point = pts[kp];
badTriangles := empty set
badTriangles = [];
for each triangle in triangulation do // first find all the triangles that are no longer valid due to the insertion
for (let kt = 0; kt < triangulation.length; ++kt) {
if (triangulation[kt].inCircumCircle(point))
} // for kt
polygon = [];
for (let kt = 0; kt < badTriangles.length; ++kt) {
let tri = badTriangles[kt];
if (
(othertri) => othertri !== tri && othertri.hasEdge(tri.a, tri.b)
polygon.push([tri.a, tri.b]);
if (
(othertri) => othertri !== tri && othertri.hasEdge(tri.b, tri.c)
polygon.push([tri.b, tri.c]);
if (
(othertri) => othertri !== tri && othertri.hasEdge(tri.c, tri.a)
polygon.push([tri.c, tri.a]);
} // for kt
/* remove bad triangles from triangulation */
for (let kt = 0; kt < badTriangles.length; ++kt) {
let tri = badTriangles[kt];
triangulation.splice(triangulation.indexOf(tri), 1);
} // for kt
/* add triangulation new triangles built on point and polygon
polygon.forEach((edge) =>
triangulation.push(new Triangle(point, edge[0], edge[1]))
} // points.forEach
/* remove super-triangle */
for (let kt = triangulation.length - 1; kt >= 0; --kt) {
let tri = triangulation[kt];
if (supert.includes(tri.a)) {
triangulation.splice(kt, 1);
if (supert.includes(tri.b)) {
triangulation.splice(kt, 1);
if (supert.includes(tri.c)) {
triangulation.splice(kt, 1);
this.triangulation = triangulation;
} // constructor
analyze() {
this.points.forEach((p) => {
p.tris = [];
p.edges = [];
this.triangulation.forEach((tri) => (tri.edges = []));
this.edgesList = new SortedArray((e0, e1) => {
if (e0.p0.kp - e1.p0.kp) return e0.p0.kp - e1.p0.kp;
else return e0.p1.kp - e1.p1.kp;
this.triangulation.forEach((tri) => {
let ed = new Edge(tri.a, tri.b);
let kedge = this.edgesList.indexOf(ed);
if (kedge == -1) this.edgesList.doInsert();
else ed = this.edgesList.tb[kedge];
ed = new Edge(tri.b, tri.c);
kedge = this.edgesList.indexOf(ed);
if (kedge == -1) this.edgesList.doInsert();
else ed = this.edgesList.tb[kedge];
ed = new Edge(tri.c, tri.a);
kedge = this.edgesList.indexOf(ed);
if (kedge == -1) this.edgesList.doInsert();
else ed = this.edgesList.tb[kedge];
/* sort triangles around every point */
this.points.forEach((p) => {
const newEdges = [];
const newTris = [];
let edge0, tri;
if (p.tris.length != p.edges.length) {
// if point is on edge of complete figure
edge0 = p.edges.find(
(edge) =>
(edge.p0 == p && edge.tris[0] && !edge.tris[1]) ||
(edge.p1 == p && edge.tris[1] && !edge.tris[0])
if (edge0 === undefined) edge0 = p.edges[0];
} else {
edge0 = p.edges[0];
while (true) {
/* find triangle with vertex p and edge edge0 starting from p and turning clockwise */
tri = edge0.tris[edge0.p0 == p ? 0 : 1];
if (tri === undefined) break; // p was on perimeter, reached end
if (newEdges.length == p.edges.length) break; // made full revolution around p
/* find other side of tri ending at p */
switch (p) {
case tri.a:
edge0 = tri.edges[2];
break; // ca
case tri.b:
edge0 = tri.edges[0];
break; // ab
case tri.c:
edge0 = tri.edges[1];
} // switch
} // while (true)
p.tris = newTris;
p.edges = newEdges;
} // analyze
drawEdges() {
ctx.lineWidth = 1.5;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#ffffffa0";
this.edgesList.tb.forEach((edge) => {
ctx.moveTo(edge.p0.x, edge.p0.y);
ctx.lineTo(edge.p1.x, edge.p1.y);
} // drawEdges
deleteSharps() {
/* remove triangles with too sharp angles from the periphery of the triangulation */
let sharps = [];
let cosangle;
let p0, p1, dx, dy, len;
this.triangulation.forEach((tri) => {
dx = [];
dy = [];
len = [];
for (let k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
p0 = tri.vertices[k];
p1 = tri.vertices[(k + 1) % 3];
dx[k] = p1.x - p0.x;
dy[k] = p1.y - p0.y;
len[k] = mhypot(dx[k], dy[k]);
for (let k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
let k1 = (k + 1) % 3;
cosangle = -(dx[k1] * dx[k] + dy[k] * dy[k1]) / len[k] / len[k1];
if (cosangle > 0.9) {
} // very sharp angle
}); //
while (sharps.length) {
let found, kfound; // changed nothing (yet) during this loop
kfound = sharps.findIndex(
(tri) => tri.tris.filter(() => true).length < 3
if (kfound == -1) break; // no more triangle to remove
found = sharps[kfound]; // found one to delete ...
sharps.splice(kfound, 1); // remove from list
/* remove this triangle from
- its neighbors' neighborhood
- its edges
if an edge becomes empty, remove it from edges AND points'edges
- its vertices
found.tris.forEach((neigh) => {
// neighbors' neighborhood
let kn = neigh.tris.indexOf(found);
delete neigh.tris[kn];
found.edges.forEach((ed) => {
// edges
let kn = ed.tris.indexOf(found);
delete ed.tris[kn];
if (ed.tris.reduce((sum, el) => (el ? 1 : 0), 0) == 0) {
// edge becomes empty
this.edgesList.tb.splice(this.edgesList.tb.indexOf(ed), 1);
ed.p0.edges.splice(ed.p0.edges.indexOf(ed), 1);
ed.p1.edges.splice(ed.p1.edges.indexOf(ed), 1);
// the disappearance of the points will be processed when deleting vertices. Maybe, not sure it is useful
found.vertices.forEach((p) => {
// vertices
p.tris.splice(p.tris.indexOf(found), 1);
if (p.tris.length == 0) this.points.splice(this.points.indexOf(p), 1); // indices of points become pointless
tr.triangulation.splice(tr.triangulation.indexOf(found), 1);
} // while
} // deleteSharps
} // Delaunay
class BridsonPoint {
constructor(brid, x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.kx = Math.floor(x / brid.square);
this.ky = Math.floor(y / brid.square);
distance(p) {
return mhypot(this.x - p.x, this.y - p.y);
} // distance
} // BridsonPoint
class Bridson {
/* based on https://sighack.com/post/poisson-disk-sampling-bridsons-algorithm */
constructor(width, height, dist, nbTries) {
/* area is 0..width, 0..height
creates a set of points in this area */
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.dist = dist;
this.nbTries = nbTries;
// create a grid with the right dimensions
this.square = this.dist / Math.sqrt(2);
this.nbx = mceil(width / this.square);
this.nby = mceil(height / this.square);
const terrain = new Array(this.nby)
.map((v, ky) => new Array(this.nbx).fill(-1));
this.terrain = terrain;
const points = [];
this.points = points;
const list = [];
this.list = list;
// pick 1st point at random and record it
let x = alea(width);
let y = alea(height);
list.push(new BridsonPoint(this, x, y)); // initialize list with a point
terrain[list[0].ky][list[0].kx] = list[0];
while (list.length) {
let posp = intAlea(list.length);
let p = list[posp];
let found = false;
for (let k = 0; k < nbTries; ++k) {
let p1 = this.rndr2r();
p1 = new BridsonPoint(this, p.x + p1.x, p.y + p1.y);
if (this.isAcceptable(p1)) {
found = true;
} // for k
if (!found) list.splice(posp, 1);
} // while list.length
// add each BridsonPoint its index in "points"
points.forEach((p, k) => (p.kList = k));
} // constructor
rndr2r() {
/* returns a random point at a distance from origin between this.dist and 2 * this.dist
with constant density
// const r = this.dist * msqrt(1 + 3 * Math.random()); // that's the key!
let rnd = Math.random();
rnd *= rnd;
const r = this.dist * (1 + rnd * rnd); // rnd ^ 4 : higher density at lower radius
const th = Math.PI * Math.random() * 2;
return { x: r * Math.cos(th), y: r * Math.sin(th) };
} // rndr2r
isAcceptable(p) {
if (p.x < 0 || p.x >= this.width || p.y < 0 || p.y >= this.height)
return false; // out of area !
let kx0 = mmax(0, p.kx - 2),
kx1 = mmin(p.kx + 2, this.nbx - 1);
loop2: for (
let kky = mmax(0, p.ky - 2);
kky <= mmin(p.ky + 2, this.nby - 1);
) {
for (let kkx = kx0; kkx <= kx1; ++kkx) {
if (this.terrain[kky][kkx] != -1) {
if (
p.x - this.terrain[kky][kkx].x,
p.y - this.terrain[kky][kkx].y
) <= this.dist
return false;
} // for kkx
} // for kky
// this point is acceptable
this.terrain[p.ky][p.kx] = p; // record new point
return true;
closest(p) {
/* finds closest point */
/* tries points in a +/- n squares area around the point */
let n = 1;
let prox = 9e99;
let closep;
let p1, d;
while (true) {
for (let k = mmax(0, p.kx - n); k <= mmin(p.kx + n, this.nbx - 1); ++k) {
if (p.ky - n >= 0 && (p1 = this.terrain[p.ky - n][k])) check();
if (p.ky + n < this.nby && (p1 = this.terrain[p.ky + n][k])) check();
} // for k
for (
let k = mmax(0, p.ky - n + 1);
k <= mmin(p.ky + n - 1, this.nby - 1);
) {
if (p.kx - n >= 0 && (p1 = this.terrain[k][p.kx - n])) check();
if (p.kx + n < this.nbx && (p1 = this.terrain[k][p.kx + n])) check();
} // for k
if (closep) break;
} // while
return closep;
function check() {
d = p.distance(p1);
if (d < prox) {
closep = p1;
prox = d;
} // check;
} // Bridson
class Line {
constructor() {
this.pts = [];
let hue = intAlea(360);
let hue1 = (hue + 180) % 360;
this.strokeStyle1 = `hsl(${hue} 100% 50%)`;
this.strokeStyle2 = `hsl(${hue1} 100% 50%)`;
addPoint(p) {
draw(alpha) {
/* returns true id completeley drawn */
/* alpha = 0(single dot) .. this.pts.length - 1(all segments in full */
let p, np;
let prevp;
alpha = mmin(alpha, this.pts.length - 1);
let intAlpha = mfloor(alpha);
let fractAlpha = alpha - intAlpha;
if (intAlpha == this.pts.length - 1) {
// trick to avoid to access beyond end of points list
intAlpha = this.pts.length - 2;
fractAlpha = 1;
for (let k = 0; k <= intAlpha; ++k) {
p = this.pts[k];
if (k == 0) {
ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
prevp = p;
np = this.pts[k + 1];
if (k !== this.pts.length - 2) np = lerp(p, np, 0.5);
let [a, b, c] = [prevp, p, np];
if (k == intAlpha) {
[a, b, c] = splitQuadratic([a, b, c], fractAlpha)[0];
prevp = np;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y);
ctx.lineWidth = distBridson / 2.5;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.strokeStyle1;
ctx.lineWidth = distBridson / 2.5 - 4;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.strokeStyle2;
return alpha >= this.pts.length - 1;
} // draw
} // class Line
function selectLines() {
let lines = [];
let pt, line, nexts;
let toBeVisited = arrayShuffle(tr.points.slice());
while (toBeVisited.length) {
pt = toBeVisited.pop();
line = new Line();
while (true) {
nexts = pt.neighbors.filter((n) => toBeVisited.indexOf(n) !== -1);
if (nexts.length == 0) {
// can't continue, end of this line
if (line.pts.length < 2) break; // not a real line, reject
lines.push(line); // real line, keep it
break; // to begin next line
// select one point
pt = nexts[intAlea(nexts.length)];
toBeVisited.splice(toBeVisited.indexOf(pt), 1); // remove selected point from list
} // while (true)
return lines;
} // selectLines
let animate;
// scope for animate
let animState = 0;
let tInit = 0;
let av;
animate = function (tStamp) {
let message;
let finished;
let dt;
message = messages.shift();
if (message && message.message == "reset") animState = 0;
if (message && message.message == "click") animState = 0;
switch (animState) {
case 0:
if (startOver(message)) {
tInit = performance.now();
av = 0;
case 1:
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, maxx, maxy);
finished = true;
dt = performance.now() - tInit; // delta time
tInit += dt;
av += dt * speed; // change in head position
lines.forEach((ln) => {
finished &= ln.draw(av);
if (finished) ++animState;
if (withEdges) tr.drawEdges();
case 2:
if (message && message.message == "edges") tr.drawEdges();
if (message && message.message == "mouseup") animState = 1;
} // switch
}; // animate
} // scope for animate
function startOver(message) {
// canvas dimensions
maxx = window.innerWidth;
maxy = window.innerHeight;
const margin = -5; // distBridson; // (hide periphery) or slighly negative values (see periphery) make sense */
canv.width = maxx;
canv.height = maxy;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.lineCap = "round";
if (message && message.message == "click") {
distBridson = 20 + (50 * message.y) / maxy;
} else distBridson = intAlea(20, 70);
let init = performance.now();
let t = new Bridson(maxx + 2 * margin, maxy + 2 * margin, distBridson, 30);
let points = generatePoints(t); // shallow copy of BridsonPoints, without all the stuff which was only useful to creating the points
points.forEach((p) => {
p.x -= margin;
p.y -= margin;
tr = new Delaunay(points, maxx, maxy, margin);
tr.triangulation.forEach((tri) => tri.listTris());
(p) =>
(p.neighbors = p.edges.map((edge) => (edge.p0 == p ? edge.p1 : edge.p0)))
// tr.drawEdges();
lines = selectLines();
return true;
} // startOver
function mouseDown(event) {
if (event.buttons == 1)
messages.push({ message: "click", x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY });
else if (event.buttons == 2) {
messages.push({ message: "edges" });
withEdges = true;
} // mouseDown
function mouseUp(event) {
if (event.buttons == 0) {
messages.push({ message: "mouseup" });
withEdges = false;
} // mouseUp
function mouseMove(event) {
if (maxx) {
speed = mmin(1, event.clientX / maxx);
speed = 1 / 1000 + (1 / 20 - 1 / 1000) * speed;
} // mouseUp
// beginning of execution
canv = document.createElement("canvas");
canv.style.position = "absolute";
ctx = canv.getContext("2d");
canv.setAttribute("title", "click me");
} // creation CANVAS
canv.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => event.preventDefault());
canv.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown);
canv.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp);
canv.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
messages = [{ message: "reset" }];
if (!isMiniature()) {
document.querySelector("dialog button").addEventListener("click", () => {
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.