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Developer Zahid
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--status"><span class="status-indicator status-indicator--active"></span>Active</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--types">Attendee, F1</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--update">Jul 17, 2021, 01:14 PM</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--country">Bangladesh</td>
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John Doe
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--status"><span class="status-indicator status-indicator--new"></span>New</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--types">Attendee, F5</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--update">Apr 24, 2021, 11:36 AM</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--country">USA</td>
<tr class="responsive-table__row">
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--name">
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Ryan Guill
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--status"><span class="status-indicator status-indicator--inactive"></span>Inactive</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--types">Attendee, MSR</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--update">Aug 30, 2021, 05:54 PM</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--country">Canada</td>
<tr class="responsive-table__row">
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Dan Broughan
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--status"><span class="status-indicator status-indicator--active"></span>Active</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--types">Attendee, Instructor, MSR</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--update">Dec 15, 2021, 08:25 AM</td>
<td class="responsive-table__body__text responsive-table__body__text--country">US</td>
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