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<title>Calculator (v2.9)</title>
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background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
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<div class="calculator">
<div class="calcSplit">
<div id="calcLeft">
<div class="priceCalculator">
<div class="separators">
<form id="calculatorForm" onChange="costCalc()">
<div class="quoteType">
<input type="radio" id="foamAndCover" name="quoteType" value="foamAndCover" checked="checked"/>
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<input type="radio" id="foamOnly" name="quoteType" value="foamOnly"/>
<label for="foamOnly">
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<label for="coverOnly">
<div class="shapeDims">
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<label for="shapedShape">SHAPED</label>
<div class="dimensionsContainer">
<div class="measurementTypeContainer">
<!-- <div class="containerh3">
</div> -->
<div class="measurementType">
<input type="radio" id="cmMeasurement" name="measurementType" value="cmMeasurement" checked="checked" />
<label for="cmMeasurement">CM</label>
<input type="radio" id="inchesMeasurement" name="measurementType" value="inchesMeasurement" />
<label for="inchesMeasurement">INCHES</label>
<div class="measurementInput">
<input type="number" id="lengthInput" name="measurementInput" value="" placeholder="Length" step="0.01" onKeyup="costCalc()" />
<input type="number" id="widthInput" name="measurementInput" value="" placeholder="Width" step="0.01" onKeyup="costCalc()" />
<input type="number" id="depthInput" name="measurementInput" value="" placeholder="Thickness" step="0.01" onKeyup="costCalc()" />
<div id="meterageContainer">
<h4 id="meterageOutput">1m</h4>
<hr id="wideSeparator" />
<div class="containerh3">
<!-- <h3>Extras</h3> -->
<div class="checkboxesContainer">
<div class="extrasInput">
<!-- <div class="extraCheckbox" id="pipingDisplay">
<label for="pipingExtra">
<input type="checkbox" id="pipingExtra" name="extrasInput" value="pipingExtra" />
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<div class="extraCheckbox" id="waddingDisplay">
<label for="waddingExtra">
<input type="checkbox" id="waddingExtra" name="extrasInput" value="waddingExtra" />
<span>Polyester Wadding</span>
<div class="extraCheckbox" id="tiesDisplay">
<label for="tiesExtra">
<input type="checkbox" id="tiesExtra" name="extrasInput" value="tiesExtra" />
<span>Fabric Ties</span>
<div class="extraCheckbox" id="velcroDisplay">
<label for="velcroExtra">
<input type="checkbox" id="velcroExtra" name="extrasInput" value="velcroExtra" />
<div class="extraCheckbox" id="antislipDisplay">
<label for="antislipExtra">
<input type="checkbox" id="antislipExtra" name="extrasInput" value="antislipExtra" />
<span>Anti-Slip Rubber</span>
<div class="extraCheckbox" id="plywoodDisplay">
<label for="plywoodExtra">
<input type="checkbox" id="plywoodExtra" name="extrasInput" value="plywoodExtra" />
<div id="freeStockinette">
<p1>Free stockinette included</p1>
<hr id="wideSeparator" />
<div class="measurementTypeContainer">
<!-- <div class="containerh3">
</div> -->
<!-- <div class="viewsContainer">
<div class="views">
<input type="radio" id="smpView" name="views" value="smpView" checked="checked" />
<label for="smpView">Simple</label>
<input type="radio" id="advView" name="views" value="advView" />
<label for="smpView">Advanced</label>
</div> -->
<!-- <hr>
<div class="finalTotal">
<h3>TOTAL: £<span id="finalPrice"></span></h3>
<div id="disclaimer" style="display: none">
<p1>*Price is based on any of our low range fabrics, medium or high range fabric cost will differ</p1>
</div> -->
<div id="calcRight">
<div class="price">
<div class="priceItems" id="calcRight">
<div id="summaryLeft">
<div class="summary priceTotal">
<h4>Price: £<span id="totalPrice"></span></h4>
<div class="summary" id="pipedDisplay">
<h4>Piped: £<span id="pipedPrice"></span></h4>
<div class="summary deliveryTotal">
<h4>Delivery: £<span id="totalDeliveryPrice"></span></h4>
<!-- <div class="summary unpipedTotal">
<h4>Total: £<span id="totalUnpipedPrice"></span></h4>
<div class="summary pipedTotal">
<h4>Total Piped: £<span id="totalPipedPrice"></span></h4>
</div> -->
<div id="summaryRight">
<div class="foamTypes summary">
<h4>Reflex: £<span id="greyFoamPrice"></span></h4>
<h4>Topper: £<span id="topperPrice"></span></h4>
<h4>Quick-Dry: £<span id="quickFoamPrice"></span></h4>
const piping = document.getElementById("pipingDisplay");
const buttons = document.getElementById("buttonsDisplay");
const wadding = document.getElementById("waddingDisplay");
const ties = document.getElementById("tiesDisplay");
const velcro = document.getElementById("velcroDisplay");
const antislip = document.getElementById("antislipDisplay");
const plywood = document.getElementById("plywoodDisplay");
const foamPrices = document.getElementById("summaryRight");
const meterageOutput = document.getElementById("meterageOutput");
// const pipedDisplay = document.getElementById("pipedDisplay");
let totalPrice = document.getElementById("totalPrice");
let totalDeliveryPrice = document.getElementById("totalDeliveryPrice");
let finalPrice = document.getElementById("finalPrice");
let pipedPrice = document.getElementById("pipedPrice");
let greyPrice = document.getElementById("greyFoamPrice");
let topperPrice = document.getElementById("topperPrice");
let quickPrice = document.getElementById("quickFoamPrice");
let foamPrice = 0;
let coverPrice = 0;
let length = 0.0;
let width = 0.0;
let depth = 0.0;
let lengthCalc = document
.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
lengthCalc = parseFloat(e.target.value);
length = lengthCalc;
lengthMetreage = lengthCalc
let widthCalc = document
.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
widthCalc = parseFloat(e.target.value);
width = widthCalc;
let depthCalc = document
.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
depthCalc = parseFloat(e.target.value);
depth = depthCalc;
let currentPrice = 0;
totalPrice.textContent = 0;
totalDeliveryPrice.textContent = 0;
greyPrice.textContent = 0;
topperPrice.textContent = 0;
quickPrice.textContent = 0;
pipedPrice.textContent = 0;
finalPrice.textContent = 0;
function quoteTypeImage() {
const foamAndCoverImage = document.getElementById("foamAndCover");
const foamImage = document.getElementById("foamOnly");
const CoverImage = document.getElementById("coverOnly");
// let typeImages = document.getElementById('typeImages');
// if (foamAndCoverImage.checked) {
// typeImages.src = "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0eaffa_be74d96f40394d50ae6d320882fbcc76~mv2.png";
// }
// if (foamImage.checked) {
// typeImages.src = "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0eaffa_97375db50a504235b3a8370be0151ed8~mv2.png";
// }
// if (CoverImage.checked) {
// typeImages.src = "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0eaffa_165a97420cd84693907fb24cc461f991~mv2.png";
// }
function costCalc() {
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
foamPrice = ((length / 2.54) * (width / 2.54) * (depth / 2.54)) * 0.009;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
foamPrice = ((length * width * depth)) * 0.009;
if (foamPrice < 10) {
foamPrice = 10;
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (width < 66.04) {
coverPrice = (length / 2.54) + 5;
} else if (width >= 66.04 && width < 91.44) {
coverPrice = (length / 2.54) + 15;
} else if (width >= 91.44 && width < 116.84) {
coverPrice = (length / 2.54) + 25;
} else if (width >= 116.84 && width < 142.24) {
coverPrice = (length / 2.54) + 35;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (width < 26) {
coverPrice = length + 5;
} else if (width >= 26 && width < 36) {
coverPrice = length + 15;
} else if (width >= 36 && width < 46) {
coverPrice = length + 25;
} else if (width >= 46 && width < 56) {
coverPrice = length + 35;
if (coverPrice < 25) {
coverPrice = 25;
if (foamOnly.checked) {
currentPrice = foamPrice + (foamPrice * 0.06);
} else if (coverOnly.checked) {
currentPrice = coverPrice;
} else {
currentPrice = (foamPrice + coverPrice + (foamPrice * 0.06));
if (shapedShape.checked && (foamOnly.checked || coverOnly.checked)) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 20;
} else if (shapedShape.checked && foamAndCover.checked && cmMeasurement.checked && length < 100) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 20;
} else if (shapedShape.checked && foamAndCover.checked && cmMeasurement.checked && length >= 100) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 40;
} else if (shapedShape.checked && foamAndCover.checked && inchesMeasurement.checked && length < 39) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 20;
} else if (shapedShape.checked && foamAndCover.checked && inchesMeasurement.checked && length >= 39) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 40;
if (foamOnly.checked) {
buttonsExtra.checked = false;
tiesExtra.checked = false;
velcroExtra.checked = false;
buttons.style.display = "none";
wadding.style.display = "block";
ties.style.display = "none";
velcro.style.display = "none";
foamPrices.style.display = "flex";
plywood.style.display = "none";
} else if (coverOnly.checked) {
buttonsExtra.checked = false;
waddingExtra.checked = false;
buttons.style.display = "none";
wadding.style.display = "none";
ties.style.display = "block";
velcro.style.display = "block";
foamPrices.style.display = "none";
plywood.style.display = "none";
} else {
buttons.style.display = "block";
wadding.style.display = "block";
ties.style.display = "block";
velcro.style.display = "block";
foamPrices.style.display = "flex";
plywood.style.display = "block";
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (waddingExtra.checked && length < 100) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 12;
} else if (waddingExtra.checked && length >= 100 && length < 120) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 14;
} else if (waddingExtra.checked && length >= 120 && length < 180) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 16;
} else if (waddingExtra.checked && length > 180) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 18;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (waddingExtra.checked && length < 40) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 12;
} else if (waddingExtra.checked && length >= 40 && length < 50) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 14;
} else if (waddingExtra.checked && length >= 50 && length < 70) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 16;
} else if (waddingExtra.checked && length >= 70) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 18;
// if (pipingExtra.checked && boxShape.checked) {
// currentPrice = currentPrice + (coverPrice * 0.55);
// } else if ((shapedShape.checked && (coverOnly.checked || foamAndCover.checked) && pipingExtra.checked)) {
// currentPrice = currentPrice + ((coverPrice + 20) * 0.55);
// }
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (buttonsExtra.checked && length < 100) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 35;
} else if (buttonsExtra.checked && length >= 100) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 45;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (buttonsExtra.checked && length < 39) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 35;
} else if (buttonsExtra.checked && length >= 39) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 45;
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (velcroExtra.checked && length < 110) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 10;
} else if (velcroExtra.checked && length >= 110 && length < 160) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 15;
} else if (velcroExtra.checked && length >= 160 && length < 210) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 20;
} else if (velcroExtra.checked && length > 210 ) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 25;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (velcroExtra.checked && length < 43) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 10;
} else if (velcroExtra.checked && length >= 43 && length < 63) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 15;
} else if (velcroExtra.checked && length >= 63 && length < 82) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 20;
} else if (velcroExtra.checked && length >= 82) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 25;
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (antislipExtra.checked && length < 110) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 10;
} else if (antislipExtra.checked && length >= 110 && length < 160) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 15;
} else if (antislipExtra.checked && length >= 160 && length < 210) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 20;
} else if (antislipExtra.checked && length > 210 ) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 25;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (antislipExtra.checked && length < 43) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 10;
} else if (antislipExtra.checked && length >= 43 && length < 63) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 15;
} else if (antislipExtra.checked && length >= 63 && length < 82) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 20;
} else if (antislipExtra.checked && length >= 82) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 25;
if (plywoodExtra.checked) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 110;
if (tiesExtra.checked) {
currentPrice = currentPrice + 10;
if (coverOnly.checked) {
totalDeliveryPrice.textContent = 12;
totalDelivery = 12;
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (length < 180 && (foamOnly.checked || foamAndCover.checked)) {
totalDeliveryPrice.textContent = 15;
totalDelivery = 15;
} else if (length >= 180 && (foamOnly.checked || foamAndCover.checked)) {
totalDeliveryPrice.textContent = 20;
totalDelivery = 20;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (length < 70 && (foamOnly.checked || foamAndCover.checked)) {
totalDeliveryPrice.textContent = 15;
totalDelivery = 15;
} else if (length >= 70 && (foamOnly.checked || foamAndCover.checked)) {
totalDeliveryPrice.textContent = 20;
totalDelivery = 20;
if (foamOnly.checked) {
greyPrice.textContent = parseInt(foamPrice + (foamPrice * 0.63));
} else if (foamAndCover.checked) {
greyPrice.textContent = parseInt(foamPrice * 0.47);
if (greyPrice.textContent < 20) {
greyPrice.textContent = 20;
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (length < 100) {
topperPrice.textContent = 10;
} else if (length >= 100 && length < 200) {
topperPrice.textContent = 20;
} else if (length >= 200) {
topperPrice.textContent = 30;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (length < 39) {
topperPrice.textContent = 10;
} else if (length >= 39 && length < 78) {
topperPrice.textContent = 20;
} else if (length >= 78) {
topperPrice.textContent = 30;
quickPrice.textContent = parseInt(foamPrice + (foamPrice * 0.96));
if (quickPrice.textContent < 20) {
quickPrice.textContent = 20;
currentPrice = currentPrice + (currentPrice * 0.1);
if (foamAndCover.checked) {
pipedPrice.textContent = parseInt(currentPrice + (coverPrice * 0.82));
} else if (coverOnly.checked) {
pipedPrice.textContent = parseInt(currentPrice + (currentPrice * 0.75));
totalPrice.textContent = parseInt(currentPrice);
finalPrice.textContent = parseInt(totalDelivery + currentPrice);
function meterageCalc() {
lengthMetreage = lengthCalc;
lengthMetreage = lengthMetreage * widthMulti;
meterageOutput.textContent = `${meterage}m`;
`calculating..., ${meterage}m, ${length} x ${width}, ${widthMulti}`
function widthCheck() {
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (width <= 57) {
widthMulti = 1;
} else if (width >= 58) {
widthMulti = 2;
} else {
widthMulti = 1;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (width <= 22) {
widthMulti = 1;
} else if (width >= 23) {
widthMulti = 2;
} else {
widthMulti = 1;
return widthMulti
function fabricMeterage() {
if (cmMeasurement.checked) {
if (lengthMetreage >= 494) {
meterage = 5.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 444) {
meterage = 5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 394) {
meterage = 4.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 344) {
meterage = 4;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 294) {
meterage = 3.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 244) {
meterage = 3;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 194) {
meterage = 2.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 144) {
meterage = 2;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 94) {
meterage = 1.5;
} else {
meterage = 1;
} else if (inchesMeasurement.checked) {
if (lengthMetreage >= 194) {
meterage = 5.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 174) {
meterage = 5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 135) {
meterage = 4.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 344) {
meterage = 4;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 115) {
meterage = 3.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 96) {
meterage = 3;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 76) {
meterage = 2.5;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 56) {
meterage = 2;
} else if (lengthMetreage >= 37) {
meterage = 1.5;
} else {
meterage = 1;
return meterage;
$("input[type=number]").on("mousewheel", function (e) {
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